Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1370: Husband and wife means

Everyone appeared in the passage, they were involuntary, so they should carefully observe the environment they are in for the first time.

When the above pirate hole just opened, they already felt that quite cold aura, but standing in it at the moment, apart from feeling that the cold aura became more serious, there was not much else.

The tomb is long and narrow, so you can't see the side at a glance, and don't know where it leads.

Whether it is looking to the front or to the back, it is the same. Everyone can't help but feel a little puzzled in their hearts, not knowing which direction to go in.

Tang Feng also faintly swept a circle, and then said to Li Jia: "Do you have a bottom line about the structure of this entire tomb?"

Li Jia shook his head, but immediately nodded, and said: "I can be sure where we have gone, but the area of ​​the whole tomb is very large. We can walk all the way for more than two hours, but it hasn't arrived yet. The main tomb, I really don’t know how big this entire tomb is."

Lin Mengjia looked towards Tang Feng, her face showed a few different colors.

Before Tang Feng asked Xiao Hui, the location of the other tomb is quite close to this location. If this tomb is quite huge, does the other one overlap with this one?

Or, is that location already on the edge of the tomb?

When thinking like this in her mind, Lin Mengjia showed a curious look on her face and asked Li Jia: "You have seen many ancient tombs, and they are all knowledgeable. Generally speaking, those of this scale are more common. ?"

Li Jia shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "Although the tombs of some prominent officials and dignitaries in ancient times are very large, they are not as exaggerated as those in some novels and movies. Very few of them exceed tens of thousands of square meters. Those who can't come out at night are all artistic exaggerations. What we have encountered, these large tombs are just one or two, and I don't know how big this one is, but now it seems that I am afraid It is also the biggest one I have encountered."

A suspicion flashed in Xie Huo’s eyes, and he said, “I heard that this business is quite time-consuming. Sometimes the next big tomb may take a month or even longer. Is this also a rumor? Huh?"

Hei Mudan smiled and shook his head, and said, "Boss Xie doesn't know it. This business really takes a lot of time, but this time is not spent in the tomb, but in preparation on the ground. You see me in charge today, It took only an hour to dig out this hole. This is because the stolen hole they used before was ready-made. You can also see that the top of the tomb is full of solid blue bricks. They want to make such a hole. , It’s not a simple matter."

Everyone raised their heads involuntarily, glanced upwards, and nodded slowly.

Black Peony went on to say: "Just like this thief hole, it can be directly punched out, which is considered as worry-free, but it is digging all the way down, encountering a solid stone, and exploding it with some explosives. This is waiting in the deep mountains and old forests. The places off the beaten track are our favorites."

Shangguan said with a puzzled look: "This ancient tomb, of course, is in the mountains. Could it be possible that it will still be in the city?"

Without waiting for Li Jia and his wife to speak, Lin Mengjia smiled and said, "It was natural. When the tomb was built and people were buried, I don’t know what those places will be like in the future. Many places are under construction. , Have dug out ancient tombs."

Li Jia nodded, and said: "For us, after finding an ancient tomb, the most important thing is to rob a hole. If this tomb is like this in a place off the beaten track, it is so grandiose to rob a hole. It's nothing, but if you are in a crowded place, you can't do that. You need to do a lot of preparatory work before you can break the hole."

Shangguan was even more curious, and asked hurriedly: "What are you going to do?"

She has always been within the sect, devoted herself to practicing, and has no knowledge of these things. It was only after she met Li Jia and his wife that she understood the business of tomb robbery, and there are so many methods at all. Just as she imagined before, excavate directly.

Hei Mudan smiled and said: "There are quite a lot of these methods. Depending on where the tomb is located, sometimes, a house will be built on the ground first, and burglars will be made in the house, so no one else will notice. If it is in rural land, it is rented to plant some tall crops, and when the crops are grown, the location where the pirate hole is to be burrowed will be completely surrounded before taking action."

With this, even Rong Guocheng was a little surprised, and said: "This will take time, but it's not short."

Li Jia nodded and said: "Once you encounter the tomb, even if it takes three to five months, or even half a year, it is possible, but the benefits of this are much more than what they have done in advance."

Xie Huo showed a dazed expression, and said, "In other words, you will investigate the entire tomb in advance, and you will have some understanding of the objects during the period, and see if it is worth it before you do it?"

Hei Mudan smiled and said, "Yes, if it's an ordinary small tomb, it doesn't take so much time and effort at all. Thank you Tiger, now you know why the thing I sold to you is worth so much money, right? That tomb, it took me and the head of the house for half a year."

Xie Huo slowly nodded his head with a smile on his face, and said in praise: "You are really quite patient."

"All these things are done. After entering the tomb, it is actually very simple. Just go down to get the funerary goods, and then leave. The whole process is at most an hour. After you come back, fill in the hole and everything is restored. Some of them are not particular about it, and even just left without even filling the thief hole."

Speaking of this, Li Jia frowned, obviously he was quite disdainful of such behavior.

Hei Mudan smiled and said: "Most people will fill in the robbery hole, and take other people's things, so that they can't make people uneasy. Besides, it is to prevent them from being discovered."

Listening to the couple's words, everyone now knows a little bit about this business.

Black Peony looked at the crowd nodded, somewhat silent, and smiled again: "Of course, this is only used for some large tombs, usually small ones, digging in the dark. Just open it, take things away and bury them. It’s not so troublesome at all."The latest chapter of Longevity Return to Be a Dad Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address :Https:// return to be a dad txt download address: https :// returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: https:/ / the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below \"Record the reading record of this (Chapter 1370 Couple Means), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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