Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1395: Zi Xuan's knowledge

Throughout the ages, no matter whether it is the emperor, the noble, or the common people, whether it is within China or other countries in the world, almost all people have a dream of immortality, and for this dream, they have exhausted everything they can use. I have tried everything I can think of, but there are very few successful people.

Even Tang Feng only knew that there were some practitioners who were able to ascend through their own efforts.

Although this method does not really achieve eternal life and immortality, it can extend life, and as the level of practice improves, life will continue to continue. Basically, it can be counted as a certain degree. From another perspective, the dream of longevity has been realized.

As long as you can ensure that you continue to practice continuously and ensure that your realm continues to rise, then this upper limit of life will continue to be refreshed.

But there are really only a handful of people who can do this.

On this earth, especially on the current earth, Tang Feng felt that there would be no more, even in history, it was pitiful.

Although most of the people present are martial arts, they can also improve their lives through this kind of practice, but compared with monks, that is a world of difference.

At this moment, I heard Zi Xuan say that there are some magic techniques that can make people live from the pre-Qin Dynasty to the present, which is naturally quite shocking.

What surprised them even more was that these kinds of magic techniques seemed to be nothing rare.

After all, the people in this dead man’s pit were densely packed with thousands of people. Zi Xuan believed that they were all alive because of spells, and the conditions of these people obviously did not seem to be distinguished. The characters, otherwise, would not all stand upright here, at best, they would be the people who were sacrificed.

No matter how you look at it, the magic technique that can be used on such a large-scale burial is not extremely rare, and listening to Zi Xuan's tone, she is also quite calm. Is this magic technique, she will also fail?

Seeing so many people looking at her, and with an expression of expectation in her eyes, Zi Xuan naturally knew what they were thinking in their hearts. She just smiled and said, "Is there a longevity technique? Naturally, there are many Yes, I would be of that kind, I must know that Tang Feng knows, at least there are hundreds of them, right?"

While speaking, Zi Xuan smiled and looked at Tang Feng again.

Hearing Zi Xuan's topic to him, Tang Feng just said indifferently: "I dare not say hundreds of them. The ones that can be used at the moment are two or three more than you."

Tang Feng's words were not humility, but with his current magic skills, he really could only use these.

After all, he is still in the early stage of foundation building, and he is not much stronger than Zi Xuan's mid-stage Qi refining.

Seeing Tang Feng personally confessed that he would actually immortalize the magic, the eyes of the rest of the people immediately showed more eager eyes, and I wished to ask immediately how to use it.

But before they could speak, Zi Xuan was already smiling again: "Why don't you think about how prominent the owner of this tomb will be? If there is really any way to live forever, why he doesn't use it, it will be his turn. These people here?"

In fact, everyone had thought about this issue before.

Hearing Zi Xuan's question, Xue Rui's eyes were a little uncertain: "Could it be that the owner of the tomb doesn't even know this technique? Mr. Tang also said before that these people are actually just puppets, and about Their longevity is Miss Zi Xuan’s guess, and this guess—"

And this guess has now proved to be wrong.

Naturally, Xue Rui didn't say what he said afterwards, but he just smiled and stopped.

Zi Xuan didn’t pay attention to Xue Rui’s words, she seemed to be picking out her fault, but she still smiled and said, “Even if it’s a guess, I’m justified and well-founded, and, this is the longevity soul-controlling technique. , It’s not unprecedented."

"Have you met?" Lin Mengjia could not help being very curious when she heard the meaning of Zi Xuan's words.

Zi Xuan shook her head and said, "Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I have heard my master say that he has seen it before and tells me about it. I know it clearly from beginning to end."

"Zixuan, what is the magic technique for longevity? Why is it that the emperor in ancient times never used it, but it was meant to be used by people who died?" Shangguan asked Zi Xuan straightforwardly.

The corner of Zi Xuan’s lips was slightly raised, and she glanced around the already empty dirt pit, before she said with a smile, "Human life is a process of movement. In the process of survival, it is actually continuous. Only through metabolism and energy production can people have the ability to move."

The people present here are naturally clear about this truth, but when they heard this word from Zi Xuan's mouth, they couldn't help showing a very surprised expression.

After all, Zi Xuan grew up in a sect since she was a child, and all she learned from her master was to practice practice, and basically lived a life of isolation from the world, and she had not received a systematic education.

Everyone was not surprised when Zi Xuan said something mysterious, but when she uttered the word "metabolism", it inevitably made everyone look surprised.

Seeing the doubts and surprises on everyone’s faces, Zi Xuan showed a proud expression with an uncontrollable smile on her face, saying: “You think I don’t know anything, don’t you? What I know, It's much more than you think. This is just a trivial matter. You will be more surprised in the future!

While speaking, there was a bit of complacency.

Looking at this proud look of Zi Xuan, Tang Feng understood it, but didn't reveal it, just smiled slightly and let her show off like this.

Zi Xuan was in the sect and learned Taoism.

This text can make people's mind develop to the extreme. After learning the text, it will be quite easy to accept other knowledge. It is equivalent to saying that this is a master key, as long as you master it, you can open it. All the doors.

Even if Zi Xuan didn't know anything about natural science before, she would naturally come into contact with her after she came to this world. With her ability to learn Taoism, she would naturally quickly understand any new things she came into contact with.

For Zi Xuan, things that seem to be difficult and that ordinary people may take more than ten years or even decades to learn and may not be able to master are just a matter of fancy, whether they can learn The speed of learning depends only on whether she wants to learn. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1395 Zi Xuan's knowledge) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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