Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1387: Look over

Seeing this, Lin Mengjia knew what Tang Feng had already thought of, and hurriedly asked him, "Tang Feng, is there any problem over there?"

Zi Xuan squinted her eyes slightly and saw a little more clearly, she couldn't help but frown, and said: "There is a lot of soil there, and it looks very messy, but it is very similar to the scene Li Jia described before."

When everyone heard Zi Xuan say this, they all tried to stretch their necks, or stared or squinted. They looked over there, but after watching for a long time, they couldn't see clearly.

Zi Xuan went on to say: "This ground is made of stone, and other places are cleaned up quite cleanly. The soil will not appear there by itself. If someone climbs up inside, it will take the dirt inside and on the edge of the pit. Coming up, coupled with a melee, it makes sense to form this situation."

The rest of the people listened to her description, and in their minds, these pictures were already formed, but their eyes could not see clearly, but since Tang Feng and Zi Xuan had both said this, it was able to prove that Li Jia did not It is not an illusion to tell lies. When he came last time, he really encountered this situation.

Li Jia nodded again and again, and said hurriedly: "Yes, Miss Zi Xuan, that's it! We were there, and we were attacked!"

In fact, he himself couldn't see clearly the current situation of that position. In the chaos at the time, he didn't have time to look back. But at this moment, he heard Zi Xuan say this, and think about it again. The situation is really the same.

Before everyone looked back, Tang Feng had already asked Li Jia again: "You enter from here, and you exit from there?"

"Yes." Li Jia nodded.

This question was obvious. He had said it before, and he didn't understand why Tang Feng asked such a simple question.

The rest of the people were also a little puzzled.

However, everyone knew that Tang Feng would not ask nonsense for no reason, just waiting for his next words.

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows lightly, and said: "I still remember you said that the thief we entered was created by the place you chose. Then when you left, it was blocked again. The stone stele of the spell is pressed on it, but you have different routes in and out, how did you get in and out from the same place?"

Hearing Tang Feng's words, the rest of them understood what he meant. They nodded involuntarily and looked at Li Jia together.

When they listened to Li Jia about this matter, they didn’t think much about it, and it’s quite normal to enter the tomb and return the same way. Otherwise, they would need to open an entrance and an exit, which would be time-consuming and risky. The danger of placing explosives in the tomb.

However, after contacting the current scene, it is not normal for Li Jia and the others to return from the same way.

They came along this way, and they had already walked a considerable distance. When the six Li Jia ran forward, they could only get farther and farther from the thieves. How could they go out there again?

Facing everyone’s doubts, Li Jia himself was a little confused, scratching his hair, and then said: “When we went out from there, because the things behind were chasing after us, we ran out in a panic. There was no certainty. As long as I saw the road, I ran forward, and I ran around like a headless fly. I don’t know why. It’s very lucky to run to the place where the thief was before. Up."

"It's not just good luck. If you really run like this, you can find an exit. It's a lot of luck. If you have such good luck, what else can you do to steal the tomb? Just buy a lottery ticket, and you will get 5 million if you buy one." Zi Xuan The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, with a smile on his face.

They haven’t finished walking the tomb yet, and they don’t know how big it is. But from the area that they have walked before, plus the dead man’s pit, and the place that is 100 meters deep, the soul is suppressed. It seems that the scale of this tomb is far Beyond their imagination, it could almost occupy the size of the entire mountain.

To build such a large tomb, it must be started in several places at the same time. The passage inside is naturally in a state of extending in all directions. It is definitely not a road. Under such circumstances, it can be found by random collisions. Is the path of time a bit too coincidental?

Hei Mudan's brows were already slightly wrinkled. From the beginning, she believed Zi Xuan's words, and now she felt a little heavier.

All this seems to show that what Li Jia and the others have encountered is indeed a trap, a trap that someone has set up a long time ago.

Tang Feng smiled indifferently, and said, "Let's take a look and see."

Zi Xuan said with a grin: "Going around here would have to take a lot of wrong roads. It's better to just jump off and walk from here. It's just right to go to the middle platform and see what's going on on it. I always feel that , This is the place, there won't be a useless thing out of thin air."

Tang Feng nodded slightly, he also had such thoughts in his heart.

The inside of this tomb is really clean, which is quite abnormal, and as Zi Xuan said, the table in the middle must have some function to appear here.

Although Tang Feng has read many books and has a good understanding of spells, but the spells are different from each sect, and he can't know all of them clearly.

Corresponding to these formations, there will be many different forbidden formations, and they also have their own different styles. He also wants to figure out what exactly is in this tomb.

Hearing that he was going to walk over here, Lin Mengjia was a little nervous, stretched out her hand to pull Tang Feng’s arm, and whispered: "What if something suddenly appears in there when we walk over? Look at the ground, It's muddy, will they hide underneath, and when we get to the middle, they can't escape, they just get out of it?"

She usually likes to watch those weird books and movies. At this moment, terrible scenes have appeared in her mind, which made herself more and more nervous.

These other people didn't feel anything at all, but when Lin Mengjia said this, everyone's face also showed a little worried look.

Everyone looked at each other, and for a while, they didn't know what to do.

Rong Guocheng, who had already reached the edge of the pit and wanted to jump down, stopped abruptly when he heard Lin Mengjia’s words, turned his head and looked at Tang Feng, showing an expression of uncertainty. . The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (see Chapter 1387 in the past) reading history, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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