Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1194: Soul Orb disappears

Zi Xuan heard the sound of water coming from her ear, and could feel the waterfall close at hand.

Zi Xuan walked back and forth on this trail twice, and already had an overall judgment on this waterfall.

Although she can’t see it, she can tell from the size of the sound, the strength of the splashing water, and the change in the sound of the water. The drop and width of this waterfall are both more than 100 meters. Now the trail is where the waterfall falls approximately. Half of the position, the horizontal distance, Zi Xuan felt that it would not exceed fifty meters.

Such a close distance, such a magnificent waterfall, if you can witness it with your own eyes, it must be quite shocking.

It's a pity that the clouds and mist here are particularly dense, almost reaching the point where you can't see your fingers. Zi Xuan feels that her clothes have been wet, but she still can't see the true face of this waterfall.

Below this waterfall, there should be an extremely deep pool of water. The water falls in the pool and hits the rocks, creating a huge sound that is different from when the waterfall flies down.

Zi Xuan had a hesitating look on her face.

She could feel that just near the waterfall and the pool, the aura reached a peak. Walking along the trail and far away from the waterfall, the aura would gradually weaken.

It seems that this place has a lot of ways.

"It's difficult." Zi Xuan shook her head slightly, her eyes looked into the dense fog, but in the end, she could only give up.

The soul bead in her hand still didn't respond, as calm as the thick white mist, as if she was asleep.

In the past two days, the soul beads have been disappointing to Zi Xuan.

She had already made up her mind secretly, and when she went back, she had to ask Tang Feng what method could make the communication between this soul bead and herself more convenient.

Standing at the center of the waterfall she had judged, Zi Xuan would bend her waist slightly, looking in the direction of the pool below.

Regrettably, she still couldn't see anything.

However, she could feel that from below, there was a cool breeze blowing up, which made her already wet clothes add a bit of chill.

If you jump from here, you will just fall into the pool below the waterfall.

Zi Xuan frowned.

Although she grew up in Kunlun Mountains, Zi Xuan is not afraid of water, she knows some spells to avoid water.

The question now is, how deep is the distance from this pool, and if you jump down, is it the pool or the rocks on the shore?

If she could see it, Zi Xuan could easily jump down. After all, the height of fifty or sixty meters was nothing to her. She didn't care whether it was falling in the water or on the land.

However, the height is different, the landing place is different, and the intensity required is different. If he can’t see it, it means he can’t make a correct prediction. When he reaches the bottom, he can’t control the intensity. Zi Xuan found it difficult.

Zi Xuan took a deep breath and turned her eyes to the soul bead.

The soul orb is her magic weapon, and after it is let go, it can be taken back by her.

Why not use soul beads to explore the bottom of this pool.

Zi Xuan placed her left hand on the soul bead resting on the palm of her right hand. As her hands changed positions, the soul bead had already floated in front of her. Her hands were hanging on both sides of the soul bead, and her fingers were constantly swinging. , Swiftly line into different gestures.

Under Zi Xuan's movements, the calm situation within the soul orb was broken, a golden light slowly swimming, and after a while, the entire soul orb was dyed golden.

The translucent soul orb before, has now become a golden ball.

The speed of Zi Xuan's fingers became faster and faster, and the golden ball began to emit a strong light. With this light, the volume of the ball seemed to increase several times.

With the intensity of this light, the soul orb in Zi Xuan's hand has turned into a large, high-strength light bulb, which seems to have penetrated the surrounding mist.

Seeing the change of the soul orb, the expression on Zi Xuan's face did not appear extremely happy, but rather tangled.

She frowned slightly, with a look of reluctance in her eyes, and murmured: "You are the guy I ate, and you must come back alive! Don't be surprised by that guy Tang Feng Laughing is a small matter. If I can't explain it to Master in the future, this matter is a big deal."

After muttering for a while, Zi Xuan finally took a deep breath, and finally made up her mind. Her fingers in both hands swayed like waves, pushing the soul orb forward.

At this moment, the light of the soul bead had exceeded one meter in diameter, drifting forward under Zi Xuan's movements, and then quickly falling downward.

Because the light of this soul bead was extremely dazzling, even though it was submerged in the mist, Zi Xuan could still see the golden light.

The soul orb was falling very fast. According to Zi Xuan's thoughts, it only took about two or three seconds to reach the end. By then, she would be able to roughly reach this height.

But to Zi Xuan's expectation, when the soul orb fell for about thirty meters, that is, in an instant, it suddenly deviated from the direction and flew toward the side of the waterfall.

Zi Xuan could feel that the soul orb hadn't reached the bottom, and she hadn't touched any object that could make it deviate. If it did, she could detect it.

But just out of thin air, the half-dropped soul orb flew towards the waterfall as if being pulled by some invisible force.

Zi Xuan was horrified, and immediately chanted the magic formula, wanting to summon the soul orb back.

It has no effect.

Instead of turning the direction back to her, the soul bead flew towards the waterfall at a faster speed, but in a blink of an eye, the cloud of golden light was swallowed by the white mist.

Zi Xuan couldn't help but let out an "ah".

According to her feeling, the brightness of this soul bead can be guaranteed to be visible at least fifty meters away in the mist, but at this moment, it disappears so quickly.

Or, it flew fifty meters away at a very fast speed.

Or, the light on it disappeared in an instant.

No matter what kind of possibility it is, Zi Xuan dare not imagine.

At this moment, she couldn't guess where the power that attracted the soul orb came from, nor could she think of what happened to the soul orb now.

The only expression on her face at the moment was extremely horrified, and there were only two words left in her mind: over!

Before too much consideration, Zi Xuan had already jumped out in the direction where the soul orb disappeared. Her figure was also completely swallowed by the white mist in an instant. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1194 Soul Orb disappears), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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