Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 262: Clever troubles


Zhao Yue still wanted to say something, but Lin Mengjia blocked her back when she didn't say the words.

"In this world, there is no love for no reason, no hate for no reason, please, don't impose your own thoughts on others." Lin Mengjia looked at Zhao Yue who still wanted to be entangled, and said coldly.

Tang Feng stood there, looking at his full-fire little woman, and smiled slightly.

After saying this, Lin Mengjia took Tang Feng's arm, and Tang Feng took the hand of the little girl, a family of three, bypassed Zhao Yue and left.

Zhao Yue stood there, looking at the departed back, her fists clenched, and her beautiful face was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Cold-blooded guy."

After walking out of the police station, Tang Feng stopped in front of the car, his squinted eyes looked at Lin Mengjia.

"Madam is mighty," he said with a smile.

Lin Mengjia pursed her lips and gave him a blank look.

"To be honest, I really want you to save that girl, but I don't want to let you do things you don't want." Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng and said softly.

Looking at the slightly contradictory little woman, Tang Feng shook his head helplessly.

After all, this woman is still a bit too soft-hearted.

If she was allowed to walk in the sea of ​​stars and let her see the cruelty in the monk world, perhaps, she wouldn't be as it is now.

In the world shrouded by the laws of the dark jungle, if you are soft-hearted and kind-hearted, you can only end up being eaten by others and not even scum.

"Jiajia, you have to understand that a person’s ability is limited after all. We can’t. When we see a poor person, we will treat it. You know, there are countless poor people in this world, even you and me. In the eyes of people, it is also a pitiful person." Tang Feng stretched out his hand, helped Lin Mengjia put a naughty strand of hair behind his ear, and said slowly.

He used to be the star king who suppressed a star universe, but now, the soul is broken, only the three-fold cultivation base of refining Qi, if this is known by those in the Xinghai, I am afraid that he will be embarrassed and sympathetic.

However, no one will help, and there is even a high probability that when those people know his situation, they will take action against him, and then plunder the things he has accumulated for thousands of years from his soul space.

Others will not help him because they are pitiful, nor will he help each other because they are pitiful.

Lin Mengjia looked at him like that, and nodded after a moment.

Tang Feng had never thought about being able to persuade Lin Mengjia with words to make her understand that the so-called kindness was worthless, so he did not continue to say anything.

"Girl, get in the car, let's go to school." Tang Feng rubbed the little girl's head twice and shouted.

The little girl pouted. It seemed that she was not very happy to go to school at this time, but she got into the car obediently.

"Dad, Mom, I don't want to go to school anymore. The things I learned in school are too simple, I learned it as soon as I learn." In the car, the little girl got up from the back row and said with a pouting mouth.

Hearing what the little girl said, Lin Mengjia fiercely turned her head.

"Where is there a child who doesn't go to school? If you don't go to school, you will be illiterate in the future." Lin Mengjia stared at her daughter and shouted sternly.

Tang Feng drove the car, looked ahead, and couldn't help laughing when he heard Lin Mengjia's roar.

Taoism is a good thing. When you start to learn it, your brain will become smarter and faster and faster. When you learn other things, you will learn very fast.

This is the case with the little girl now.

Moreover, this situation will become more and more significant as the little girl learns Taoism.

"However, the things the teacher taught are so simple and boring, I have already learned it." The little girl pouted and said aggrievedly.

Lin Mengjia paused when she heard Yaoyao's words. After that, she slowly turned her head and looked at Tang Feng who was driving.

"This is no way. Learning Taoism will make people smarter and the brain will react faster and faster. Fortunately now, when she has mastered the basic Taoism, at that time, She can easily grasp all the knowledge on the earth, even if she is self-study." Tang Feng said helplessly.

After hearing Tang Feng's words, Lin Mengjia was completely silent.

These days, she has also clearly felt that the activity of her brain is like those cumbersome accounting information of the company. Now, she only needs to take a look at it, even if there is a slight error in it, she can see it at a glance. .

She had some doubts at first, but now that she got the confirmation from Tang Feng, she was only certain that the change in her brain was due to learning Taoism.

After understanding this, she is no longer worried because her daughter does not want to go to school.

What worries her now is that if her daughter gets smarter and performs better and better in the future, what should she do when that time comes.

Although, as a mother, she also hopes that her daughter is smarter than other children and performs better than other children, but she does not want her daughter to be too smart and too good.

Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it, if a person is too smart, it is not a good thing.

"Cultivation is a vast project that is countless times more difficult than the development of an atomic bomb. If the brain of the practitioner is not smart enough and the reaction is not fast enough, then she will accomplish nothing, just like me, the knowledge contained in this head, if it is recorded on paper. If it is, I am afraid that a hundred libraries will not fit." Tang Feng pointed to his head and said.

What he said is not an exaggeration. He only said that the library of the Yaowangzong that he ransacked at the beginning, and the collection of books he got from there was as many as millions of books, and most of these ancient books were recorded in his head. .

The heads of the monks are all living supercomputers, and the data that every monk has read throughout his life is counted in millions.

It is precisely because of this that many monks can be omniscient.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng like that, her mouth grew wide in shock.

She imagined how a person could read so many books and master so much knowledge.

"Don't look at me with those eyes that have never seen the world. When you have basically mastered the basic Taoism, then you will understand that the human brain is infinite, even if it is all the knowledge created by humans over thousands of years. , It can be easily installed."

During this whole process, Tang Feng didn't turn his head to take a look.

Lin Mengjia was already used to Tang Feng being able to see his facial expressions without looking at it, and naturally he was not surprised. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 262 Clever Troubles) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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