Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1397: Gu Art Again

Xue Rui nodded with a suddenly realized voice, and said: "No wonder those emperors refuse to use this method to obtain longevity, but it is too cruel to use this method on people who have died!"

Hearing what Xue Rui said, everyone couldn't help but fought a cold war.

They had never thought of this issue before. Hearing this, they couldn't help but have some associations in their hearts.

Although this metabolism slows down and can extend life, in fact, it has no meaning. Such eternal life is useless. People who have used this method for longevity cannot do anything with such a long life. thing.

After all, in the eyes of normal people, they are just a slow-motion sculpture with life.

The longevity that those emperors sought was not just an infinite life, but in such a life, they had been enjoying the supreme glory and power. Without these, the so-called longevity would be useless, even a kind of Tortured.

And those poor people who were killed have no choice. They have been inflicted with such spells for thousands of years. They stand in this terrible tomb for thousands of years. They cannot survive or die, presumably. In their hearts, they wanted to die, and were unwilling to suffer all this torture, but at this time, they had no chance of death.

Thinking of the ancient tombs, there will still be such slain people. Hei Peony and Li Jia looked at each other, and they both had a creepy feeling. Fortunately, in the ancient tombs they had visited before, so The martyrs I saw were all turned into bones.

As for the others, they were quite interested in this longevity technique before, but now they still don't say a word and don't want to mention it.

Even in their hearts, there is a faint idea of ​​wishing for longevity, but such a longevity, they don't want to think about it, and wish they never knew it before.

After explaining what she knew, Zi Xuan shouted at Tang Feng's figure again, saying: "Tang Feng, what's the matter with that puppet, you just talk about it."

Tang Feng still didn't look back, and said in a very indifferent tone: "This is a type of Southern Xinjiang Witch Gu, which can turn people into puppets. You don't understand this kind of Gu art, and it doesn't make sense in detail. You also don't understand, you just need to know that these people are all infected with Gu, and there is only one body left for people to drive."

Zi Xuan curled her lips and said angrily: "If you don't tell me, how do you know that I don't understand? Are you afraid that I don't understand, or you don't know at all, saying this to perfuse me?"

Hearing Zi Xuan's voice was obviously a little bit violent, Tang Feng was not fooled, just smiled indifferently, and said nothing.

"Is it Gu technique again?" Shangguan whispered.

When Tang Feng took out Qiansirou, she was in front of her, and she was quite impressed with the scene. In order to understand this, she also checked some information about the Southern Border Witchcraft Art, but she didn’t see it. Too many records.

Thinking about it, I also know that these Gu techniques must be quite top-secret, how could it be found by her casually?

After being reminded by the Shangguan, other people also thought of this.

Before they went to Yucheng Mountain, the most fundamental reason was about a mysterious Gu Master. This Gu Master caused the tragic events in Linji County that year and caused the mysterious death of Yanjing and his party some time ago. In Qinghong When they were in the sect, they also learned that there was a grievance between this Gu Master and this sect.

Moreover, this Gu Master trained himself into the Nine Evil Gu, and he has lived for nearly a thousand years, which is quite surprising to them.

Now, in this ancient tomb, something about Gu technique has appeared again. Is there any connection between this matter and that mysterious Gu Master?

Just when everyone was a little skeptical, Li Jia and Black Peony were somewhat inexplicable.

The two of them didn't participate in the trip to Yucheng Mountain, and they didn't know what happened before, but they saw that everyone looked thoughtful, and they couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Li Jia asked Ji Ning, "Did something have something to do with this?"

Ji Ning nodded, but shook his head again, and said, “I’m not sure. After all, this place has existed for thousands of years, but the age of the person we know does not match this, but the other party is also the same. It’s nothing more than proficient in Gu technique. Based on this alone, it is still impossible to determine the connection between the two."

The age that Ji Ning said was inconsistent. It was the Gu Master who used the Nine Evil Gu and lived for nearly a thousand years. Naturally, Li Jia didn't know it. In his mind, he only assumed that the other party was an ordinary person at the same age as pre-Qin The tomb does not match, but it is reasonable.

"Even if there are some discrepancies these years, but they are all Gu techniques, or is it a bit too coincidental?" Xue Rui muttered softly behind him, with a little suspicion.

Shangguan also nodded slightly, and said: "I want to come to that Gu Master, it's not an ordinary person, and I don't know how he learned from it. Maybe this Gu technique that created a puppet has something to do with his ancestors. "

Ji Ning still shook his head and said, "Mr. once said that in the pre-Qin period, the spirit of cultivation was flourishing. Not only decent monks, but also many other methods. At that time, this Gu technique, It must be well developed. If this was the tomb of a prince at that time, it would not be surprising to use this method to guard the tomb."

Before he finished his words, Zi Xuan already retorted: "But this tomb may also be a monk's tomb. This point has not yet been determined. How can a righteous monk use this kind of side-by-side approach here? "

Zi Xuan was not completely opposed to Ji Ning's words, but she still had doubts about who the owner of the tomb was.

Hearing Zi Xuan's words like this, Ji Ning had nothing to say for a while, and could only meditate silently.

Li Jia and Hei Mudan looked at Ji Ning and Zi Xuan, but they didn't know how to speak.

After all, there are two kinds of disagreements about who the owner of the tomb is because of their words.

"Anyway, it's a coincidence that things that have something to do with Gu surgery have appeared one after another."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xue Panpan said softly.

At this moment, she is also more inclined to Shangguan's guess.

However, what is the situation? Everyone, even Tang Feng, cannot make a definite conclusion.

After all, the current situation is really complicated. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1397 is Gushu again). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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