"Is Zi Xuan in danger?" Lin Mengjia asked Tang Feng eagerly.

After getting along with Zi Xuan for a long time, Lin Mengjia is also quite affectionate for her, and when she hears the situation there, she is naturally very worried.

Tang Feng frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Not very optimistic, but she can handle it with Xiao Hui for the time being, and it will be fine for a while."

"Then, let's go over and help her!"

Lin Mengjia clearly heard some problems in Tang Feng's words.

Zi Xuan won't have any problems for the time being, which means that after a long time, she will still be unable to hold it.

But Tang Feng didn't mean to speed up his pace. His face was still very calm, but with a faint sneer at the corners of his mouth, he said, "Don't panic, wait a minute, I'm afraid that things here will need us more."

"Here?" Lin Mengjia looked at the team in front with a bit of suspicion in her eyes.

Just now, Xiao Hui suddenly passed over them, causing everyone to panic, but then he recovered.

Although each had doubts in their hearts and they were guessing between each other, their pace did not slow down, and they were still advancing at the previous speed under the leadership of Zhao Xiaoshan.

It seems that nothing has changed.

"Isn't it normal here?" Lin Mengjia hesitated.

She couldn't see any danger here.

"Did you hear anything?" Tang Feng reminded.

According to his judgment, Lin Mengjia and the others should be able to hear the sound of water now.

Lin Mengjia listened for a moment, nodded, and said, "It seems that there is the sound of water, are we almost there?"

"A little more time, it's time to arrive. The water that meets Xianfeng, because of the large drop, flows down from above, forming a waterfall here."

Tang Feng heard what Zhao Xiaoshan had said before, and simply said it to Lin Mengjia again.

Lin Mengjia nodded, but didn't understand. Tang Feng told her this, what was the purpose, it was not always to remind her, come to the waterfall, and enjoy the beautiful scenery, right?

Tang Feng continued: "This spiritual energy is flowing from the waterfall, presumably that sect is at the waterfall, and Zi Xuan has already been there at this time."

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but uttered "Ah" and hurriedly said, "Isn't she dangerous? If Xiao Hui is gone, it will be even more troublesome!"

Thinking that Xiao Hui killed a monkey who was monitoring them, if the monkey was sent by the other party, Xiao Hui sent it to the door. Wouldn't it be that the enemy met with jealousy?

"Their goal is all of us, and at this moment, in their opinion, Zi Xuan is the largest of us." Tang Feng's sneer was even more obvious, "These people will not act on Zi Xuan first. If Zi Xuan is aware of something and sends a signal to us, for them, it is to fight the grass and startle the snake. What they have to do is to lure Zi Xuan into a trap first, control it, and wait until it solves us before dealing with Zi Xuan. "

Lin Mengjia's mouth slowly widened, she looked at Tang Feng in disbelief, and said, "Are you using Zi Xuan as bait?"

Tang Feng shrugged and said: "She was rushing to go, I didn't let her do this."

"You, you should stop her!" Lin Mengjia's eyes were full of depression.

Tang Feng saw her very eagerly, and couldn't help laughing: "The safest thing now is her. If it is bait, all of us here are bait. Don't forget, in the eyes of the other people. Zi Xuan is the most difficult one to deal with."

Tang Feng's smile was a little bit narrow.

After reaching the boundary of Yucheng Mountain, he has been hiding his true aura.

Even when the Wuji Seal was broken, he was with Zi Xuan.

The opponent didn't witness the process of breaking the formation with his own eyes, and preconceived that Zi Xuan's realm was the highest, so he could easily recognize the person who broke the formation as Zi Xuan.

Tang Feng didn't mention this matter to anyone.

Only when the other party focused his attention on Zi Xuan's body, could he wait for the changes.

Although Lin Mengjia was anxious, listening to Tang Feng's words, she couldn't refute it. After thinking for a long time, she said, "Then what will happen now? They wait a minute, are they coming over to deal with us?"

Tang Feng did not answer Lin Mengjia's question, but instead said, "This sect has a considerable scale. Even today, there are still a lot of cultivation resources."

When Lin Mengjia heard Tang Feng say this, she immediately aroused her curiosity, thinking of other questions, and said, "Didn't you say that there are very few resources in this world? Why can this sect still exist?"

"Looking at their previous methods, the people in this sect should be quite proficient in some formations. They used these formations to gather aura. Aura is the foundation of cultivation. With aura, everything else is easy to say. Therefore, in their sect, there may be a dozen or even dozens of monks, and the realm may not be low."

Tang Feng explained while pulling Lin Mengjia and walking forward at the previous speed.

Lin Mengjia nodded suddenly and said: "That is to say, the spiritual energy here comes from that sect? It is really quite abundant, and the entire Stratus Cloud Valley can be felt."

Hearing Lin Mengjia’s words, Tang Feng’s mouth showed a smile but a smile, saying: "Since this sect is proficient in formations and can gather auras, he naturally knows how to use restraints, limiting the auras to a certain range. It must be understood that this aura is precious to practitioners, just like oxygen breathing in ordinary people. Even if they have a spirit gathering formation, the production of this aura is far less than their needs."

Lin Mengjia was a little confused when she heard it, frowning, with a puzzling look, and said: "You said that the aura of this place comes from that sect, and that the sect should be restricted to prevent the aura. Outflow, isn't it a contradiction before and after?"

"If the other party did it intentionally, there is no contradiction."

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia, still smiling.

Lin Mengjia said "Ah", and then she understood what Tang Feng meant, and said in amazement, "This spiritual energy is also a decoy!"

Tang Feng nodded and said, "Yes, the other party deliberately leaked this spiritual energy and surrounded the stratus cloud valley. If someone who cultivates the Tao comes, he will definitely follow the spiritual energy to find it. In this way, in the end, it will Fall into the opponent's trap."

Lin Mengjia angrily said: "Everyone is a cultivator. It's just a matter of not helping each other. It's too much to do it like this! The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: https://www.readwn.com/book/103189.htmlReading address of the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: https://www.readwn.com/read/103189/The txt download address of Longevity Return: Dad: https://www.readwn.com/down/103189.html Longevity is back to be a dad to read on mobile phone: https://m.readwn.com/read/103189/for convenience For the second reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1197 Bait) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support!! (www.readwn.com)

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