Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1335: Direct shot

Lin Mengjia also looked over.

I don't know when, Zi Xuan has already returned.

At the moment she was sitting on the sofa, talking to Shangguan and Ji Ning enthusiastically, and the two of them no longer watched the game, but sat on the sofa near her, showing great interest.

Xue Rui, who was sitting next to Zi Xuan, had an expression of excitement on his face, and he also inserted two sentences from time to time.

It can be seen that the content of their conversation now is much more interesting than the following game. Even ordinary people like Shangguan and Ji Ning, who are not gossiping at all, listen carefully, with light flashing in their eyes as they listen. He nodded slightly.

Lin Mengjia looked at it, very puzzled, and said to Tang Feng: "Look at them, it seems they are talking about something interesting.

Tang Feng didn’t look at it, he already knew what they were talking about, and said, “Zixuan has got such a big bargain, so she naturally wants to show off. She is explaining to them about the Yinshen and how she shows up. Supernatural power, caught that soul."

Lin Mengjia already knew the situation, but was no longer curious. She looked at the old man again and said, "Can that monk hear them? He—what is he doing!"

Lin Mengjia's voice suddenly rose.

She saw the old man on the opposite side. At this moment, the palm of her right hand was turned up. The string of beads that he was holding in his hand had already risen into the air, floating on the top of his palm, in which, emitting a light blue gas. , Is slowly spreading.

The old man's lips were also shaking quickly, the frequency was extremely fast, and he couldn't hear what he was saying, but based on Lin Mengjia's experience, he could also guess that it must be a spell.

Lin Mengjia directly told her that what the old man did must be quite shocking, and it was aimed at Zi Xuan.

Thinking of Zi Xuan, Lin Mengjia looked at her again.

On Zi Xuan's side, it seemed that she hadn't noticed the situation at all, and she was still talking and laughing with others, dancing and dancing, very excited.

Lin Mengjia really wished to yell at her to remind her to pay attention, but at this moment, she also knew that it was useless to do it like this.

"Crimson Curse, no wonder it's so arrogant."

Without Lin Mengjia's reminder, Tang Feng's mouth was already showing a sneer, and immediately, a golden light lingered from his fingertips, and it shot like lightning in the direction of the old man.

This golden aura is not very bright, and the light seems very soft, but this speed is fast, although it has no entity, it looks like a sharp blade.

The old man was concentrating on the formula, allowing the cyan gas in his palm to diffuse faster and faster, forming a serpentine shape in the air. Seeing it meandering, he was going to walk in the direction of Zi Xuan's box.

At this moment, this golden aura had arrived, and with a fierce momentum, it hit directly on the string of beads in the palm of the old man.

At the moment of contact, the string of beads seemed to be hit by a bullet, and the string that held the beads together broke, and the beads were scattered and scattered. Not only was the string of beads scattered, but the beads themselves were also torn apart, with small fragments facing the surroundings. Sputtered out.

As the beads shattered, the cyan long snake that had formed in the sky disappeared in an instant.

Following this all of a sudden, the old man who was half-squinted and chanting formulas, as if being picked up and thrown by an invisible big hand, his whole body flew towards the back and hit the wall next to the elevator heavily. Up and fell down again.

During this process, his body also collided with a table and chair, and even fell to the ground. Fortunately, the position where the middle-aged man was standing was not on the trajectory where he flew out, otherwise he would definitely be hit. inverted.

The noise made at this moment was not small, and fortunately everyone was paying attention to the battle. The shouts were not small before they were covered up. In addition, the position of the box is relatively high, and the people below can’t see it. People also looked down, and for a while, few people noticed this sudden change.

That is, Lin Mengjia, who watched from the beginning, had a panoramic view of all this.

Although the strength of being hit against the wall and falling again is not light, it is really nothing to a cultivator on the fourth floor of Qi refining.

With the physical toughness of the monks of this level and ordinary physical attacks, they have no choice but to slam into this kind of wall, fearing that they can knock down the entire wall, but at this moment, the wall is safe and sound, but the old man is lying down. On the ground, I didn't stand up immediately.

The two people who followed him were also very quick-eyed. They didn't care about being shocked when they saw the old man flying out and falling back. They hurried forward together and helped the old man to his feet. With tension and concern on their faces, they asked again and again. .

All things happened between the electric light and flint. Lin Mengjia was just dumbfounded when she witnessed all this.

It wasn't until the two middle-aged men held the old man on the sofa that she recovered, turned to Tang Feng's direction, and said blankly: "This, what's the matter?"

She knew that Tang Feng's reaction just now must have something to do with it.

Even if he has the ability to overturn the clouds and rain, he will not easily hurt people. Especially at this time, he put down a prohibition, deliberately hides his whereabouts, and has a bit of thought of watching Zi Xuan's lively, even if there is something, he will Zi Xuan would definitely be allowed to go first, she could not figure it out, he would do it again.

It must be something that this person did that touched Tang Feng's bottom line that made him faintly stunned and directly dealt with him.

Tang Feng still looked at the people opposite him coldly, with a touch of sarcasm at the corners of his mouth. Hearing Lin Mengjia’s question, he relaxed a little, turned to her, with a smile on his face. Said: "Before I looked away, this person is not an orthodox monk, but a sect outcast."

Lin Mengjia was still puzzled, still looking at Tang Feng with bewildered eyes.

Tang Feng went on to explain: "In fact, he was considered orthodox before, but the method he used just now, called the Chiqing Curse, is a magic technique specifically aimed at monks. These techniques are extremely poisonous and have been used by many. The sect is regarded as a forbidden technique, and it is almost lost. Presumably, this person found the classics in the sect that recorded these techniques and secretly practiced before being expelled from the sect."

Lin Mengjia nodded her head and let out an "Oh", but she still didn't quite understand, and said, "Then, now, are you cracking his spell?"

"Cracking? Don't be so troublesome," Tang Feng's mouth sneered again, "I abolished his cultivation." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: txt download address of Longevity Return: Dad: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: To facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1335 Directly shot), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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