Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1195: Something happened to Zi Xuan

"If you really can take Shangguan away with you, it is indeed an excellent thing."

Lin Mengjia looked in Shangguan's direction, with a smile on her lips.

The relationship between the two is so good, and she naturally feels very happy in her heart when she thinks that she will not be separated in the future.

In fact, before, Lin Mengjia had such thoughts vaguely in her mind.

However, she didn't know Tang Feng's thoughts, or whether it was extremely difficult to go to the Northern Star Territory, or she did not rush to make this request to Tang Feng.

Lin Mengjia knew that if she spoke, Tang Feng would definitely agree, but if Tang Feng was embarrassed to satisfy her wish, she didn't want to see it.

As a smart and considerate woman, Lin Mengjia would not ask Tang Feng easily.

Now that Tang Feng himself has such thoughts, Lin Mengjia is naturally surprised.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, and said, "Go or stay, I'm all in her own opinion. After all, she doesn't want to go, I can't force her to do it?"

Lin Mengjia said without thinking: "I think she must be willing to go."

Tang Feng already knew what Shangguan thought was. Seeing Lin Mengjia so sure at the moment, he was a little curious, so he asked, "How do you know?"

"Shangguan's temperament is cold. In the sect, she actually has no friends. For her master, she is grateful but not affectionate. In this world, I am probably the closest person to her, she Forget it, leave without worry, she won't miss anyone too much, and there won't be anyone, and she won't let her go."

When it comes to this, Lin Mengjia will inevitably be a little sad, although what she said is the truth.

No one feels sorry for the departure of a person. This in itself is a very sad thing. Although the Shangguan may not care, Lin Mengjia still feels a little uncomfortable.

Tang Feng gave a slight "um".

Lin Mengjia went on to say: "What Shangguan pursued all his life is to get the pinnacle of martial arts. Besides, there is nothing that can make her care or happy. You take her away to the place where she practiced. , It can help her achieve this goal, she is naturally very willing."

"You really know Shangguan well."

Tang Feng nodded, Shangguan did indeed think so.

Lin Mengjia smiled and said: "After all, we have been together for so many years, I still said that, if the Shangguan is a man, it is really not your turn to come back."

Looking at Lin Mengjia's righteous and arrogant look, Tang Feng was both angry and funny in his heart, stretched out his hand, scratched her nose, and said: "Then I'm not grateful, fortunately Shangguan is a girl."

Lin Mengjia smiled.

The laughter of the two people spread far in the silent valley.

The people in front can also vaguely hear.

They can think of it without guessing that it must be the couple who likes to spread dog food, who is showing off their love again.

Xue Rui listened to this happy laugh, and then looked at Xue Panpan and Xie Huo who were also tender and sweet beside him, and couldn't help sighing.

If you are more capable, can you follow Zi Xuan and go to the front first? When the two are together, even if they don't say anything about love, it can be regarded as a friendship of shared happiness and hardships?

Xue Rui had always felt that his cultivation was quite good, but at this moment, he felt a deep depression.

In his mind, there was already an idea: If possible, he must worship Tang Feng's door. This is the only chance to make his own ability and Zi Xuan's way.

Lin Mengjia laughed for a while, stopped, with a positive expression on her face, and said: "Tang Feng, I always feel that these people we are together now are all destined, as if they are a family. Zi Xuan and Ji Ning are both like this. It would be great if we could also go to the place you mentioned in the future."

Tang Feng shook his head solemnly, and said, "Zixuan is naturally no problem. She is also a lonely family member. There is no responsibility between her master and her. However, Ji Ning's concern is much too much. Some, he is different from Shangguan and Zi Xuan. Here, he has relatives and responsibilities, none of which he can easily leave behind."

In all fairness, Tang Feng admires Ji Ning quite a bit. If he can take him along with him, of course he will.

However, Ji Ning is not a person who has nothing to do with nothing.

Now on the earth, Tang Feng keeps him by his side. If he wants to leave, then he depends on Ji Ning's own choice and will not force him.

Hearing what Tang Feng said, Lin Mengjia frowned and couldn't help showing a very sad expression, and said, "Then Shangguan and Ji Ning, aren't they going to be separated?"

The gossip between Shangguan and Ji Ning was actually thought of by herself. Apart from the usual close relationship between the two people, there is really nothing out of the ordinary. But Lin Mengjia’s tone at this moment seems to be a good fight for mandarin ducks. , A galaxy isolated from lovers.

Tang Feng couldn't help but feel amused. He was about to talk, but his face changed instantly. He immediately raised his voice and shouted, "Xiao Hui!"

It was originally on the trail, a pair of small gray who was playing casually, when he heard Tang Feng's shout, he jumped up.

It didn't wait for Tang Feng to say a few more words, but rushed forward.

Xiao Hui's route is not on a trail, but on a cliff.

It clings to the cliff, moving forward fast, like walking on the ground.

When it reached Shangguan's side, it had already climbed to a height of more than half a meter above these people's heads, without stopping at all, it just flew away.

These people just heard Tang Feng suddenly shouting Xiao Hui's name, and they were still in the unknown, looking a little bit panicked in Tang Feng's direction.

When they didn't react at all, they felt a strong wind passing over their heads, and then the white shadow melted into the same white mist and disappeared completely.

"what's happenin?"

"what's going on?"

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was almost in unison.

But no one answered, and they couldn't get the answer they wanted, so they all turned their eyes to Tang Feng's direction.

Lin Mengjia was also taken aback by Tang Feng's sound. Her body shook slightly, and she quickly leaned against the cliff to stabilize her mind.

"Tang Feng, what's the matter!" Lin Mengjia asked impatiently, her face full of tension.

At this moment, Tang Feng's expression also became a little stern, and he said solemnly, "Zixuan, something has gone wrong, I will let Xiao Hui come and help her." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: of Longevity as a daddy txt download address: returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1195 There was an accident with Zi Xuan), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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