Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1396: Zi Xuan's guess

Seeing Zi Xuan's proud look, others can't say much, only Xue Rui, who has always been with her smiling face, is full of flattering flattery. Hearing that in Zi Xuan's heart is a joy, and her smile seems more and more happy. .

While listening to X's words, Tang Feng had already made a gesture to signal everyone to move toward that passage.

At that entrance, there was a black hole, and everyone walked into it and realized that it was another downward slope. Because of the steep slope, they had seen it in darkness before, and they couldn’t see it. What clues.

Looking at this slope, Ji Ning couldn't help but frowned, thinking in her heart, and inadvertently, looking to the side, seeing Shangguan with an incomprehensible expression on her face, knowing that she and what she thinks, It should be the same.

Sure enough, as expected by Ji Ning, Shangguan looked at him and said, "The road we walked just now is already sloping downwards. The **** in this passage is so big. Could it be that there is an uphill road behind it? Isn't it? Otherwise, how did you follow such a path and walk back to the original hacking hole again?"

Upon hearing this, Li Jia hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Miss Shangguan, you are right. The next road is indeed going uphill, but because of the confusion at the time, what kind of road I have taken? It's hard to say, but if I keep walking down this passage, I will remember it when I must encounter it."

Shangguan let out a soft "um", and then he didn't continue to ask more, but followed Tang Feng and walked in this passage again.

When not far away, Xue Panpan said to Zixuan again: "Miss Zixuan, what is the longevity technique you mentioned before? I haven't said yet. It's better to take advantage of the existing ones. Time, let’s talk about it."

"Yeah, Miss Zixuan, and since there are such good things, why those emperors and generals didn't get longevity, but those who were buried, would have such a special honor?" Xie Huo's face also wrote Full of puzzled.

Hearing the two people ask this question again, Zi Xuan still smiled and said: "I just said about this metabolism. In fact, this so-called longevity only caused their metabolism to become extremely slow, compared to normal people. , Tens or even hundreds of times slower. As a result, the things they need in life will be reduced accordingly, and their life speed will also slow down."

"This—" Xie Huo, the boss with staring eyes, did not expect that Zi Xuan would give such an explanation.

Even Xue Rui, who has been slapping Zixuan's flattery all the time, heard this with a dazed expression on his face, opened his mouth, and said in a daze: "Miss Zixuan, this metabolism is slower and slower. This is so outrageous, do people really never die?"

Zi Xuan's words were completely beyond the scope of his cognition.

Even if he understood what she said, it was still difficult to accept this fact.

Zi Xuan smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. I said that this is what my teacher's father saw, and he told me later. It also reminds me of such techniques. Could he still lie to me and fail? ?"

Having said this, Zi Xuan's eyes rolled and she shook her head again, saying, "That old guy, maybe he really will lie to me, but in this matter, he doesn't seem to have any reason to lie to me. I don't want to be deceived. I know, I don’t need to talk about it, there is no need to make up a story, and he won’t get any benefit, so this thing must be true.

Hearing what Zi Xuan said about her master, everyone really felt dumbfounded.

Ordinary Zi Xuan really doesn't have much respect for her master. When she mentions it, she is full of complaints, but once others talk about her master being bad, she will show a very dissatisfied expression and try her best to defend it.

Even the Shangguan, who also grew up in the sect, couldn't understand Zi Xuan's feelings towards her master.

But at this time, no one is in the mood to care about what Master Zi Xuan said, is she lying? The focus is on this technique, Rong Guocheng is also puzzled, and asks: "Zixuan Miss, according to what you mean, it is equivalent to that the person who has been used with the spell will slow down everything in his body? Then, what about their actions? Is it the same?"

"This is the point," Zi Xuan nodded softly with a look of approval on her face, "This is equivalent to that the time on this person has been slowed down. In my eyes, everything around me has become very fast, while others look at them like clay sculptures, motionless-in fact, they can't detect their movements at all."

"If these people are really caught in the magic, it means that all their time is thousands of times slower than normal people? Therefore, their slow motion is something that our naked eyes cannot detect. And their body's metabolism is like hibernation, consumes very little?" Xue Rui said tentatively, as if he understood what Zi Xuan meant.

Zi Xuan nodded again and said, "Yes, that's it. When I heard these people motionless but like living people, I thought of this, but Li Jia said again that they would suddenly wake up. Chasing them, I was not sure in my heart. My master hadn’t said that there were still such situations, but at that time, I was still figuring out whether this technique would be possible, and under certain circumstances, it would make it happen. The possibility of recovery at this speed, such as the sound of a baby crying, is a signal."

When it came to this, Zi Xuan sighed slightly, looked at Tang Feng walking in front of her back, and then said: "With such considerations, I'm not so sure. I want to come in and see what is going on. Unexpectedly, I was wrong at the beginning."

"If you can think of this, you can be considered quick to respond." Tang Feng said without knowing it, "You don't know the status of the puppet, so you can't think of it. If you know something about this kind of spell, you must have long ago. I can think of it."

Tang Feng’s words were undoubtedly an encouragement for Zi Xuan. She had a slightly depressed face, but she also showed an expression of excitement. She nodded and said: "That's natural. With my cleverness, I will never forget it. If I had known it before, I would never have imagined it!"

Hearing Zi Xuan's voice, Tang Feng showed a helpless look on his face and shook his head slightly.

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