Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1330: Please yin god

Tang Feng said slowly: "In this round, if Zi Xuan doesn't move, you'll lose."

"Why do you say that?"

Lin Mengjia knew that Tang Feng would definitely not say such things for no reason.

But when she looked at the two of them, how she looked at it, she felt that the soul of the night had a better chance of winning.

Although the players in this competition are quite strong, there will be differences in height and weight.

Dark Night Soul is about 1.75 meters tall, and his muscles are very strong. When it was displayed on the stage, everyone under the stage showed a bit of envy.

The devil is not unsturdy, but he is a little shorter, standing barefoot on the stage, less than 1.7 meters visually.

Even if Lin Mengjia is a layman, she knows that in addition to some martial arts skills, this fighting competition is more about physical fitness and strength. Even if the two people are of the same size, the devil seems to be slightly smaller in proportion.

Both of them are professional players, so according to common sense, naturally heavier weights will have greater strength.

Therefore, looking at her appearance, Lin Mengjia easily decided that Soul of the Night had a better chance of winning.

It must be the people in the audience, and they think the same way. Among the shouts of the audience, it is obvious that the name of the soul of the night is louder.

Tang Feng looked in the direction of the demon king.

Compared to looking at the quite ostentatious Soul of the Night, the Demon Lord appeared to be a lot low-key. He stood aside, only occasionally following the invitation of the host to make a few moves to show himself.

But even so, the audience's eyes were more on the body of the night soul, and they didn't pay much attention to him.

Tang Feng smiled lightly and said, "He is not alone."


Lin Mengjia didn't understand for a while.

He is not human?

Or is he not alone?

Tang Feng further explained: "In his body, there are two souls."

Lin Mengjia's eyes became even more startled, and said, "Is he upset by a ghost?"

According to her understanding, this is the best explanation.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "Yes, it's not."

What Tang Feng said tonight has always puzzled Lin Mengjia. She looked at Tang Feng in confusion, waiting for him to speak.

"Usually the so-called upper body of ghosts is passive, or go to some sulky place, or accidentally rush to something, and then get the upper body, but he is active, ask the ghost to the upper body, this kind of behavior , Called Ying Yin Shen."

"Yin? God?" Lin Mengjia is very interested in these weird things, and has seen a lot of related things, but this is the first time I have heard of this word.

This **** has always been upright and upright, belonging to Yang, while Yin is mostly associated with things of Yin and evil, and I have never heard of any Yin god.

Seeing her bewildered, Tang Feng smiled, and said, "In fact, it's a ghost as it is usually called, but if they want to ask this ghost to the upper body, they want to give it a honorific title, called Yin Shen.

Lin Mengjia looked at the man named Demon King, still a little puzzled, and said: "The upper body of a ghost will damage people's yang, hurt people's body, there are hundreds of harms but no benefit. Why does he do this? Don't you know this? Is it harmful?"

Although this is the case, who would not know the harm?

That demon king is not a three-year-old kid, how can he not understand?

Tang Feng also looked at him, let out a cold snort from his nose, and said, "Isn't it to win? Or rather, it's to make a profit."

"You mean that he used the upper body of the ghost to let the ghost help him win the game? Isn't this not drinking poison to quench thirst? For a little immediate benefit, it has to pay a huge price, which is totally outweighed by the gain!"

Lin Mengjia's eyes widened, unable to understand this person's behavior.

Tang Feng still sneered faintly, and said: "Does he not know the truth? Just like a gambler, who doesn't know the final result? But he still feels lucky and feels that he can win. In fact, it is with him. In terms of it, why not use your own destiny to make a bet?"

Lin Mengjia took a deep breath, shook her head slowly, still showing a somewhat sorrowful expression, looked at the devil for a long while, and said: "It is said that people who are upper body of ghosts will be corroded by Yin Qi. , His expression is distressed. We met Sun Dapao in Xijing before, isn't that the case? But why does this person seem to be in such a situation?"

Not only did the demon king appear to be full of energy, he was full of vigor all over his body. Even if Lin Mengjia couldn't see the yin and yang, he could still feel that this person was definitely full of yang.

Tang Feng didn't answer directly, but asked Lin Mengjia, "Do you know the kid raised in Siam?"

Lin Mengjia nodded repeatedly.

The little ghosts and magic cards of Siam are quite well-known things. She has heard a lot of gossip. Many big stars are raising little ghosts, but they help their fortune. However, in daily life, you must worship the little ghosts.

Tang Feng continued: "His situation is similar to raising a little ghost. He has reached a certain agreement with the Yin God invited by him. According to the agreement, he meets the requirements of the Yin God, and the Yin God helps him to win. , Then we can live in peace."

"But," Lin Mengjia hesitated and asked, "I also heard that raising a kid is very risky. If something wrong happens, it will cause backlash. Please Yinshen, will it be more secure? ?"

"What's the safest thing to do with this kind of monsters?" Tang Feng's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a very sarcasm smile, and glanced at the demon king, looking very disdainful. Agreements all have traps. Once you fall into it, you can't help yourself in the future. You see him all right at the moment, but it's just the yin **** on your body, and it's not troublesome."

Lin Mengjia nodded, but suddenly, she looked at the old man on the opposite side, and said: "Does he ask the Yin God, this monk doesn't know? With his cultivation level, he won't be able to see it, right?"

"Since he can become a player and come here to participate in the competition, it shows that this matter was approved by the boss, maybe it was he who instructed it."

Tang Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was still a sneer in his eyes.

Lin Mengjia already understood what he meant, pursed her lips, and then said very dissatisfied: "It's the first time we watched this game. We don't know much about these two people, but if we come here a few times, You will know that the two seem to be a little bit different in strength."Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: https: // Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: https:/ / return to be a dad txt download address: https://www returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn .com/read/103189/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below (Chapter 1330 Please Yin Shen) read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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