Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1336: Tang Feng is here

What happened in the monk's box was so fast that no one else had noticed it, but it was impossible for Zi Xuan to notice it.

With her keen ability to perceive, even inadvertently, she can feel the wind and grass. What's more, this cultivator who is equivalent to her cultivation level has already made her quite concerned before, and she has also been more careful on this.

Although she was talking excitedly towards the Shangguan and others, her alertness did not relax at all. When the incident happened, she rushed to the handrail position and looked in that direction without any concealment.

The old man’s box is not at a great angle to her. If both sides are in the handrail position, they can see each other, but if they enter inside and sit on the sofa, it’s hard to see, especially now. The sofa where the old man was sitting was still in the same direction as Zi Xuan's box. Even if Zi Xuan used her strength to eat, she didn't see the slightest.

Although Ji Ning and the others did not react as quickly as Zi Xuan, they immediately realized that something was happening, and they followed, but they also didn't see anything, and their faces were full of doubts. Look at Zi Xuan.

"Miss Zixuan, what's the matter?" Xue Rui asked Zixuan eagerly, almost leaning out of the handrail.

Zi Xuan did not answer, but frowned, with a somewhat bewildered expression in her eyes. She did not look at the box again, but turned her head. In the entire arena, upstairs and downstairs, they all scanned again. In a circle.

Shangguan also noticed that Zi Xuan's behavior was abnormal, and he also said to her, "What's wrong?"

Zi Xuan pursed her mouth, still did not answer directly, but her eyes were a little uncertain, a little hesitant, in a rather hesitant voice, with some questions, she said two words: "Tang Feng? "


"Mr. Tang?"

"What happened to Mr. Tang?"

Three people asked questions at the same time.

Suddenly here, when Zi Xuan mentioned Tang Feng's name, they were all a little surprised. They didn't understand why she suddenly thought of Tang Feng. At this time, Tang Feng should be resting in the hotel.

Zi Xuan didn't pay attention, and looked at the arena again, especially when she glanced back and forth over several boxes. Suddenly, she turned around and didn't speak, and ran towards the elevator.

The other three were surprised and puzzled, and they didn't know what happened, so they could only follow Zi Xuan.

When Zi Xuan pressed the elevator, her expression was tense, and she whispered, "Tang Feng is also here."

"He, isn't he in the hotel?" Xue Rui gaped, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Ji Ning looked suspicious, turned his head, and also looked outside, but he was at his location, his vision was not very broad, he glanced around, and said: "If sir is here, we should be able to find out, but enter this bar. After that, there was nothing unusual, and even if we didn’t notice it, didn’t even you notice it?"

"Before I felt that someone was peeping in the dark, but after searching for a long time, I couldn't find who it was. Now that I want to come, it must be him!" Zi Xuan's face had a very determined expression.

Before everyone could continue to ask questions, the elevator had arrived while they were talking. Inside, the woman wearing a bunny girl costume was a little surprised when everyone was concentrated here.

Shi Cai Zixuan and Xue Rui had taken the elevator and left for a while, saying that they felt bored to get out of the air. She did not suspect that he had him, and they were trained to work again, and they knew that they could not inquire about guests at will. Seeing what the guests are doing, if the other party does not take the initiative to say, they can't ask.

The bunny girl's surprise disappeared immediately, and she smiled and said, "A few distinguished guests, are you going to go downstairs?"

Zi Xuan said to her, "I want to go to another box, how should I go?"

With a sweet smile on the face of the bunny girl, with a clear and sweet voice, she replied respectfully: "Miss, our boxes here are not connected to each other. If you want to go to another one, you have to go downstairs and change. Into the elevator of each other's box."

"Okay, then take me to the box over there."

Zi Xuan stretched out her finger and pointed to a box diagonally behind her.

That box? The three of Ji Ning and the others glanced at each other, all showing a little confused look.

There was a man and a woman in the box over there. They looked very strange, and there was no familiar aura on them. They had seen them before, and no one had paid much attention to them. Why would Zi Xuan ask to go there? side?

A little embarrassed expression appeared on the bunny girl's face and said: "Miss, before entering the box, you need to get the consent of the guests inside, otherwise we have no right to take you there."

Zi Xuan waved her hand and said, "The people in the box are our friends. They won't stop him."

"Since the VIP over there is your friend, miss, it is convenient for you to communicate with them first, and then—" Just as the bunny girl was talking, the phone in the elevator rang suddenly.

With an apologetic smile on her face, she nodded to Zi Xuan, motioned her to answer the phone first, and then talk to her, but when she saw the number shown above, she showed a slightly weird look on her face. .

The telephones in the bar are all equipped with internal lines. Now it is displayed on the screen that the caller is the number of the elevator in the box that Zi Xuan pointed to. It's too coincidental to call, right? It's as if it's been arranged in advance, and it's probably only in the movies.

With a bit of doubt in her heart, the bunny girl had already picked up the phone, and she just "heed", she heard a familiar female voice from the other side, it was the colleague who was in charge of the box over there, she said on the phone: "The two distinguished guests here ordered that the few distinguished guests on your side are all his friends. Please don't be embarrassed and just bring them here."

The bunny girl hurriedly responded with a "Okay", and this phone call could be regarded as an answer to her.

There are noble guests in the boxes on both sides, and she can't afford to offend them. If they have to go here, and there is no permission there, she thinks they can enter without authorization. She knows that those who can be in this box are not rich. Expensive person, once someone complains, the consequences are not something she can bear.

With the approval of the other party, the bunny girl smiled at Zi Xuan again, made a "please" gesture, and said: "A few distinguished guests, please come with me, and I will bring you all over." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1336 Tang Feng is here), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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