Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1503: Heart of the city

What Tang Feng suddenly thought of was the relationship between Lin Mengjia and his aunt, which seemed very similar to the relationship between Zhu Wei and Aunt Lan.

Both sides are also about a dozen years old. They are both the elders of the other, but they get along like sisters. The relationship is very close. They are younger, and they are both close and affectionate to the older ones.

What's more important is that Zhu Wei's name for Aunt Lan is "aunt."

This title once made both Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia puzzled.

Whether it is a tutor or a nanny, it seems a little weird, but if this Aunt Lan is Zhu Wei's mother's sister, then everything seems to be a matter of course.

After thinking of this, Tang Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't say much.

It's just a matter of gossiping between him and Lin Mengjia, and speaking in front of everyone, it doesn't make much sense.

However, Lin Mengjia obviously didn't think so.

Just now there were people who were talking and laughing. Suddenly, Lin Mengjia also seemed to think of this, and there was a slight pause on her face, and then she looked at Tang Feng and blinked at him a few times.

Tang Feng nodded slightly, smiled faintly, and looked a little helpless.

It seemed that Lin Mengjia's heart of gossip had risen again.

Just when the two were looking at each other, Shangguan, who was immersed in the meal, suddenly raised his head and swept the two faces without a trace.

It could be seen that although Shangguan didn't know what had happened, she clearly felt that there was something tricky between the two.

Lin Mengjia leaned in the direction of her mother and said, "Mom, I want to ask you someone."

Mother Lin was still immersed in the laughter just now, still with a very kind smile on her face, and asked Lin Mengjia indifferently: "Who is it?"

Tang Feng also focused his attention on the conversation between the two. After all, it was inconvenient for him to ask Mother Lin for such gossip, but Lin Mengjia wanted to inquire, so he took this opportunity to listen to it.

Lin Mengjia hurriedly said, "Do you have any impression of the Zhu family?"

Mother Lin was originally smiling. When Lin Mengjia mentioned the Zhu family, the smile on her face disappeared immediately. In her voice, she was also a little surprised, and said: "You ask the Zhu family what do you do? ?"

Obviously, because Lin's father and Zhu family agreed to marry, Lin's heart was not very happy. Even if there was no dispute with Lin father, her inner disgust towards Zhu's family was not less than Lin Mengjia's. of.

In the entire Yanjing circle, almost everyone knew that Lin Mengjia had turned against his father and broke off the Lin family for an ordinary man, and also knew that Lin Mengjia had given birth to a daughter and raised it independently.

Young Master Zhu, knowing these things and knowing that Lin Mengjia would not like him at all, marrying the Lin family for profit, this kind of character really makes Lin Mu very look down on.

For this reason, even the entire Zhu family was already very displeased.

Now I’m having a good chat, when I hear Lin Mengjia mention the Zhu family, I will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Lin Mengjia hurriedly said: "Mom, what I'm talking about is the lady of the Zhu family, Zhu Wei, do you still have an impression?"

"Zhu Wei," heard Lin Mengjia mention the name, Lin Mum thought back slightly, it seemed that she hadn't heard of this person for a long time, and then slowly said: "I heard that Zhu Wei has left Yanjing. For many years, right? In recent years, she has not participated in the affairs of the Zhu family."

"Yes, she said the same." Lin Mengjia nodded quickly and confirmed Lin's mother. "According to her, it was because the Zhu family believed that the family business must have a son to inherit, and she was excluded from the candidate for the head of the family. , She was angry, and then left Yanjing and went to the south to work **** her own."

Mother Lin nodded gently, and smiled again: "Although I don't know the inside story, this matter is about the same. Although in name, Zhu Wei has not severed ties with the Zhu family, but in fact, It's almost the same, but it doesn't make a big break."

Lin Mengjia’s aunt originally was holding fruit juice and wanted to drink. After hearing Mother Lin’s words, she put it down and said with some emotion: "After all, Zhu Wei has the city. The long-term considerations, even if it is with Zhu There are gaps in the family, but on the surface, the relationship is maintained very well. In this way, she can still rely on the fame of the Zhu family no matter where she leaves Yanjing. After all, her identity as a daughter of the Zhu family is nothing. Signboard with gold letters."

While speaking, she also showed a meaningful smile at Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia smiled slightly and said, "Auntie, are you saying that I should have been like Zhu Wei at the beginning?"

Lin Mengjia’s aunt didn’t answer directly, she still smiled and said, “There is a saying that the big tree behind is good for the shade. Even if you leave this tree, you need to take away some branches and leaves. Fortunately, give this tree to the next place. Just plant it, Jiajia, you were still too young back then."

Lin Mengjia smiled without saying a word.

Indeed, her condition back then was similar to that of Zhu Wei, who had broken with her own family.

It's just that what she did was quite decisive, she was simply blatantly telling the world that her Lin Mengjia and the Lin family had nothing to do with each other!

In the future, she walked on her Yangguan Road, and the Lin family crossed the Lin family's single-plank bridge. The two fell apart, each was irrelevant, and even diametrically opposed.

In this way, she was originally the daughter of the Lin family, but she couldn't borrow the Lin family's light at all. What's more, some people would offend the Lin family because of fear of helping her, and stay away from her.

There are also villains like Sun Lili, who deliberately sang opposite scenes with Lin Mengjia in order to please Lin Mengjia, stumbling her everywhere and making her feel tired. If Tang Feng hadn't come back, she would almost not be able to keep the Mengtang Group created by one hand.

As for Zhu Wei's side, she obviously did pretty well. People left, but this relationship is still maintained. She doesn't take the initiative to tear her skin, and Zhu's side will not do anything to her first for the sake of face.

After that, Zhu Wei's actions really brought Aunt Lin Mengjia’s “back to the big tree to enjoy the cool” to the extreme. Not only did he take away a considerable amount of property from Zhu’s family, but after going south, he was able to quickly stand firm. The heel, when developed, has a certain relationship with her status as a bonus.

Lin Mengjia also had to admit that Zhu Wei was indeed quite clever, and she did not know how much she had surpassed her impulse. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1503 Xinyoucheng Mansion), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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