Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1196: Dongtianfudi

Zi Xuan didn't think too much.

She had only one thought at the time, and that was this soul orb, which must not be lost.

This is what her master left for her.

Her master was also quite good to her, leaving her with two magical artifacts, the mirrorless mirror and the soul orb.

The Phaseless Mirror has been lost, this soul orb can never be lost again.

Moreover, the loss of the mirrorless mirror still has traces to follow. Tang Feng is there and there is still a chance to find it back.

But this soul orb is different.

She threw the soul orb down by herself, but she didn't know how it disappeared. If she didn't hurry and chase it, she would wait until Tang Feng came over, I was afraid it would be too late!

Zi Xuan's thoughts were just a momentary turn, and people were already in the air. With the spells she mastered at this moment, she was still capable of staying in the air, but she could slow down the fall a little bit. speed.

Don't underestimate the speed of this slowdown.

This will give her a chance to observe the surrounding conditions during the fall. Secondly, it will reduce the intensity when landing, so as not to get hurt.

In the process of falling, Zi Xuan couldn't feel any other power except the aura around her.

And after falling more than 30 meters, Zi Xuan suddenly felt a bright light in front of her eyes. At the location below, the fog disappeared cleanly. She could clearly see that there was still more than a dozen meters below. It is a huge pool of water.

After checking the position of the water surface, Zi Xuan immediately adjusted her speed and prepared in time to form a barrier on the surface of the water she was about to fall.

Then, her feet fell on the barrier of the water surface, and even on the water surface, there was no ripple.

At this time, Zi Xuan could be distracted to look at the waterfalls and pools, as well as the surrounding environment.

As Zi Xuan had expected, the width of the waterfall was very wide, and the pool under her feet was completely dark in the depths.

And above the water surface of the pool, about ten meters away, there is not the slightest haze of mist, and it can be seen clearly. It seems that there is nothing special except for the waterfall that is larger than the usual one. Place.

The flow of the waterfall is very turbulent, although Zi Xuan is still some distance away from the point where the waterfall directly falls, the water that splashes down can still hit her directly.

But at this moment, Zi Xuan can no longer care about these.

She raised her head and looked at the waterfall for a long time, but the visible distance was only a dozen meters away from the fog, and she still couldn't see anything further up.

Listening to the huge sound of water in her ears, Zi Xuan bit her lip lightly, and then walked towards the waterfall.

As we get closer and closer, the water can almost directly pour on her body. Although there is no water, Zi Xuan’s clothes are already wet on her body. Fortunately, she does not wear light-colored clothes today. Otherwise, I am afraid that she will have to Happy together.

The huge current hits the water pool, and it splashes high waves. If you are an ordinary person, there is no chance to get close to the waterfall. Almost instantly, it will be pushed away by the current, or even worse. , Will be photographed under the pool by this powerful force, and will never have a chance to surface again.

But Zi Xuan didn't care at all.

She frowned and walked to the bottom of the stream.

A thin layer of golden light appeared on her body, and this light also formed a thin barrier on the surface of her body, blocking the falling water.

For Zi Xuan, these spells are a little laborious to use. If it is not for special circumstances, she would not use them, and she would only use them when she had to.

After avoiding the impact of the water, Zi Xuan stood under the waterfall, raised her head, and looked up.

This waterfall falls from the cliff above. The cliff is about to protrude. Therefore, after the water falls, it is slightly spilled. Standing under the waterfall close to the cliff wall, there is no water flowing directly down, just some The smaller ones, and the splashes of water falling in the pool.

Zi Xuan pondered for a moment, then she was climbing and breaking the cliff, against the direction of the waterfall, climbing towards it.

Although the cliff wall was not directly washed by a large stream of water, the small flowing water over the years can wash this place very smoothly, and it is almost impossible to climb.

Zi Xuan didn't care much. Although she took a little effort, she still couldn't help her.

At first, the distance was more than ten meters, and it quickly climbed up.

As the height increased, the white mist began to thicken again.

However, this time, Zi Xuan was inside the waterfall. Although it was misty, things nearby could still be seen clearly.

Just before she climbed to a distance of nearly thirty meters, that is, before she saw the height of the disappearance of the soul orb, her face couldn't help but change slightly.

In the process of ascending upward, her hand probed an empty space, which could be clearly touched, and it was recessed there.

Zi Xuan immediately climbed up. When her head protruded from that position, her pupils contracted rapidly, and the expression in her eyes was full of shock.

She saw that in front of her, a hole appeared.

Right in this hole, she could feel a burst of spiritual energy pouring outward.

She understood in an instant that the aura that appeared in this cloud valley actually came out of this cave, so the closer to the waterfall, the more rich she felt.

The entrance of this cave is nearly circular, with a diameter of four or five meters. It is by no means an ordinary small cave.

Zi Xuan climbed up, walked into the entrance of the cave, and looked into the cave. It was so dark that there was no end in sight.

Although Zi Xuan's eyesight was not as good as Tang Feng, it was not weak. The fog could obstruct her vision, but the darkness did not interfere.

In this darkness, she could see clearly at a distance of one hundred and ten meters, but at this moment, she could only see that the cave extended into the depths, and could not see anything of value. .

Zi Xuan took a breath, she couldn't help but turn around to look at the waterfall behind her.

The water here is extremely turbulent, and is hidden in the thick white fog.

Even if there is no such fog, standing on the opposite path, perhaps, it may not be possible to find that there is still a hole here.

Cave heaven and blessed land.

This was the first thought that flashed in Zi Xuan's mind.

This place is somewhat similar to his own sect. It is hidden in the Lingshan Mountain and is extremely concealed. It is impossible for ordinary people to find a trace.

Could it be that the mysterious sect in Yucheng Mountain is here? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1196 Dongtianfudi), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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