Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1309: Unexpected Prophet

Tang Feng glanced at Zi Xuan and said, "You came here on purpose, isn't it just for this matter?"

Zi Xuan shook her head, with a tangled expression on her face, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't figure it out, she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing her hesitating so much, Lin Mengjia also found it strange, she smiled and said to her: "Everyone is so familiar, what can't you say directly?"

Zi Xuan slapped her lips and took another deep breath. She felt a little awkward even if she wanted to say something, she just looked at Tang Feng, as if waiting for him to speak, asking herself something.

However, Tang Feng was not in a hurry. He just held the tea cup and looked at her with a smile, as if she didn't talk, just waiting like this.

After a long while, Zi Xuan couldn't stand it anymore, and hesitated, "I think the person who wants to wake up and recover the feeding demon spirit is also directed at you."

When she said this, before Tang Feng could react, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Zi Xuan rarely showed a look of embarrassment, looked at Lin Mengjia, opened her mouth slightly, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, looking embarrassed.

In normal times, she has always made others feel embarrassed. She would be like this, which is really rare.

Lin Mengjia laughed, then said to Zi Xuan: "Li Jia and the six of them were under the death curse, but it happened more than two years ago. It's hardly possible. That person had already planned to deal with Tang Feng at the time. He just came back not long ago."

While speaking, he looked at Tang Feng with a smile, and Tang Feng nodded at her with a smile.

Zi Xuan looked a little depressed, pursed her mouth, and paused for a few seconds before saying: "I also considered this, and I felt that there was something wrong with it."

"Since this thing is unreliable at first glance, are you trying to make such an association?" Lin Mengjia tilted her head and looked at Zi Xuan. She didn't mean to question what she said, just out of curiosity. The tone was also full of confusion.

Zi Xuan shrank again into the sofa, nesting her petite and exquisite body in a soft cushion, and then said: "A person who dares to wake up and only feels confident of subduing the demon spirit, in this world, really can It’s overturned, right? Don’t say it’s me, even if the members of the Qinghong Sect are added together, it’s not easy to deal with him. He alone can achieve all the goals he wants to achieve. Why bother to do such things?"

Rong Guocheng also said this when she was in the restaurant.

Lin Mengjia was also thinking about it at the time, but she couldn't figure out the problem for a while, and Tang Feng changed the subject again, so she didn't continue thinking about it.

This time when Zi Xuan mentioned it again, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Yeah, why would he do this?"

"If it were me, if it weren't for me to have a very powerful enemy, I would have to have this demon spirit in my hands to deal with it, and I would never waste time on this matter."

As Zi Xuan spoke, her gaze shifted to Tang Feng's face, staring tightly, without evasiveness, to see his every move, even a subtle expression, in full view.

Tang Feng just smiled.

Lin Mengjia was still a little puzzled, and said: "This alone can't explain anything. After all, the world is so big and there are so many powerful people. At that time, he might have encountered some opponents that would make it so. "

Zi Xuan shook her head, did not speak, still looking at Tang Feng.

Seeing this, Lin Mengjia said, "Do you think that there is a high probability that there is a powerful person that we do not know is hidden in this world, or is the probability that the person will be unpredictable and know that Tang Summit will return after more than two years? When in Xijing, didn't you also meet a rather mysterious person? Until now, you haven't figured out his identity."

She felt that there was no suspense about her question, and the answer was plain and clear. Besides, it was her own personal experience that Zi Xuan met the master. She knew this point best.

Lin Mengjia's face also showed a slightly relaxed smile.

In her heart, she hopes that this matter has nothing to do with Tang Feng. As a wife, no matter how old her husband is, she does not want him to be in danger after all. Of course she does not want to believe it. , Someone had planned to deal with Tang Feng two years ago.

Moreover, this thing sounds a bit weird indeed.

But who knows, Zi Xuan really thought about it for a long time before revealing a somewhat determined look, saying: "For a practitioner, when he reaches a certain level, he knows how to deduce the destiny. What’s difficult? As for the person I met in Xijing, even though his abilities are above me, he can also play around with me, and even his cultivation level will be above my master. But I believe that with To him, he still has no ability to be an enemy of that person."

The tone of her speech is quite firm.

Lin Mengjia didn't expect that Zi Xuan would rather believe in things like the unexplored prophet, rather than believe that there are people like Tang Feng in this world.

She didn't even expect that the person she had always been quite jealous of in Zi Xuan's mouth was so unworthy compared to the person who planned secretly.

At this moment, Lin Mengjia couldn't help it, and she turned her head to look at Tang Feng.

"Deduction of destiny, unpredictable prophet."

Tang Feng repeated these eight words with a very meaningful smile on his face.

Zi Xuan nodded quite confidently, and said, "Although I can't reach this level by my ability, I believe that this person has this kind of ability."

Lin Mengjia hesitated and said to Tang Feng, "Is it a very powerful person who can deduct the destiny?"

That mysterious person is not his opponent. Listening to Zi Xuan's meaning, Qing Hongzong may not be able to deal with him, so how powerful is this person?

In the bottom of her heart, the worries that had dissipated before began to fill her heart again.

Although she didn't know the matter, she could also feel from the look on Zi Xuan's face and the tone of her speech that this matter should be quite serious.

She didn't know how serious it was. She didn't know if Tang Feng could handle it.

Lin Mengjia's heart began to have no bottom. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1309 The Unexpected Prophet) and open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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