Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1465: Scaring ghosts

Needless to say, Zi Xuan, Tang Feng knew this too.

Even now these souls are not lethal, but after all, they have been suppressed for a long time, even for tens of thousands of years. If so many gathered together, it will affect the human body.

Just like the previous Zheng Songru and Xu Mingguang, they were all rushed to the Nine Nether Realm by the cold air, and they suffered a long illness and died.

In this hotel, although there are no other people on this floor except their people, after all, there are residents on the other floors, and there are also staff. Together, there are hundreds of people.

In the past, Tang Feng certainly didn't care about these lives, as long as he could achieve his goals, he would not care too much.

But now it is different.

In Tang Feng's temperament, the contempt for life caused by the millennia of fighting has faded a lot, and a benevolent heart has sprung up unknowingly.

At this time, he would also unconsciously think not to cause innocent harm.

Tang Feng looked at Zi Xuan faintly, she really has a dumbfounding feeling like she is now.

However, Tang Feng didn't say much. He just shook his head slightly and sighed. His hands were already moving slowly, and a restriction was placed in this room.

In this way, even if Zi Xuan loses control of these souls, or does not control them, they will definitely not be able to leave this restriction, and the cold air they bring will not. Leaked out.

Seeing this, Zi Xuan said hurriedly: "It's not necessary. I can still control these souls, and they are small in number, and they won't have much impact on the surroundings. Even if it's next door, it won't Perceived the same, even the chill is not even the slightest bit. The temperature of the air conditioner in this room is probably a bit lower than the chill brought by the soul."

Looking at her, she is quite confident.

However, she can have such confidence.

After all, they are heterogeneous cultivators who practice the art of soul, even if they only refining the fourth layer of Qi, their ability to control souls is not ordinary.

Probably, facing thousands of souls, Zi Xuan would be caught off guard, but there were only a dozen souls, and he was able to do his job well, not to mention it.

This is also the reason why she releases twenty souls at a time. This is the controllable range that she is completely sure of. With a few more, she can also control it, but this ghost fire, she needs to slowly pull away, once It's useless to make too much.

Tang Feng ignored Zi Xuan's endless chattering explanation, but still said in a flat voice: "Release all the souls."

Zi Xuan was still preparing to explain something to Tang Feng, but unexpectedly, Tang Feng came directly with such a sentence. She immediately raised her brows, and surprise flashed in her bright eyes. The first reaction was to refuse. .

"Release it all? I can't—"

Tang Feng was already a little impatient, and interrupted Zi Xuan's words faintly, and said, "You have Yin Luozhi, what are you afraid of!"

"Oh, yes, Yin Luozhi."

Zi Xuan slapped her head, obviously she had forgotten that she still had this treasure that she had just obtained, which was a divine tool used to suppress the soul. She had already seen the power of such a magical tool once in that mountain building.

At that time, she hadn't had time to study it in detail. This was a chance, of course, she had to use it well.

When she took out the Yinluo branch, held it in her hand, and gently waved it, the souls that had been hiding in the surrounding area immediately retreated to the surroundings, and some had already been stuck on the wall, if it weren’t for Tang Feng placed restrictions in the room, fearing that they had already passed through the wall and fled to other rooms.

"This thing is really quite powerful, just holding it in your hand, they are scared like this, almost unable to move."

There is no need for any spell control, Yin Luozhi can play a role, which obviously makes Zi Xuan quite satisfied.

She was obviously quite happy to see the spirits retreating. She deliberately held the Yinluo branch and spotted the soul closest to her. She leaned forward and stretched the Yinluo branch towards its body.

The poor soul was tightly attached to the wall. Tang Feng could see that the transparent figure outline, as if compressed into a piece of paper, stuck to the wall, still trembling and sending out After the high-frequency scream, there was also despair in the voice.

And the other souls around, after seeing this situation, they are like magnets repelling the same poles, and almost instantly they are far away, looking for places like gaps, and want to escape from this room. , But scurried around for a long while, and couldn't find a place to escape, so I could only find a corner to hide it.

Zi Xuan took the Yin Luo branch and frightened this soul for a while. Seeing that it had no other reaction besides screaming and shaking, she turned around again and rushed towards the opposite side, aiming the Yin Luo branch in his hand at that side. The soul hidden under the cabinet.

The soul immediately screamed, and then drilled into it with a "swish", and then flattened itself, like a piece of paper, running along the wall and toward the roof, and finally shrank. Entering the gap of the chandelier, trembling constantly.

This shaking caused the hanging decorations on the chandeliers to sway and collide with each other, making a "ding ding dong dong dong" sound. The shadows of the lights in the room also swayed, jumping constantly on the ground and walls around them. It made those souls extremely frightened.

Seeing this kind of situation, Zi Xuan was even more playful. She ignored the soul hiding in the lamp. She shook the Yin Luozhi in her hand, her eyes turned, and then turned around on the other souls in the room. .

Those souls, although their minds are still a bit muddled now, and they don't have any thinking ability, but the fear is out of instinct. They are already scared birds, huddled in their hiding places, and dare not move.

Seeing Zixuan holding Yinluozhi and still looking for her next target, Tang Feng felt that it was a mistake to stand here now, he shouldn't remind Zixuan that there is also Yinluozhi. Perhaps, at the beginning, he shouldn't give this to her at all.

This Yin Luozhi can be regarded as a rare underworld thing in the world. It is used to suppress the soul and has a powerful effect. It must be no one would have thought that someone would use it to scare ghosts.

Tang Feng couldn't stand it anymore, and coughed with a cold face. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1465 People Scaring Ghosts) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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