Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1160: Ghost hits the wall

Saying this, the two immediately put it into practice.

Although this bamboo is not as easy to climb as a tree, the higher it is, the thinner it becomes, and it will shake when it climbs up, but to Shangguan and Ji Ning, this is nothing.

Moreover, the bamboo forest is dense and not easy to walk through, but it is good for climbing upwards. They can rely on each other and will not fall down.

Ji Ning used the bamboo that had been chopped down and simply made a support so that he could stay at a higher place for a longer time. Then, he found a thicker bamboo.

Shangguan said: "I am lighter, let me go up."

Regarding this point, Ji Ning has no opinion.

He also didn't have any thoughts. He went to fight with Shangguan for a lighter posture. He just made a "please" gesture to let Shangguan go up.

Shangguan raised his breath lightly, held his breath intently, exerted force under his feet, and then jumped up like a bird.

Her posture is extremely light, and her movements are quite soft. It shows that she is just stepping on the bamboo, and leap towards the sky with this strength. The completion of all the movements is only a blink of an eye. Then, her whole person is Has stepped on the top of the thick bamboo.

Ji Ning watched from below, and the word "good" was already on his lips. If he wasn't worried that he would startle Shangguan, he would call it out.

He had to admit that he was also a martial artist, and he was also in the seven-fold realm of the day after tomorrow, and even he was a little bit higher than Shangguan, but Shangguan's light work was more than a little bit stronger than him.

Her body seemed to have no weight on one side, and in the upward process, she seemed to be dragged and swung up by the force of the wind, like a feather.

Smart and beautiful.

Ji Ning was slightly dazed to see.

Perhaps, it really is because of the weight.

Ji Ning thought this way.

When Shangguan's feet fell on the thin tips of the bamboo, the bamboo just shook slightly, and then she stabilized her figure.

Ji Ning's face clearly showed a relaxed smile like a sigh of relief.

Then, he raised his head, looked at Shangguan, and waited for her to tell which way to go.

However, Shangguan didn't say a word.

She just looked at her surroundings silently, and the time passed by one minute and one second, but Shangguan didn't speak.

The bamboo under her feet seemed to be untenable and began to shake slightly.

After all, Ji Ning couldn't help it, and said to Shangguan: "What's the situation? Have you seen—"

Shangguan lowered his head slowly, and when Ji Ning saw the expression on her face clearly, his words came to a halt.

He saw Shangguan's face pale.

There is no **** white.

It was as if the wind blowing on it was too strong. When it was blowing Shangguan's hair slightly, it took away the blood in her body at the same time, making her feel a little shaky.

What Ji Ning wanted to say later was abruptly swallowed.

He felt a little cold in his body.

In the bottom of his heart, a sense of fear rose.

Quietly, all over his body.

Even if he had just realized that he had fallen into an unknown situation, he didn't feel that way.

But now, when Ji Ning saw Shangguan like this, he only felt his heart sinking, and immediately realized that there must be something extremely bad!

Based on daily contact, Ji Ning knew that although Shangguan was a girl, his courage was directly proportional to his skill, and he never showed any obvious emotions to any difficulties.

But the Shangguan at this moment was obviously scared.

Just as Ji Ning was thinking about how to speak, Shangguan jumped down from the bamboo shoots.

She fell in front of Ji Ning, her face was still white and scary, her lips were not bloody, she trembled slightly, and even her body trembled slightly.

At this distance, Ji Ning could even hear, and Shangguan’s heartbeat was suddenly accelerating.

When Ji Ning saw this, he couldn't take much care of it. He hurriedly stepped forward, reached out his hand and grabbed Shangguan's arm, and said eagerly, "What do you see?"

After being grasped so hard by Ji Ning, Shangguan seemed to come back to her senses. She shook her body slightly, but fortunately, Ji Ning held it like this to prevent her from staggering.

Shangguan pointed to the top with his finger, his lips moaned, and with a barely audible voice, he said, "You, go and see, you'll know."

Ji Ning suddenly realized that he could hear the Shangguan say this, and realized that he could also go up and see with his own eyes.

So, he couldn't wait, and jumped up along the thick bamboo.

Although his movements were not as light as Shangguan, and because of his impatience, his movements were so large that the bamboo shook violently, but this did not affect Ji Ning's successful jump to the bamboo forest.

When Ji Ning stabilized his figure, he couldn't wait to look forward.

Only this glance made his expression stiff, and the blood in his whole body, as if at this moment, also congealed.

What he saw right away was black pressure.

The endless bamboo forest, when the breeze was blowing, set off waves of bamboo, from all directions, rushing towards him.

This kind of feeling is like riding a small boat in the ocean, all you can see is water, boundless, and you can't see the shore.

It will spread a strong sense of despair in the bottom of my heart.

Ji Ning understood why Shangguan would react like that.

He is not much better now.

Everything he saw completely surpassed the scope of his cognition.

It was clear that what they walked into was a fairly normal bamboo forest. Even if they walked forward for more than half an hour, even if they were fast, it was impossible for them to get deep into this in a blink of an eye.

Ji Ning reluctantly turned his neck and looked around.

Yes, it is the same in all directions.

These dense, tall bamboos are woven into a net that envelops the two of them.

Ji Ning believes that it is absolutely impossible for him to make a way with the palm of his hands alone.

What the **** does this happen?

Ji Ning couldn't understand.

He felt that Tang Feng would definitely know what happened, but at this moment, he didn't have the opportunity to ask Tang Feng this question.

When Ji Ning fell on the ground, he and Shangguan were facing each other.

Looking at Shangguan's still slightly nervous eyes, Ji Ning felt that his throat was a little tight, so he coughed dryly, and said, "The ghost hit the wall."

There was a little chill in his voice.

Shangguan involuntarily fought a cold war, his lips moved and he did not speak.

In her mind, all she can think of are these same three words.

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