Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1369: Two shocked

Zi Xuan knew in her heart that with Tang Feng's ability, she could naturally enter the robbery cave easily. Obviously, she didn't need the help of this mirrorless mirror.

But Tang Feng nodded and said, "Why not save some effort?"

Zi Xuan's face was slightly surprised, but she immediately moved everyone on the ground, except for Black Peony, into the mirrorless mirror.

At this moment, Li Jia had already climbed up the edge of the pit, and he happened to see this scene again, and the shock on his face was even more unremarkable.

Zi Xuan smiled at the husband and wife and said, "Okay, we can go down now."

"Miss Zixuan, this, this is--" Hei Mudan's stunned expression still hasn't disappeared.

Li Jia also opened his mouth wide, as if he had not recovered from the shock just now.

Zi Xuan stretched out her hand in front of her, and the mirrorless mirror fell into her palm quite obediently. She put the mirror away before she smiled and said to the two people: "Is this surprised? There will be more surprises in the future. Now."

Li Jia's lips trembled, and he whispered: "Miss Zixuan, you, you and Mr. Tang, are they not human? No, no, I didn't mean that. I mean you two are capable. Yes--"

Zi Xuan smiled and said: "I don't know if Tang Feng is a human being. You can ask him face to face. As for me, you see that I am beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, gentle, kind, and slender. How could this beautiful woman not be a human?"

Hei Mudan took two steps in the direction of Zi Xuan. Although she tried to calm her mood, her expression was still somewhat different. She looked at Li Jia again before she said to Zi Xuan again: "Zixuan Miss, we believe that you and Mr. Tang are both extraordinary characters, and the lives of both of us are in your hands."

Hei Peony can also see that whether it is Tang Feng or Zi Xuan, this kind of ability is definitely not an ordinary person, and the two of them following them are also regarded as desperate.

Zi Xuan waved her hand and said, "Needless to say, what kind of people you are, we know in our hearts, let's do serious things first."

Hei Mudan winked at Li Jia, Li Jia nodded hurriedly, jumped into the pit again, and said to Zi Xuan: "Miss Zi Xuan, I will go down first. You are in the middle, the queen of my house, we two I’m familiar with this kind of hacking hole, and if there is anything else, I’d better have a look at it before and after.”

Zi Xuan nodded.

Li Jia didn't say much to Black Peony, but just made a gesture. The two had already understood each other and cooperated many times without much communication. She nodded immediately.

Immediately, Li Jia grabbed the rope with both hands and jumped into the robbery hole. Within a few seconds, he heard the sound of landing and then the sound of three high-five "Papa Papa".

Black Peony has already jumped into the pit, and said to Zi Xuan: "Miss Zi Xuan, there is no problem below."

Zi Xuan gave a "um", then turned her head slightly, and said in the direction of the two little monkeys: "You two go down first and wait for us below."

When Xiao Hui and Xiao Tao heard the sound, they immediately jumped down from the tree, one behind the other two shadows, and they got into the robbery hole.

Seeing the two little monkeys entering, Zi Xuancai, like Li Jia, jumped into the robbery hole, and immediately felt that he was in a rather cramped space, and complained to herself: "Tang Feng, this guy can clearly be on his own. Go down and bring me in again, but let me come and soil my clothes."

Although she said that, her movements did not slow down at all. She grasped the rope with her hands and didn't use much force. She slid down the rope quite smoothly.

She is smaller and thinner than Li Jia and his wife. This thief is not a problem for her. In addition to her agility, even if the cave is so small, it is actually where she fell. During the process, the body did not touch the surroundings at all.

After Zi Xuan fell on the ground, Li Jiazheng waited below with a little nervousness. Seeing her come down, he clapped his hands in the direction of the entrance of the cave. Not long after, Black Peony also fell down.

At this moment, their location is a passage of a black hole, but because they have all taken the Eyesight Pill, they can see clearly under these circumstances.

On both sides of this passage, long strips of bricks were built, and even above the head, there were all bluestone bricks. The thief they got down was at the joint between the two bricks.

Between these bricks, there is a close fit, even if they are connected, there is actually no big gap. The location of the thief hole is no different from directly punching a hole in the blue brick.

Zi Xuan raised her head and looked at the robbery hole.

From her angle, there was only a circle of white light left on it, and it felt like sitting on a well and watching the sky.

Seeing Zixuan looking up, Hei Mudan said, "Miss Zixuan, this rope can stay here. When we come back, we can return along the same path."

Zi Xuan gave a soft "um", and then said curiously: "Usually you leave this hole open like this, and the grappling hook just hangs like this? You are not afraid of being discovered?"

Hei Mudan explained: "Generally, places with a large number of people will be used as a cover or temporarily buried, but there are few people in this place, so don’t worry about being discovered. Let’s just go back and return. It’s also more convenient to go up."

Li Jia also said: "In such inaccessible places, no one will come in a few years. Even if the entrance of the cave is open, it will not be a problem."

Zi Xuan's mouth picked up lightly, and said: "When you come back? You have considered it thoroughly, but it's just a matter of whether you will return the same way at that time, maybe it's still possible."

Li Jia and Hei Mudan had no surprise when they heard Zi Xuan's words, they couldn't help but glance at each other.

Hei Mudan was very curious and said, "Don't return the same way? Miss Zixuan, then how do we get back?"

Zi Xuan just smiled and did not answer, she called out the mirrorless mirror again, and released all the people who had just been in the mirror.

This time she didn't have much effort.

As if there is a psychological linkage between the mirrorless mirror and her, the relationship has become more intimate, and it is more convenient to control.

This time seeing these people appearing in front of them out of thin air, Li Jia and his wife did not have the surprise of the previous time. They also understood in their hearts, as Zi Xuan just said, there will be more strange things to see in the future. Now. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (the two shocked in Chapter 1369), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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