Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1361: Determine the route

Seeing Tang Feng's understatement, Zi Xuan's face suddenly showed a weird smile. Looking at Tang Feng with a smile but a smile, she seemed to think of something in general. The smile at the corner of her mouth felt a little meaningful. of.

Shangguan looked at her. Although he didn't understand what she meant, he knew in his heart that Zi Xuan would never do this for nothing.

Tang Feng saw it too, raised his eyebrows slightly towards her, and said, "What?"

Zi Xuan was still smiling, and said, "You can drop directly into the water without relying on any tools?"

Hearing what Zi Xuan said, everyone looked at Tang Feng with a little curiosity.

Tang Feng was non-committal and did not answer Zi Xuan's question. He still had that indifferent expression on his face, saying, "It's useless to say this now."

He didn't deny it directly, it was already showing that, as Zi Xuan said, he could do it, and it was obviously not a difficult task.

Zi Xuan pursed her mouth slightly, still smiling, but did not continue to question.

The rest of the crowd showed different expressions on their faces when they saw this situation.

People who often follow Tang Feng, such as Rong Guocheng and Ji Ning, have long known Tang Feng’s abilities and don’t think much. Even Xue’s sister and brother and others have long regarded Tang Feng as a **** in their hearts, although they are also. They were slightly surprised, but this expression was just a flash, even if Tang Feng had any great abilities, they couldn't be overly shocked.

But Li Jia and his wife are different.

They feel that their worldview has been refreshed again and again.

You can dive to a depth of tens of meters without using any tools. Is this still a human?

There was an incredible expression in their eyes.

In fact, Tang Feng was really interested in the entrance of this underwater passage. If he came by himself this time, he would really go straight down from the center of the lake to see what's weird inside.

When he entered this mountain, he didn't notice the slightest strangeness. It can be seen that the prohibition in this ancient tomb is quite clever, and it can even hide it from his eyes.

And in this lake, there are these two kinds of fish and shrimps with soul fragments attached, which also shows that the hidden passages or hidden doors connected to the ancient tombs in this lake may be prohibited from being destroyed before they can lead to such results.

What happened in this one?

If it wasn't for these people, Tang Feng would really go and see.

But since there are these people in the industry, this is obviously impossible.

Moreover, when he came this time, Rong Guocheng had prepared a lot of equipment very seriously, but they were all used for climbing or on land.

Who would have thought that in such a mountain, on the way to enter the ancient tomb, would encounter such a large lake? Rong Guocheng didn't have the skills of such unknown prophets, and it was impossible to prepare diving equipment.

Among the people present, even Zi Xuan couldn't just go on like him.

Leaving these here, he went down to take a look on his own, Tang Feng was not at ease, after all, there may be a legendary demon spirit here, this is not a joke.

If it was something ordinary, give it to Zi Xuan and these two little monkeys, Tang Feng would have believed it.

However, this is a demon spirit for thousands of years, relying solely on a monk with the fourth level of Qi refining and a Breitling monkey, to be honest, it is not Tang Feng that looks down on them, it is really not an opponent.

Although Zi Xuan always looks carelessly laughing and joking, but in some aspects, her mind is also very fast. She naturally thought of this, so Tang Feng didn't answer directly, so she didn't do it anymore. Continue to ask.

Otherwise, if Tang Feng is really on a whim and wants to see what is weird in the middle of the lake, leaving her here, under such circumstances, once an accident happens, she really can't handle it.

Zi Xuan knew in her heart that now is not the time to do her best.

Xue Panpan glanced towards the lake and said, "Mr. Tang, if you really want to see under the lake, it is not impossible. It is so close to Xizhou City, we can completely turn back. Once you have bought the equipment you need, and then come back again, you won’t be able to lose much time."

Shangguan also nodded silently.

The Zongmen where she is located is in the mountains in the north, and the location is also mountainous and less watery. It is rare to see such a big lake. She is already a little curious when she sees the water of the lake.

Now that I heard Tang Feng say this, I was inevitably aroused a little bit of curiosity, but I secretly hoped that I could go down and have a look.

Ji Ning glanced at Shangguan, as if he was hesitant to speak.

The place where his home is located is also in the north, and water is rarely seen, but what he thinks in his heart at this moment is completely different from that of Shangguan.

He is secretly worried that he doesn't know how to water. If he enters the lake, what happens is he can't handle it at all.

Tang Feng shook his head faintly, and said, "There is no need for this. Underwater, people's ability to react will be reduced, and their perception of the surroundings will become dull. If we are not careful, accidents may happen. There is no one who is proficient in diving, so there is no need to take this risk."

Tang Feng also knew that if it was not a last resort, there was no need to dive into the lake. After all, with these people around him, if he couldn't take care of them for a while, he might be in trouble.

Li Jia hurriedly nodded and said: "The place where we came out before was very tightly sealed at the time, but the tools I brought this time can be opened soon. Let's go over there. , I can lead the way"

Hei Mudan also agreed: "If our elders stayed behind, we would rather go the same way than take the risk to find a new one. After all, the route we have traveled before is clear where there is danger in it. ."

For the two of them, the skills they usually practice are used on the ground, and this ground is their home court. Although they know how to swim, they should really let them dive down. They are also quite lacking in confidence in their hearts. of.

Tang Feng nodded, and this route was confirmed.

Soon, everyone was already under the lead of the husband and wife and walked towards the forest not far away.

And this route, they watched Ji Ning let them in before, and Shangguan also went to find them, in fact, there is no need to lead the way, everyone knows how to go. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1361 Determine the route) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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