Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1371: Where is Xiao Hui?

Rong Guocheng said sternly: "Presumably, the two tombs that your husband and wife usually go to, don't have such an ordinary one?"

Li Jia and his wife looked at each other and both smiled slightly.

Although they didn't answer directly, they could tell from their smiles that if they were of this kind of identity, they would definitely not go to that ordinary tomb.

But in front of these people, the two of them couldn't directly admit it, otherwise it would seem to be a bit of a show off.

After listening to these two people, Zi Xuanfang said: "If anyone is interested in these things, it won't be too late to go back to the ground to discuss them in detail. Now we should hurry up to find the main tomb and see what's in it. "

Tang Feng turned to Li Jia again: "According to your usual experience, do you know the location of this tomb?"

Li Jia nodded and said: "In fact, our purpose was to go to the main tomb. We only ran into the dead man's pit halfway along the way. After this kind of change happened, we finally ran back again in a panic. Be careful when you pass there, you can definitely walk through."

Zi Xuan smiled and glanced at Tang Feng, with a clear smile on the corner of her lips, and said, "With Tang Feng here, you can just walk forward, and it doesn't matter whether you are careful or not."

Regardless of whether the dead person's pit is alive or dead, what the matter is, it is nothing in front of Tang Feng.

Just as everyone was talking, when they were about to move forward, Lin Mengjia suddenly looked left and right, and said in a very surprised voice: "Where are Xiao Hui and Xiao Tao?"

Everyone realized that the surroundings were very quiet, and the two naughty little monkeys were not nearby, otherwise they would have been jumping and squeaking.

Only then did Li Jia remember this, and hurriedly said: "When I first came down, they followed him, and then ran towards the inside, and disappeared in a blink of an eye."

At that time, Li Jia wanted to call them both, but the other party might not be able to hear what he said. Then Zi Xuan came down and attracted his attention. Then, Black Peony also dropped down. Then, Zi Xuan released everyone from the mirrorless mirror.

This whole incident made Li Jia forget about Xiao Hui and Xiao Tao. Lin Mengjia reminded him of this.

Hearing that the two little guys had run into the tomb passage, Rong Guocheng showed a little worried expression on his face, and quickly said: "If they two run around like this, will they trigger some mechanism?"

Zi Xuan's expression also seemed a little worried.

But what she worries about is not the same thing as Rong Guocheng.

Xiao Hui is a spirit beast, and Xiao Tao is a semi-finished product of a spirit beast. With their two skills, organs and the like are of course not a problem, but the problem is that there is a legendary demon spirit in this tomb.

This demon spirit can't be dealt with by the two of them, even Xiao Tao and Xiao Hui are spirit beasts, facing the demon spirit for thousands of years, it is impossible to be an opponent.

Everyone looked towards Tang Feng, Tang Feng's nerves seemed very indifferent, he didn't care at all, just nodded gently, and said, "Go and find Qing Yingzi first."

Li Jia and Hei Mudan nodded immediately when Tang Feng mentioned the Qingyingzi.

Looking for Qing Yingzi is the biggest purpose of the couple's arrival this time.

Although Tang Feng asked Li Jia to accompany him to this ancient tomb, Li Jia and Hei Mudan would not be so active if there were no Qingyingzi.

After all, this elixir is an indispensable medicine for removing the death curse from Li Jia. Without this medicine, even if the death curse on his body is controlled, he cannot be completely cured.

For Tang Feng, this Qingyingzi also played an important role.

This is related to Lin Mu's condition.

Ever since Mother Lin came to Pingyang, her physical condition has always caused Lin Mengjia to worry about her, which can be regarded as Tang Feng's heart disease.

Tang Feng also knew that the only person in the entire Lin family who cared about Lin Mengjia was her mother. She was the only warmth given to Lin Mengjia in the entire family, and it was also true that she was truly going without reservation in this world. Lin Mengjia paid for.

Whether it was because of her identity, her love for Lin Mengjia, and Lin Mengjia's concern for her, Tang Feng told himself that she must cure Lin Mengjia's disease completely.

Nowadays, except for Qingyingzi, the medicine for Lin Mu's disease was obtained from Qinghongzong. Of course, Tang Feng would not let go of such an opportunity now.

The cure of Mother Lin's illness must be the most happier thing he could do for Lin Mengjia. Compared with this, no matter how much money he earns, no matter how high his status is, it is not worth mentioning.

Li Jia pointed to the front with his hand, and said, “At the end of this passage, there are side tombs on the left and right. Usually, there are a lot of funeral objects in this tomb. Try to open the door of the tomb room."

As Li Jia spoke, everyone had already started to move forward.

Although this passage does not have any light, it looks gloomy and terrifying, but there is really no problem going all the way down. The road inside the passage is flat and neatly paved with blue bricks. Stepping on it, every foot is solid and there is nothing. organ.

At the beginning, Xue Panpan still had a slightly nervous expression on his face. He had never dared to speak, and even dared not breathe in the air. But after walking out for about ten minutes, nothing happened. The courage has also grown up.

Xue Panpan asked curiously in the direction of Black Peony: "I watched those movies that were performed in the tomb. There are many organs in the tomb. If you step on it, there will be poisonous arrows or poisonous gas. Fictitious?"

Hei Mudan smiled and said: "That is not necessarily all fake. In order to protect his tombs from being stolen, there are indeed traps in many large tombs, but they may not be as sophisticated as those shown in the movie. It is more than enough for some inexperienced tomb robbers. We have been to some large ancient tombs. We have encountered triggers in the tomb passages, and people who have died there. Those people are They are colleagues who entered before us, and some have become bones."

Xue Panpan was already a little relaxed, but after hearing Hei Peony's words, he became nervous again.

She tightly grasped Xie Huo's hands, her small hands were cold and trembling slightly.

In terms of cultivation base, Xue Panpan is much higher than Xie Huo, and he is usually quite courageous. Such a situation is really extremely rare. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1371 Where did Xiao Hui go)? You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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