Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1363: Broken stele

When Tang Feng was talking with Lin Mengjia, the stone had been removed under the scheming of others.

I thought that under the stone, there would be an entrance into the tomb. Unexpectedly, the underside was still covered with mud, which looked like a thick layer. When they removed the stone, there was something like dark and dampness. The insect was disturbed, twisted his body, and quickly escaped.

At the beginning, they looked at the stone flat, and when Li Jia hit it, there was an echo. They thought it was just a stone slab, but after moving it, they realized that it was actually a stone tablet, which was buckled upside down on the ground.

It's just that this stone stele looks a little shame.

If this is the inscription on this ancient tomb, it is really not worthy of the status of the pre-Qin kings or the ancient monks.

This stone stele is not marble or white marble, it is just a piece of ordinary rock. It is not thick, and it is still quite rough without careful polishing. It is simply polished on the lettering side.

This stone tablet should have been buried in the ground for a long time.

This long-term does not mean that Li Jia and others buried it here before leaving, but the number of years it was buried in the ground, at least hundreds of years.

Due to the damp underground and the decay of vegetation, the writing on the inscription was so mottled that it was hard to read, and only occasionally, it was difficult to find a complete word when seeing a few signs on it.

Looking at the words on it, Tang Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

The rest of the people wanted to continue digging down, but they saw that Tang Feng's complexion had changed, and they stopped their hands, all with a puzzled expression on their faces, looking at the dilapidated stone monument under their feet.

Zi Xuan also came to look at it, and immediately understood the reason for Tang Feng's frown.

The words above are not only ambiguous, but also incomprehensible at all.

This word is not any kind of writing that she has mastered, nor is it a Taoism.

If they recognize what is written on it, even if it is so vague, follow the front and back connections and guess. Although they can't fully figure out what is written on it, they can roughly understand one or two things.

But at this moment, if you can't even read the text above, there is no possibility of association at all.

Zi Xuan looked towards Tang Feng, still holding a glimmer of hope, and said, "Tang Feng, do you know this kind of writing?"

Tang Feng shook his head faintly, with no expression on his face.

This is indeed the type of text he has never touched before, not even seen it before, let alone know it.

Rong Guocheng simply cleaned up the dirt and grass roots attached to it to make the text on it appear more recognizable, but it still had no effect. These broken strokes were still unrecognizable.

Looking at it, Ji Ning looked a little helpless, and said to Li Jia: "When you came last time, was this the same on this? Are there rubbings or photos that can read the writing clearly?"

Li Jia showed a slightly awkward expression on her face, grabbed her hair, and said: "We are here for the things inside. This stone tablet was also seen at the time. I quickly glanced at it. If you don’t understand, there is no time wasting on it, and at that time the situation was very urgent, and no one would want to record the things on it."

After all, this tomb robbery is not for archaeology. It is for the valuable things in the tomb. Such a stone tablet, said to be a stone tablet, is no different from an ordinary stone. It is laborious to move and cannot sell for the price. Of course, they won't care.

Hei Mudan followed and explained: "Looking at the writing on it, it's not like it was caused by the past two years. It's probably already the case."

Tang Feng let out a "um", looked at Li Jia, and said, "When you came last time, where was this stone monument?"

Li Jia turned to a place just a few steps away, and said, "It's there."

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw that at first glance, it was completely the same as the surrounding ground. Upon closer inspection, they found a very shallow recessed crater.

Li Jia continued: "When we came out of the inside, we hurried to fill in the soil, but we were afraid that those things would chase it out, so we wanted to find some heavy objects such as rocks around to push it up. It happened to be nearby. It was dug out and covered here."

"Dig it out?" Tang Feng's eyebrows moved lightly.

When he saw the stele before, he could see that it was buried under the ground for a long time, and now it has been confirmed from Li Jia's mouth.

Without waiting for Tang Feng to continue speaking, Zi Xuan already said in a surprised voice: "This stone was also buried in the ground at the time? How did you know that there is a stone here?"

Already thinking that the other party would ask this question, Li Jia didn't hesitate, and immediately said: "We were planning to hack the hole at the beginning. It was in that position. After the shovel, it landed on the rock and changed its position."

Seeing everyone's gaze, Hei Mudan was a little bit confused, and explained: "Our ancestors have rules. If we go down with a shovel, if we encounter such a stone or the like, it means that the road is blocked and we have to change location. If you just dig it down from here or explode it with explosives, it will break the rules."

Tang Feng nodded again without saying anything.

Lin Mengjia asked him suspiciously, "Tang Feng, is the handwriting on the stone tablet related to this ancient tomb? Could it happen to be placed here?"

Ji Ning also said: "Although the stone stele is near this tomb, this place is a stolen hole, not the real entrance. Even if this ancient tomb has a stone stele, it should be near the entrance of the tomb. Here, it is very likely that, as the wife said, the two are actually not related, they are just a coincidence."

Li Jia also nodded and said, "When we shoveled down, we were surprised when we encountered this stone tablet. No one thought that we would encounter this thing."

Hei Mudan frowned, and said softly, "To say something big, don't be afraid of your jokes. The six people they came to were all masters in our business, and they have visited quite a few famous tombs. They are quite experienced. The choice of the position of the shovel is also very particular. They are all very confident. The first time they ran into trouble, they were in accordance with the old rules. They should stop selling this ticket, but everyone is very confident about it. They have been preparing for a long time, and because of the taboos in this tomb, their spirits are a little excited. They all want to see what good things are there."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: Return, Become a Dad txt download address: returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the broken stone tablet of Chapter 1363), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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