Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1231: who are you

In the chamber, the Sect Master and Jingjie were already at war, and their attention was focused on each other.

Both of them can be regarded as extremely high-level monks in the world today. Under such circumstances, they naturally have to be very attentive. A little carelessness may cause irreparable consequences.

Both of them are aware of each other's strengths, and they are quite cautious.

And those disciples hiding in the doorway, it was probably the first time that they saw such a situation.

In normal times, Jingjie would often challenge the authority of the suzerain, but it would not have reached this point. The disciples seemed a little horrified at this stage of the development of the matter, and they all stared intently at the two of them.

It was at this moment that the sound rang abruptly.

The people in the whole room were shocked.

Then, they all subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

Sect Master was facing the direction of the sound, while Jing Jie turned his back, but at this moment, both of them couldn't care much. Sect Master's gaze turned towards that side, and Jing Jie even turned slightly.

I saw that the position where Sect Master Shicai was sitting was also above the main seat. At this moment, a young man was sitting, with Erlang's legs folded, smiling at the Sect Master and Jingjie.

He has a relaxed attitude and a comfortable posture. Facing the situation of the two tigers fighting in front of him, there is no slightest nervousness. Instead, he is watching a play, and his smile is extremely calm.

Upon seeing this, everyone present was shocked.

Not to mention the Sect Master and Jingjie, even the group of disciples sitting here usually pride themselves on having a very high level of cultivation. They can see and listen to all directions, but now there is one more person in this room. It was totally unaware, it was something like never before.

"Who are you! How did you come in!"

Without waiting for the suzerain to ask questions, Jingjie was already the first, and sternly asked Tang Feng.

Those disciples, at this moment, also stepped forward one after another, surrounded by the master and Jingjie.

The atmosphere of tit-for-tat between Suzerain Shicai and Jingjie was also temporarily relieved by the appearance of outsiders, and it became unanimous to the outside world.

Tang Feng still looked very leisurely, swaying his legs, and slowly said: "You brought me to this place, and now you ask me how I got in, isn't it a bit ridiculous?"

Sect Master's gaze fixed on Tang Feng's face for two seconds, and then quickly glanced in the direction of the mirrorless mirror, Fang Shen said: "How did you get out of the mirror?"

He immediately thought of the reason for Tang Feng's presence here.

At this moment, Jingjie also realized that Tang Feng was one of those people who had been captured by him in the mirror before, and his face immediately showed a look of uncertainty.

This mirrorless is powerful, he is clear and can use it.

It can be said that his understanding of the mirrorless mirror is far above the master Zi Xuan.

Since he can use this mirrorless mirror to arrest everyone, he is sure that they will not be able to escape.

Jing Jie can be sure that the seal he set on the mirrorless mirror is impeccable, let alone these other ordinary people, even Zi Xuan and other four-layer Qi refining alien monks, can not break through, the young man in front of him, yes How did it come out?

Jingjie had already turned around completely, facing Tang Feng's direction, looking at him up and down.

Although he had just barely started with the Sect Master, he was a brother from the same sect. He also knew the character of the Sect Master quite well. He was confident that under such circumstances, there were many disciples present, and he could not sneak attack from behind. Yourself.

Jingjie looked at the young man in front of him. He was only in his twenties, not surprising in appearance, and what he revealed on his body was nothing more than an ordinary person's breath, nothing extraordinary.

What surprised Jingjie was that this young man was so calm.

Could it be that this person doesn't know how good they are?

No, he clearly knows his own situation just now, and he also knows that he was caught in the mirrorless mirror, then he should also know that they are not ordinary people, they want to deal with him, it is extremely easy, how can they be so clouded? How about light wind?

The other disciples didn't think Jingjie had so much.

After a brief astonishment, it was because Tang Feng concealed his cultivation level, they couldn't see what realm he was, and they began to underestimate the enemy. They were just shocked by Tang Feng's sudden appearance. The rest was nothing. The heart of fear.

Tang Feng stood up from the main seat, took two steps forward, stretched his waist, showing a relaxed expression, and said: "This big sect is different from the others. This place is a place with outstanding people, plus The above spirit gathering formation technique has been exerted to the extreme, and the aura can be so abundant that it is really rare in the world today."

When Tang Feng said this, there really was a few words of praise from the heart in his tone.

After he came out of the mirrorless mirror, he could feel the abundant spiritual energy in this sect, which could make him feel very comfortable with his whole body and mind.

He slightly estimated in his mind that these spiritual auras were enough for him to restore the primordial spirit to a considerable state, and raise his own spells to a level that is quite basic for the four-layer foundation.

His words changed the expressions of people like Qinghongzong immediately.

They were staring at Tang Feng with enthusiasm, but at this moment, they exchanged glances, and their eyes revealed an unbelievable and somewhat alarmed look.

The Sect Master immediately stared at Tang Feng with his eyes wide open, but for a while, he did not speak.

Jingjie, who was the closest to Tang Feng, involuntarily stepped back.

But just after this action was done, he couldn't help feeling regretful again.

Such a cultivator at the 9th level of Qi refining can almost claim to be a **** when facing ordinary people. Now he is a **** who has been forced to take a step back by an ordinary person who has never looked down upon him. It made him feel uncomfortable.

Besides, the young man in front of him seemed harmless to humans and animals, and seemed to have no threat at all.

Because of his recent regression, Jingjie felt that he had lost face in front of many disciples, especially the Sect Master who had just confronted him was also watching, making Jingjie a little bit embarrassed and angry.

He stretched out his hand, pointed towards Tang Feng, and said sharply: "Who told you these things? Was it that alien monk?"

The corner of Tang Feng's mouth moved slightly, while the other side was still, showing a very disdainful sneer. He looked at Jingjie's fingers coldly, and said faintly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. The last one dared to point like that. The person who cares about me has reincarnated three times."Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: https://www the full text of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: https://www. Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: https://www.readwn. com/down/103189.htmlLongevity returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: read/103189/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this (the first Chapter 1231 Who are you) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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