Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1386: Not an illusion

Xie Huo said with a little thought: "Even in the tomb of the most famous emperor in Shaanxi Province, there is no use for the burial, but mud servants. This place is more difficult than that of the tomb. Is it big?"

Xie Laohu is a native of Xijing. He has a good understanding of the local customs around Xijing. When he saw this, he immediately thought of this famous emperor's tomb.

Everyone knew what he said, but no one said anything.

Regarding the emperor’s tomb mentioned by Xie Laohu, it can be regarded as a legend in the Huaxia Kingdom. It has never been touched by tomb robbers thousands of years ago, and, until now, it has not been determined that this emperor’s tomb is. The specific location, even some archaeologists, can only divide a rough area.

The burial servants owned by this imperial tomb are also quite famous, not only in China, but even in the world, it is also a quite spectacular sight.

And it is said that there are countless secret tunnels in this imperial tomb, which are not accessible to ordinary people, so it is a taboo in the circle of tomb robbers.

What's more, among the tomb robbers, there are all other rumors. It is said that within the servants, each servant actually corresponds to a person, and there are also living people who died in the tomb.

So Xie Huo said that Li Jia and Hei Peony had thoughts in their hearts, but they did not speak. After all, at this time, it is not suitable to say this.

"But, what about people?" Zi Xuan took a deep breath, pursed her mouth, frowned, and returned to the previous topic.

Whether it is a living person or a dead person, or the terrifying scene described by Li Jia, there should be something in this pit after all, but now, the pit is empty, with nothing inside.

Not to mention the living or the dead, not even a bone was seen.

Not only Zi Xuan had such doubts, even Tang Feng frowned slightly. Around this time, he did not feel anything wrong.

If it is as Li Jia said, there were so many living dead here before, no matter what form they used to survive or have died, there will be some breath left after all.

But at this moment, this place is clean.

It was so clean that even Tang Feng was a little surprised.

There is no soul, no fragments of the soul, just like when outside, it gives him the feeling.

At this moment, Tang Feng added a bit of admiration to the exquisiteness of the curse in this tomb.

Ji Ning frowned slightly, and said, "Mr. Tang, is it the spell in this place? What hallucinations will it create?"

He remembered that when he and Shangguan were in the Wuji Yin, nothing actually happened. The two of them felt that they were trapped in the boundless bamboo forest. After trying their best, they all left differently, feeling a sense of frustration. .

Later, I learned that nothing actually happened, but this Promise Seal would affect their cognitive abilities and make them feel that way.

And in this tomb, Tang Feng also confirmed that there are indeed very powerful spells. Maybe it is these spells that caused the six people to have hallucinations.

Although Li Jia couldn't say clearly what happened now that would make the living dead crowded there disappeared, he still shook his head for sure, and said, "No, there will be no hallucinations! There are people in us. It was actually being attacked. If it was a hallucination, how could it be hurt?"

Shangguan frowned, with a slightly thoughtful look, and said: "Could it be that you were in a panic, treating yourself as enemies and attacking each other?"

Her guess is also reasonable, and this situation is not without it.

After falling into hallucinations, many people have no idea where they are or who they are actually facing. It is a very common situation to treat their companions as enemies.

Xie Huo also nodded and said, "At that time, everyone was quite nervous, and it was easy to be hinted in the heart. If there are magical techniques in it, it will not be difficult for you to follow the Tao. "

However, Li Jia still shook his head and said in a fairly affirmative tone: "No, everything we have experienced is quite real. Even in retrospect, I can think of every detail. If it is an illusion, it is impossible. ."

Although he said this, the faces of everyone present showed a little unbelievable expression.

After all, seeing is believing.

Now that they have so many eyes watching here, this situation is obviously too much different from Li Jia.

And when he talked about these things at the time, many people thought it was too shocking, and besides being shocked, they were already doubting the truth of this matter.

In the contrast between the two compartments, the balance in everyone's mind is all toward the guessing tendency of Ji Ning and Shangguan.

Seeing everyone's faces with a little suspicion, even Black Peony, there was a little hesitation in his eyes, Li Jia's voice was slightly raised, and said: "I can be sure, what I saw that day, It is definitely not an illusion! If it is an illusion, why do all of us have the same illusion?"

Ji Ning and Shangguan looked at each other and did not speak.

When they were in the Wuji Seal, they also had the same illusion, and they had no doubt about this.

When everyone was silent and thoughtful, suddenly Tang Feng turned his head and asked Li Jia who was standing behind him: "Did you walk over there last time?"

While speaking, he pointed to the front with his hand.

As Li Jia said before, this huge square pit is surrounded by a circle of passages for one person to walk on.

This road has a blue brick wall on one side, and the dead man’s pit on the other. The direction Tang Feng points to bypasses the dead man’s pit and leads to an exit on the opposite side.

Because this pit is quite big, is there any light in it, even if they take the Eyesight Pill, at this moment, the location of the exit is already unclear.

That is, only Tang Feng can see that there are messy dirt marks and some footprints on the ground at that location. The edge of the soil pit near that location is not as flat as other locations, but has many messy things. trace.

Li Jia nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, we just got there, and suddenly something happened, so we ran out in a hurry."

Tang Feng nodded slightly, thinking already in his mind. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1386 is not an illusion), and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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