Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1230: Sudden sound

Rong Guocheng frowned and said, "It seems that the contradictions in this sect have been around for a long time. I'm afraid they won't end easily."

Zi Xuan said disapprovingly: "Anyway, it's their own family affairs. We just watch the theater. What do we do?"

The rest of them nodded secretly even though they didn't speak.

Although they have just come into contact with this Qinghong sect, their impression of them is not very good. Even if they are the sect master, their speech may be very fair at the moment, but because of what their sect has done, everyone still feels Somewhat irritating.

Therefore, this Qinghongzong's infighting, for them, is really just watching a scene.

The only thing they are interested in is the difference in strength between this suzerain and Jingjie.

This point can only be seen by Tang Feng.

Lin Mengjia pulled Tangfeng's arm and said to him: "Tangfeng, do you think the two of them will be able to win?"

Tang Feng smiled slightly and said: "The difference between the two of them is not too much in actual cultivation. The Sect Master is slightly higher, but the difference is very small. If his junior approves all the Sect disciples and becomes a helper, then he It's not surprising that it has the upper hand."

"What? Is it possible for him to win?" Lin Mengjia didn't quite believe it.

Although she was dissatisfied with the Qinghongzong, what she can see right now is that this Sect Master is still much stronger than his junior brother. Even if Lin Mengjia is happy to see this sect fighting within, she is unwilling to lose the Sect Master. .

Tang Feng continued, "However, what is going on is still unknown."

Xue Rui said in a puzzled way: "Since the level of strength has been determined, how can I not know what is going on?"

Tang Feng just smiled and didn't answer again.

In the chamber, the lord and Jingjie were still confronting each other.

Sect Master said with a serious expression: "Junior Brother Jingjie, you also said that our Qinghong Sect is a decent sect, but you can think carefully about what you said and what you did. Is it worthy of this decent name?"

Jingjie let out a burst of laughter.

Following his laughter, there was a strong wind in the entire chamber, causing the clothes of all the disciples to rustle, and even the mirrorless lens was blown obliquely.

In the mirror, everyone suddenly saw that the outside scene was slightly deflected. Many people subconsciously took a step back and kept their balance. Even if they were aware, even though the mirrorless mirror was deflected, there was nothing to them. Influence, they are still standing steadily in place, but the perspective of seeing things has been slightly deflected.

The many disciples were standing with their heads down and bowed. When the wind blew, they couldn't help but shake their bodies. They all hurriedly retreated to the back, but in a moment, they all retreated to the door.

The door of this chamber was open, but the group of people stopped at the door. Although there was a look of horror on their faces, none of them quit, letting the wind sway them.

Although the suzerain’s clothes were also blown, the degree of agitation was more powerful than when he had just given out his power, but his whole person stood up differently, the expression on his face did not change at all, and he still looked at respect. Jay.

After a long while, Jingjie's laughter stopped.

Following this, the wind in this chamber also stopped.

"It’s been over a hundred years, brother, if I remember correctly, it’s been 137 years since you took the position of the suzerain! Over the years, you have kept us hidden from the world, let us devote ourselves to practice, We are firmly imprisoned in this jade city mountain and cut off all contact with the outside world. We have suffered so much for what? Is it just to extend our life, and also make ourselves suffer, and be prolonged? "

Jingjie's voice, in the cold, revealed the taste of interrogation.

The suzerain said calmly, "What is the cultivation behavior? But one day, when you achieve great accomplishment, you can ascend. The formation within this sect can attract the spirit of Yucheng Mountain to this, and there is no other way to compare it. Here is more suitable for cultivation, why leave? Isn't it the best choice to concentrate on cultivation within the sect?"

"Dacheng? Soaring?"

Jingjie seemed to have heard something interesting, and laughed again.

However, his smile did not bring out any storms, but the louder sound made people's ears a little painful.

The disciples standing far away at the door couldn't help covering their ears with their hands, but the Sect Master, who was close to Jingjie, did not respond, just looked at him and said nothing.

Jingjie smiled and said to the master: "Brother, in the past thousand years, have you ever heard of any of the people in the sect that has been able to ascend? Even the master’s level of cultivation is not in the end. Regret for the death of the immortal, until the dying, can't you get a glimpse of the way to ascend?"

The muscles on the Sect Master’s face twitched, and vaguely, there was a bit of anger, and said: "The junior brother said that, is he doubting the ability of the sect, or the ultimate ascension of this practice?"

Jingjie said disdainfully: "Hehe, brother, the resources within this sect are naturally impeccable. In today's world, it can be said to be unique, but have you ever thought about it, there are still thousands of years left now? Before, the prosperous scene of cultivating immortals?"

Sect Master snorted and said, "So, Junior Brother wants to create another realm?"

"Also!" Jingjie raised his voice, "In fact, everyone can see clearly that it is impossible to ascend in practice now, so why is it necessary to be confined to this square inch of space? We have this kind of ability, and naturally we have to go to the world to be able to use it. We should never be isolated from the world. After suffering from this kind of practice, we can't get any benefit!"

Seeing Jingjie's plausible expression, the lord laughed furiously.

After he laughed a few times, he went on to say: "According to your intentions, we will give up our practice, leave the sect, go outside in the colorful world, and enjoy the prosperity and wealth by virtue of our cultivation base?"

Jingjie took it for granted: "Naturally, otherwise, what's the point of keeping this penance, which can never be achieved? It's nothing more than a waste of time!"

"Don't think about it! As long as I am the Sect Master of the Azure Rainbow Sect, you should never think about this matter!"

Just when the gunpowder was full of smell between the lord and Jingjie, when it was about to fire, suddenly I heard a man's voice in his ear.

The voice was not high, and it was a bit leisurely and teasing, with a slight smile.

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