Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1331: Bookmaker's approach

The implication of Lin Mengjia's words is very obvious.

She saw the photos of the two from the picture album. She didn't know that they stood together in such a strong contrast, but if other people saw the two, even if they saw them separately, they would be able to understand the figure of the soul of the night. Physical fitness is better than the Demon King, and everyone has bet on the Soul of the Night, which is quite normal.

Seeing Lin Mengjia's angry look, Tang Feng smiled and said, "If you can guess everything, how does the dealer make money?"

Lin Mengjia's eyes flashed a little puzzled: "However, if this bet is one-sided, the odds shouldn't be like this. After betting on the devil, obviously the odds should be higher."

"This is the dealer's method." Tang Feng replied faintly, "The odds are all secretly operated by them. If the odds are very different, it is very easy to attract people's attention. They arranged this in the brochure and it seems to be powerful. Competitors who are equal but have not met before come to the game precisely to avoid the high odds and confuse others."

Lin Mengjia nodded her head and said with emotion: "I thought before that maybe we could have such a game in Pingyang, but now that I want to come, I probably don't have the mind to set up such a game."

Even if Lin Mengjia lived in a large family since she was a child, she is now in business, but she believes that she earns money honestly based on honesty, and occasionally has some small tricks, which will never be excessive and will not harm others and self-interest.

Looking at this game now, it seems that business is good, but there are countless schemings hidden in it. Lin Mengjia showed a little retreat and felt that she was not suitable.

Tang Feng didn't care, smiled slightly, and said, "If you really want to do this, you can give it to Rong Guocheng. I think he must have a good understanding of this, and it will surely rise."

Those who want to come to the underground world like Rong Guocheng must have a good understanding of these gambling games. Maybe they have participated in other places many times.

Lin Mengjia nodded her head and said in a puzzled way: "I never thought of this kind of business before, and Rong Guocheng would not have thought of it without reason."

The implication is that the other party should have been able to open such a business in Pingyang long ago, but she had never heard of it.

"Rong Guocheng has a lot of power in their dark world, but after all, he won't be able to play on the stage. If you want to start a game of this size, with his strength, it is far from enough. However, if you add you at this moment, there will be no Any problems." Tang Feng smiled at Lin Mengjia.

Listening to what he said, Lin Mengjia was even more excited.

When the two talked, the Demon King and Night Soul had already met.

Dark Night's Soul's movements are large and powerful. It slams its fists and screams wind, making people feel a little heart palpitations. If this is greeted by ordinary people, it is afraid that a punch can kill it.

The demon king looked sturdy, but he was very agile and agile. He easily avoided the opponent’s attack. The Soul of the Night seemed to be a menacing attack, but he did not succeed in one shot. Every time he attacked with heavy punches, Missed.

The Demon King was not eager to attack, but just blindly defended. After a few rounds, his expression was still very calm, but on the forehead of the Soul of the Night, he had already seen sweat.

From the audience, shouts were constantly being made to make the Night Soul speed up the attack and quickly defeat the Demon King, but the more so, the look on the Night Soul's face became a little anxious.

The more anxious he is, the faster he punches, but he is slightly out of tactics, and even more unable to hit, such a vicious circle, in a short period of time, he has already revealed his defeat, and even the look in his eyes has become a little loose. .

"He is deliberately consuming the opponent's physical strength. This is the first game and that's it. How else to play next?"

Even Lin Mengjia, a layman, could easily see the doorway, and his face was already a bit worried.

Not to mention that she and Tang Feng bet on the soul of the night. If he loses, their millions will really be in the water. The fact that the devil invites the ghost to the upper body has already made her a little bit. Angrily.

"It's not just for this reason. Both are very experienced players. Even you can see the purpose of the Demon King. How can Dark Night Soul fail to guess it? Under normal circumstances, he will adjust his tactics. The other party led by the nose because he had been bewitched by his mind, and the look in his eyes was not quite right."

Lin Mengjia carefully observed it, and it turned out that, as Tang Feng said, the soul of the night shrank blindly and his eyes were erratic. The whole person was completely in a state of chaos, as if he hadn't woken up yet, even though the people around were shouting loudly. , For him, it has no effect at all.

"So now, what should we do? Are we just watching?" Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng with a slightly eager expression, "Tang Feng, do you have a way? Hurry up and think of a way, otherwise, it's really easy It was the insidious guy who won!"

Tang Feng smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, isn't there still Zi Xuan? Seizing the soul, but she is good at it."

When Tang Feng reminded him, Lin Mengjia thought of Zi Xuan, who had disappeared just now, and was about to nod, but suddenly thought of something, and said, "How do you know that Zi Xuan is not on that demon king?"

"It doesn't matter where Zi Xuan is betting. What's important is that she will never watch such things as Yinshen happen, but let it go." Tang Feng smiled.

Zi Xuan cultivates with her soul, the more powerful the soul, the more beneficial it is for her practice and the more it can improve her realm.

Some monks of different species, in order to practice, will kill people, in order to get the soul of a person who has not reached the end of life, but Zi Xuan has always been the rule, she uses people who are dying. This practice naturally has great effects. Discounted.

When she was in the sect, she and his master caught the souls of those trapped in the mountains. After she came out of the mountain, she could use the souls of many people around her, but she had always followed the rules. , Did not hurt people's lives.

This is also the reason why Tang Feng knew that she was a heterogeneous monk, but was able to tolerate her and let her follow him.

Now that she encounters such a powerful soul that can be possessed as a virgin body, and can be taken away reasonably without hurting lives, how can she let it go?

Presumably, Zi Xuan at this moment is already happy from ear to ear.

With this soul, the money to bet is really insignificant. Even if Zi Xuan is betting on the demon king, she will absolutely ignore it. The only thought in her heart is to get this soul. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1331 Bookmaker’s Means) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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