Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1308: A man who can't mess with

"Then why--" Lin Mengjia frowned.

Hearing Tang Feng's words, he really was just like Zixuan said, and he knew this for a long time.

But since Tang Feng knew the purpose of this fox demon, why let it be burned to death by the sky fire?

Without waiting for Lin Mengjia to finish speaking, Zi Xuan interrupted her loudly, and said rather depressed: "You really knew it a long time ago, why don't you help it?"

Tang Feng did not answer, but Lin Mengjia heard that there was a problem with Zi Xuan's words. From the very beginning, Zi Xuan said that the fox demon came to Tang Feng, and she didn't understand why Zi Xuan said so.

Lin Mengjia turned her head to look at Zi Xuan again, and said in a puzzled way: "This demon fox wants to overcome the catastrophe, so why is it looking for Tang Feng?"

Zi Xuan took a breath, still grimacing, and said: "Before, I also mentioned that it is quite difficult for people to practice, monsters or spirit beasts, it is very difficult to overcome the catastrophe. If you are not careful, you may be wiped out in smoke, so they are doing everything possible to come up with all kinds of ways to avoid this catastrophe. In addition to relying on the cultivation base to resist, there is another easy way to hide in the catastrophe. By your side, in this way, you can easily avoid it."

Hearing what Zi Xuan said, Lin Mengjia suddenly realized, "I read such stories in some books! People who are virtuous or destined to be nobles, this fate is fixed by heaven, even if there is a heaven. Jie, I dare not fall on these people. I have read Zhiguai novels and said that by hiding under their beds and in their clothes, they can avoid the thunder."

The books she had read were numerous and complicated, and there were also many records about these. It was just for a while, but she didn't expect to be reminded by Zi Xuan that countless stories have already emerged in her mind.

Zi Xuan nodded, and said: "That demon fox is really deep in Taoism. Tang Feng hides her own cultivation base along the way. Even the people of the Qinghong Sect can't help him, but this demon fox is watching. It can be concluded that he can help it avoid the catastrophe, and only then will he want to come to him."

Lin Mengjia’s eyes flashed this strange light, and said: "That is to say, that night, this demon fox came from the direction of the bamboo forest towards the village, but inadvertently triggered the Wuji seal. At the same time, the sky fire came down, and it was turned into ashes before it could run to Tang Feng's side?"

Zi Xuan frowned, thought for a long time, and then said: "That's about it, but this process seems to be a little different. With this fox demon's ability, I don't think it will trigger the formation when passing by. I guess it is. When it happened to be within the range of the Wuji Yin formation, the sky fire fell and burned it to death at the same time, triggering the Wuji Yin."

Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng and waited for him to speak.

Tang Feng rarely smiled approvingly at Zi Xuan, and said, "Yes, just as you guessed it."

Zi Xuan was very happy every time she got Tang Feng’s approval, but this time, she didn’t have the slightest excitement on her face, she still had resentment on her face, and she was still muttering, "You know it, you You discovered it tomorrow morning, and you obviously have the ability to save it. How come you just watched a demon fox with nine tails, so you lost your life under your nose?"

Seeing Zi Xuan's distressed expression, Tang Feng didn't take it seriously. The smile that was still on his face gradually disappeared. When he spoke again, his tone had become quite cold.

Tang Feng sneered and said, "If it comes directly in front of me and asks me to protect it through the catastrophe, maybe it will agree, but it wants to play tricks with me, make some cleverness, and want to hide in me secretly. By your side, let me block the sky fire for it. After such calculations, how can I let it do what I want?"

When Tang Feng spoke, his speech speed was very slow, but his voice was a bit chilly.

Zi Xuan, who was on the sofa, was still staring at Tang Feng with both resentful and angry eyes, but after listening to his words, the expression on Zi Xuan's face had gradually solidified, and then disappeared, and finally replaced. , Is a bit of horror in the eyes.

At this moment, Tang Feng, who made her fearful, appeared again.

It's not that he can't save the demon fox, and it's not that he can't block the sky fire, but it's one thing to ask him directly, and it's another thing to secretly try to calculate him.

Zi Xuan opened her mouth lightly, intending to say something, but in the end, she still didn't speak.

Seeing this, Lin Mengjia quickly smiled at Tang Feng and said, "Since it was the demon fox's fault, it has already been punished, Tang Feng, don't be angry."

Her voice was originally quite beautiful, but at the moment it was accompanied by a gentle smile, and the whole person seemed quite gentle.

When Tang Feng turned to Lin Mengjia, he was already the same gentle, nodded at her with a smile, and said, "How can I be angry with you by my side?"

Lin Mengjia smiled again.

The two looked at each other, and electric sparks seemed to flash in the air.

Inside this room, there was a somewhat rugged atmosphere, but at this moment, it had disappeared cleanly and became extremely warm.

Zi Xuan curled her lips unnoticeably.

There was lightning and thunder just now, and the wind was beautiful in a blink of an eye.

Everyone says that a woman is easy to change her face. In her opinion, the man in front of her is even more difficult to guess.

Fortunately, Lin Mengjia is still there, otherwise, I'm afraid that when he gets angry, no one can settle it.

Thinking of this, Zi Xuan glanced at Lin Mengjia, vowing in her heart that she must hug this thigh tightly, and she must not make Lin Mengjia angry.

Of course Lin Mengjia didn't know Zi Xuan's thoughts. When she saw Tang Feng smiling, she asked curiously, "Is this fox demon rare? Why does Zi Xuan care so much?"

Zi Xuan had forgotten this matter a little bit, but when Lin Mengjia asked, her mouth was flat and a little bit slanderous, but after all, she didn't dare to say anything indiscriminately.

Tang Feng looked at Zi Xuan before saying, "Whether it is a eight-tailed or a nine-tailed fox demon, it is indeed quite rare in this world, and it can even be said to be unique."

Zi Xuan took a deep breath, and a bit of resentment filled her eyes again. If it weren't for Tang Feng's sudden coldness, she would complain a few more words at this moment.

"But that's the case, it moved such calculating thoughts, and I won't keep it."

The corner of Tang Feng's mouth turned up slightly, and he still smiled a little when he spoke.

It could be heard in Zi Xuan's ears, but it made her fight a cold war for no reason.

At this moment, there was only one thought in her mind: playing and making trouble, this man, must not really annoy him.

Otherwise, she can't afford the consequences. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1308 The Man You Can’t Provoke) Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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