Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1466: Da Zhi Ruo Yu

Zi Xuan woke up like a dream, as if only now, Tang Feng was still aside, and she quickly turned around, leaned close to him, and said with a grin: "Yes, I almost forgot, I want to let my soul out. ——However, even if it is released, it is impossible for me to extract all the ghost fires this evening, so I have to send it back again? It would be a bit troublesome, why don't you let it out first?"

Tang Feng just looked at Zi Xuan with cold eyes, without saying a word.

Zi Xuan still looked like a hippie smiling face, and then said: "It's a good idea to put it all out. It's more fun to play. I'm just worried that this place may not be enough, but five hundred? It’s just right, you can have fun without worrying about getting too crowded."

Tang Feng almost gritted his teeth and said, "I asked you to bring these souls back. Did you use it for fun?"

Zi Xuan still smiled, and said to Tang Feng: "These souls are used for cultivation, but everything is a combination of work and rest. I keep repeating the same things. Naturally, I will feel bored and take a proper rest. It's not a bad idea, what do you think?"

I think this-Tang Feng has a swear word, which is almost to blurt it out. If it weren't for his recent conservatism, I am afraid that the current consequences would not have been suffered by Zi Xuan Suo.

Zi Xuan's appearance should be plausible, which made Tang Feng even more regretful that she had given her the Yin Luozhi before. He really wanted to collect this magical artifact immediately, and then release all the souls, making him grow and grow. Go, leave this banned house of souls to Zi Xuan to deal with by himself.

Presumably at that time, this little woman who didn't know the sky and earth should feel regretful!

Zi Xuan's hand was still shaking Yin Luozhi. She was not like a monk, but like a magician practicing Western witchcraft, holding a magic wand and trying to cast a spell.

Seeing Tang Feng not speaking, she tilted her head and continued to say plausibly: "Cultivating things like this, but you can't be impatient. There is an old saying that is said to be quick and bad. That is to say, this is a cultivator. In the process, I must rest while practicing, and we must not rush for quick success. This was the case when I was in the sect. That's why I can practice today!"

I am a Ziwei Xingjun who is dignified through the tribulation period, how should he practice practice when he is educated by an entry-level little monk who is on the fourth level of Qi refining?

And at such a low level, are you embarrassed to show it off?

Tang Feng was simply unable to complain, and suddenly there was a thought in his mind, "It's better to move your fingers and let this woman be wiped out, and no one will be making noise."

Seeing Zi Xuan's triumphant appearance, Tang Feng suddenly understood Zi Xuan's master.

Before, he was still thinking about what kind of catastrophe her master had in Kunlun, and why he had to postpone it for a few days before leaving the sect. With his practice, even if he encountered a catastrophe, he could do something. what?

Now the answer is about to be in sight.

Seeing that Zi Xuan is not ashamed but proud, she can guess, usually when she is practicing in the sect, she also fishes for three days and hangs on the net for two days.

In all fairness, Tang Feng felt that Zi Xuan's aptitude was pretty good. If she had been devoted herself to practicing, she would have been able to reach the fifth level of qi refining before meeting him, but at the time, she was only on the third level of qi refining.

After following Tang Feng, she only improved one level.

You know, Ji Ning and Shangguan, after they got to Tang Feng's side, they made rapid progress. Even if the martial arts and monks practice differently, if Zi Xuan can have half of their hearts, they won't be promoted. so slow.

It seems that Zi Xuan’s master had a headache for her back then. When leaving Kunlun, he must separate from her. He probably wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to breathe a good breath and stop facing such a situation every day. A disciple who doesn't live up to his expectations and always adds to his obstacles.

When Tang Feng waited, Zi Xuan didn't seem to see his sullen expression at all, stretched out her hand, beckoned to the soul bead in the air, and then summoned the soul bead to her side.

The soul bead is suspended in the air between Zi Xuan and Tang Feng, and it can be seen that there are mists and mists swimming in it, which is formed by the gathering of countless souls.

Tang Feng took a deep breath.

Fortunately, after coming back, because Lin Mengjia and the little girl awakened the warmth in his heart, his temperament had become much calmer. If it were put before, Zi Xuan's behaviors would probably be directly involved. , Give her a good look.

"Release all the souls, I will teach you a spell, so that you can use the shortest time to remove all the ghost fires in these souls, and can be transformed into self-cultivation and transcendence. With the help of Yin Luozhi, you can also transcend these souls at the fastest speed."

Reluctantly suppressing the anger that was about to burn in his heart, Tang Feng said with a rather indifferent voice on his face blank.

Zi Xuan stood in place, still shaking Yin Luozhi in her hand, trying to find the next target, but after hearing Tang Feng's words, her eyes gradually lit up.

This light radiated infinite joy, and what followed was the corner of her mouth, involuntarily rising, revealing a very excited expression. Such happiness cannot be concealed at all, and Zi Xuan obviously did not want it. cover up.

"Is there really such a spell?"

Zi Xuan's voice was filled with excitement, and she trembled slightly. In her eyes, there was a flash of spiritual light, and she looked surprised and happy.

Tang Feng snorted coldly and said, "Didn't you know it a long time ago?"

He didn't think that Zi Xuan knew about these things only after hearing her own words.

With her shrewdness, she must have guessed this a long time ago, and she could have imagined it. He came here this time because of this.

Even though Zi Xuan always looks heartless, Tang Feng understood in his heart that Zi Xuan is by no means as simple as it seems, but he knows when to act stupid and when to be smarter.

Great wisdom is the highest state of a wise man.

Zi Xuan ignored Tang Feng's attitude, and quickly put the Yinluo branch aside, folded her hands together, raised her head high, making a respectful and studious appearance, bowed to Tang Feng, and said in her mouth: " I also hope that Mr. Tang will not hesitate to give him advice."

Tang Feng only felt that he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What is in this little woman's mind? What is she thinking? How did you change your face so fast? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1466: Great Wisdom, Ruoyu), and open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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