Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1362: right here

At first, everyone walked along the shore of the lake.

The night breeze was blowing slightly on the lake surface, bringing a hint of cool water vapor, and in the night, people felt a little chilly.

But in fact, this cold rising from the bottom of my heart is not just because of the wind, but the surrounding temperature has really dropped.

The moonlight tonight is good, it shines on the lake surface, and as the wind wrinkles the water surface, there is a burst of fine light, but on the water surface, in addition to the white moonlight, there is also a faint blue light, which is also a star. A little bit, some floating on the water, and some swimming slowly in the lake.

Around these blue lights, there is a white mist lingering again, which makes people look at it, and it feels like a chill in the bottom of my heart.

But fortunately, this faint blue color is located far away from the shore, and the location of the shore is not there.

"This is the ghost fire in the legend?" Xue Panpan lowered his voice and said quietly.

Her voice was almost inaudible, as low as possible, for fear of disturbing the blue light in the lake.

Zi Xuan smiled and said: "Those are wandering souls. To be more accurate, they should be fragments of souls. They don't have any consciousness at all, and they don't pose a threat to the surroundings. They just look at them to bluff people."

Xue Panpan let out a soft "um", even though Zi Xuan said so, she still didn't dare to show the air.

Even if she was Wu Xiu, after all, she had never seen such a battle.

Zi Xuan continued: "You don't have to worry about them hearing you. Our seven orifices have been sealed, and it is impossible for them to perceive our existence. Even if we are standing next to them, they will not be able to perceive our existence. Will find out."

Hearing Zi Xuan's words, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly eased a bit.

It turned out that it was not just Xue Panpan, but the rest of the people were a little nervous, and some of them didn't dare to breathe.

Soon, everyone has passed by the lake and entered the woods.

Compared with the chills by the lake, the forest looks much warmer, and the surrounding area is quiet. Everything seems normal wherever you look. Although it is getting closer and closer to the entrance of the tomb, it is not. No soul or wandering soul.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Li Jia stopped and said, "We are here."

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but stunned slightly.

They had all heard Li Jia say before that this pre-Qin tomb is quite huge. According to their idea, the entrance to this tomb should look very majestic, such as those ancient emperor’s tombs, which are carved with beams and pillars outside. There is also a huge tombstone with an inscription on it.

But where Li Jia stopped, there was nothing.

This place looks no different from other places in the forest. If it is really different, it means that there is a small clearing near here without many trees.

Li Jia saw the doubts on the faces of everyone, knowing it in her heart, and pointed to her feet, saying: "The entrance is here."

The eyes of everyone gathered in the direction of his fingers, but when they looked at it, they were no different from the ground in other places around them. They were all covered with leaves, some of the leaves had rotted, mixed with the soil, and weeds grew out of them. .

Hei Mudan smiled, and said: "Not everyone’s tombs are all erected with great fanfare with inscriptions on the stele to announce to the world. There are many people who don’t want their tombs to be known by outsiders, but they are quiet. It’s hidden somewhere, and nothing can be seen on the surface."

"Since I can't tell, how do I know the specific location of this tomb?" Xue Panpan's face showed a very curious look.

Hei Mudan then smiled and said: "This is what we have learned since childhood. According to Feng Shui and some subtle phenomena around, we can find the entrance to the tomb. Even if we can't find it, we can find a convenient place to enter. In the place, open a robbery hole and enter from the robbery hole. This tomb was entered by the robbery hole."

As he spoke, Black Peony's gaze had already fallen on Li Jia.

At this moment, Li Jia was taking out a small and precise shovel, and began to shovel it under his feet. Not long after, an area about one meter in diameter had been cleared.

After clearing away the dead branches, leaves and soil above this area, everyone has seen that underneath, there is a very flat stone.

In the mountains, this situation is also very normal, usually the soil is covered on the rocks.

Li Jia bent down and took a few light glances on the stone with a shovel. After a while, everyone heard that there was an echo of "dongdong" at a certain point where he tapped.

Below this is empty.

Seeing this kind of situation, everyone's faces showed a bit of excitement.

Li Jia didn't rush, and digging around the place where the noise was made with a shovel.

Hei Mudan also took his own shovel and wanted to help, but there were so many men present, it was obvious that she would not let her do it, Rong Guocheng stepped forward, grabbed her shovel in his hand, and said: "Let me bring it on."

Hei Mudan did not refuse, and pointed to several places with his hand, indicating that Rong Guocheng was digging there.

After digging for ten minutes, the area has expanded, and the huge boulder covering the ground has exposed the edge. Li Jia inserted the shovel into the gap below the edge, and the stone has moved slowly with both hands.

Upon seeing this, Ji Ning also came up to help.

When several people were digging, Tang Feng didn't say anything, but just looked around.

When they pried the stone slab, Tang Feng turned to Xiao Hui, who was standing on a side tree branch and was watching the watch, "Where is the other tomb you found?"

Hearing the sound, Xiao Hui immediately jumped up towards the branch above his head, then stood up straight, pointed his hand in one direction, and made a creak in his mouth.

What Xiao Hui points to is in the southeast direction of their location, and the amplitude of the gestures is not very large, which obviously means that the distance is not very far.

The two of them said before that the distance between the two tombs they saw was no more than one kilometer.

Tang Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Lin Mengjia was very curious and said to Tang Feng: "What is the connection between these two ancient tombs? Are they really close two people?"

Tang Feng nodded slightly and said, "Although I don't know what the reason is, the prohibition methods used in the two tombs are the same. There must be a connection between the two."

Lin Mengjia was happy.

If the two tombs can't be struck by two poles, it is equivalent to checking two, but they are connected to each other, that's simple. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1362 is here), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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