Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1502: Lin Mengjia's childhood

Lin Mengjia’s aunt also nodded and said, “It’s a pity that they will go to school again in two days, and they can’t stay at home for a few more days. My sister has been thinking that they all want to sleep in the middle of the night. Here, I will go to the two of them to sit for a while, not to mention her, even if I can’t see them this day, I feel empty in my heart."

Lin Mengjia couldn't help sighing when she heard this, and said, "Actually, I still miss them very much. When we parted these days, I didn't miss them one day. However, these two little guys seem to be reluctant to miss her. "

When she thought of calling the little girl, she hung up the phone without saying a few words to herself because she was anxious to go to class, Lin Mengjia couldn't help feeling a little bit sour in her heart.

Seeing this, Mother Lin couldn't help but smile: "Look at you so boring. Your daughter is in school and likes to study. You are not satisfied. If you were like this at the beginning, I can't ask for it! If you have half of Yaoyao and Wan'er Sensible and obedient, I was not so worried at the beginning, and I was afraid that you would not be admitted to Yanjing University!"

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia with a narrow gaze, and then smiled at Mother Lin: "Mom, Jiajia told me at the beginning that she has been a high school student in the class since she was a child. You can handle things independently. There is no tuition at all, and you never need to worry about it. Why, is it possible that she is lying to me?"

Seeing Tang Feng's mouth with a smirk, Lin Mengjia pressed his elbow heavily under his ribs, rolled her eyes vigorously, and said, "You remember all these things for so many years! "

Fortunately, the place where they eat is open-air, otherwise they would have to roll their eyes to the ceiling and then bounce back.

"Yeah, I have a good memory, I see this, Yaoyao inherited my genes, otherwise, how could she learn now, so easy?" Tang Feng is still smiling and showing no trace. She avoided Lin Mengjia's secret attack, "And she likes to study so much, I think, she looks like me too."

When Lin Mengjia was about to protest again, her aunt was already smiling and said, "Actually, Jiajia was also a good student back then, but her parents are very demanding of her. For children of ordinary people, learning is learning, and there is no For other things, she has to learn several languages ​​since she was a child. Even if she doesn’t need them in school, she still has to learn them, as well as playing the piano, calligraphy, etiquette. These various courses are countless and take up her time. It's so full, I look at it, and I feel tired for her."

When it came to this, the woman shook her head slightly, sighed, and looked into Lin Mengjia's eyes, with a little sympathy. She really felt that Lin Mengjia had suffered a lot from the beginning. .

Upon hearing this, Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia's gaze, and there was also a slight change.

Before he was in high school, he was really a domineering student. It can be said that he always ranked first, and the number of times he took the second test is only a handful. Otherwise, he would not be admitted to Yanjing University, such a superb level in China. University now.

But at that time, he was just like Lin Mengjia's aunt said, just study hard.

He did not expect that at that time, Lin Mengjia, who was the same age as him, would have to learn these things again. She was still a child back then. After seeing other children, she could play after school, but she could only learn these things. Course, I don’t know how sad she is, presumably her childhood was not so happy.

Seeing Tang Feng looking at him with some sympathy and some admiration, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but laughed and said, "Do you think that I was very tired back then, and this childhood is also very dark?"

Tang Feng nodded heartily.

Lin Mengjia laughed louder, still trembling with laughter, and said: "That's unnecessary. Although I had a lot of courses at the beginning, and the time was almost full, except for some things that I am interested in, Others, I didn’t learn much. When I was in class, I was always distracted. I had the right to rest. My tutors, even though they looked at me, they didn’t dare to say me. After all, if I didn’t learn well, They will also be blamed, so once mothers come to ask how they are studying, they all say they are doing well, don’t worry about the first class, they need exams, and they will tell me the questions first!"

After speaking, Lin Mengjia smiled happily again, like that, as if she had picked up a lot of cheap.

Seeing this, Mother Lin shook her head helplessly, and said: "I knew at the beginning that you didn't care about learning. I asked your tutors. They also helped you lie to me. After so many years, this matter, It's the bottom line."

"That's natural, how good their relationship with me is, they naturally helped me!" Lin Mengjia's face still showed a smug look, and then, looking at her aunt again, she said, "Back then, not just They, even the aunt, secretly help me, but you don't know it."

"What, there is such a thing?" Mother Lin looked at the woman with a suspicious expression.

The woman waved her hand quickly and said, "Don't listen to Jiajia's nonsense, how could I help her lie to you?"

Lin Mengjia smiled and said: "Auntie, have you forgotten, every time my mother goes out, ask you to help her and stare at me in class, you will tell me, and then take me to skip class, secretly go to eat, usually she will not let us Good things to eat."

Mother Lin's gaze turned to the woman again.

The woman coughed softly, and said with a groan: "Things have passed for so many years, how come this stall is brought up again? If you don't say it, I have forgotten it, I just took you to eat. Several roadside stalls have made you remember for so many years."

Seeing the woman like this, Lin Mengjia and her mother couldn't help laughing.

Even Tang Feng couldn't help laughing.

Mother Lin smiled and shook her head, and said to Tang Feng: "At the beginning, my sister was only in her twenties when she came to Lin's house to accompany me. The generations, but get along, it seems that they are two sisters, they walked closer, and secretly made some small movements, even I did not know."

Lin Mengjia and the woman looked at each other and smiled again, as if there really was a little secret between the two.

Tang Feng looked at the two of them, suddenly his heart moved, and he thought of something.

Zhu Wei, and Aunt Lan. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1502 Lin Mengjia’s Childhood), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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