Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1193: Bring her on

Tang Feng could also imagine the situation, but his mood was different from Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia was thinking about what happened at that time, and then thinking about it now, there is a feeling of suffering and happiness.

But Tang Feng also felt more and more that at that time Lin Mengjia had suffered a lot, suffered a lot of offenses, and suffered a lot of things that she shouldn't have to bear.

Tang Feng involuntarily squeezed Lin Mengjia's hand.

Lin Mengjia didn’t notice the change in Tang Feng’s face, she still smiled and said, “However, Shangguan’s face is cold, but his heart is hot. After we have been together for a long time, I have discovered that she treats Yaoyao and me. It’s so good that it can even take our own lives in order to protect us."

Tang Feng had no doubt that Shangguan could sacrifice his life to protect Lin Mengjia and the little girl.

In the beginning, he even witnessed all this with his own eyes.

At that time, the lackey of the Sun family did not know where he got an acquired martial artist. At that time, Shangguan had just broken through the acquired sixth layer.

There is a huge disparity in strength between the 6th layer of the acquired and the 8th layer of the acquired day.

At that time, Shangguan knew that there was no possibility of winning at all, but he still didn't back down. He went straight up to head-to-head with the other person, only to hold him back and give Lin Mengjia and the little girl time to call for help.

That time, if he hadn't arrived in time, Shangguan's fate might have to be confessed seriously.

It was Tang Feng's job to protect his wife and daughter, but in recent years, Shangguan did this for him and shouldered this responsibility.

Lin Mengjia also involuntarily looked in the direction of Shangguan.

However, her eyesight is naturally not like Tang Feng's, and even Shangguan's eyes and expressions can be seen clearly.

She looked at Shangguan, just as Shangguan looked at her, it was just a vague shadow.

"Sometimes I think that in this world, apart from you and my mother, Shangguan is the best person to me. Even Qinghua is not as sincere as Shangguan treating me. She is really that kind of life. Intersecting feelings."

Lin Mengjia said sincerely.

Although Kong Qinghua is a good girlfriend who grew up with her since childhood, she is always thinking of her, and she can also help her to manage her business with all her heart, even for Lin Mengjia, conflict with her stepmother, but if she is to let her She definitely couldn't sacrifice her life for Lin Mengjia.

However, Lin Mengjia didn't think there was anything in it. Kong Qinghua didn't owe her, and the friendship between the two did not reach this level. Of course, she would not ask Kong Qinghua to pay too much.

Under the same circumstances, it is impossible for her to sacrifice her life for Kong Qinghua.

But Shangguan, Lin Mengjia sometimes thinks, if there is no little girl around her, she can't do anything recklessly, probably when she sees Shangguan in danger, she will not hesitate to save her, even if Give your life.

"Fortunately, Shangguan is a woman, otherwise, I would be jealous."

Tang Feng's voice has a very sour taste, deliberately making a jealous look.

Seeing him like this, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but laughed, and said, "If Shangguan is really a man, I think, there will be nothing for you to come back."

Tang Feng picked up the corner of his lips and said, "If you say this again, I will probably think about it, whether I should let Shangguan be the light bulb between us in the future."

"What?" Lin Mengjia couldn't help but was taken aback, apparently did not understand what Tang Feng's words meant.

Then, she shook her head like a rattle, and continued to say: "You want Shangguan to leave? No, that's not okay! Even if I agree, Yaoyao will not agree. You probably can't guess her Shangguan. Auntie, how important is her position in her mind."

Seeing Lin Mengjia's protest, Tang Feng couldn't help laughing, "Have you ever thought that we will leave this place together in the future? At that time, you and Yaoyao are going to be with everyone in this world? , Must be separate."

Lin Mengjia knew her future destination, and that was to follow Tang Feng and return to the place where he had come.

For that place, Lin Mengjia knew everything from Tang Feng's mouth. She had respect and some faint loss.

Especially after knowing that after leaving the earth, there is probably no hope of coming back, she suddenly felt a little worried.

In fact, when you think about it carefully, in this world, apart from Mother Lin and the little girl, it seems that there is no one worthy of her concern anymore. Although her father has blood kinship, what he has done over the years is considered to be completely broken. Lin Mengjia's heart.

Others are some friends, such as Kong Qinghua, and some of her friends who were in Yanjing. Over the years, although the relationship between them is not very close, they sometimes have some connections.

In addition, there is Shangguan.

For the past few years, Shangguan has been by Lin Mengjia's side.

For Lin Mengjia, she is a bodyguard, a friend, and a sister. The two have very different temperaments, but together, they have very good relationships.

Although the communication was not so pleasant at the beginning, after a long time, Lin Mengjia can also see that there are many things that can be done without talking about it.

This point, the old butler also sees clearly.

Although Uncle Zhang is just a housekeeper, the housekeeper of the Lin family is naturally not simple. He has seen countless people in his life. He has a very vicious look at people. He has never been picky about Shangguan. He also told Lin Mengjia privately that Shangguan is People who are worthy of her sincere treatment, and Shangguan, will also treat her sincerely.

Thinking of parting with Shangguan and never seeing each other again, Lin Mengjia's heart was very uncomfortable, and even this sadness was better than she thought of parting with Kong Qinghua.

Lin Mengjia’s eyes flashed a little dim, and said: "I know it naturally, but at that time, it will be in the distant future, maybe ten years later, maybe twenty years later, at least, I don’t want to be with you now. Shangguan and they are separated."

Seeing Lin Mengjia like this, Tang Feng couldn't bear to tease her anymore, and hurriedly said, "If you can't bear her, wouldn't it be better to take her with us when we leave?"

"Huh?" Lin Mengjia was taken aback again.

She looked at Tang Feng with a somewhat unbelievable expression, her mouth was slightly open, her pupils flashed with strange light, and her lips moved slightly before she said, "Really?"

"When did I lie to you?" Tang Feng asked with a smile.

What he said caused Lin Mengjia's eyes to roll, and said, "You have lied to me too much time! When you just came back, there are few things that have lied to me? Don't lose heart when you say such things!" Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading record (Chapter 1193 Bring her), next time you open the bookshelf see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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