Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 263: Phantom

Lin Mengjia was silent, completely silent.

Soon, the car arrived at Sunshine Kindergarten, and the little girl was still sent to the school reluctantly.

Seeing the little girl drooping her head, Tang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"You laugh, you still laughed out." Lin Mengjia returned to the car, saw Tang Feng snickering there, she couldn't help but give him a white look.

"Jiajia, don't worry about it, you don't need to worry about it. Since you want to practice, you must have a smart brain. Just ask the monks in this world, which one is not Qiqiao Linglong Xin." Tang Feng narrowed his smile and said Said.

"When you really come into contact with the practice, you will find that, compared to the practice, learning these cultural knowledge is nothing at all. The kind of suffering and the kind of tiredness are enough to make you want to die."

Standing in front of the car door, Lin Mengjia was silent for a moment again listening to Tang Feng's words.

She doesn't know what practice is like, but at least she knows that learning Taoism is really tiring, and it is many times more difficult than when she was learning German.

"Okay, get in the car quickly, wait, are you going to the company or where?" Tang Feng said, looking at the little woman standing outside the car in a daze.

"It's better to go to the company. Today, I and Sun Chengxiang will meet at the company as much as possible." Lin Mengjia recovered and said.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, and when Lin Mengjia got in the car, he started the car.

After sending Lin Mengjia to the company, Tang Feng turned and returned to Dongcheng Haoge.

As soon as I returned to the villa, before the car stopped, I saw that there were several people waiting there at the entrance of the villa.

Among these people, one person was sitting on a wheelchair with a haggard face, and seemed to be suffering from some kind of serious illness.

After Tang Feng stopped the car, he did not get off immediately.

He was sitting in the car, looking at the people waiting at his door through the car window.

Judging from the posture of these people, they should have come to see their doctors, but among these people, none of them are people they know, so they should have come here admiringly.

He has no liking for these medical seekers who come here especially.

He is not a real doctor. The reason why he treats people is because he is short of money. He wants to make some money and get some elixir. But if someone comes uninvited, he will be like Sun Chengxiang. Hit, this makes people a little offensive.

After thinking about it, he got out of the car.

The few people guarding the door saw him, the middle-aged man standing in front of him, after looking at it for a while, quickly greeted him.

"You are Doctor Tang."

Tang Feng stopped, looked at the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, and nodded indifferently.

"Doctor Tang, we are here from Jinyang, my father..." the middle-aged man lowered his posture and said while looking at Tang Feng.

However, before he finished speaking, Tang Feng interrupted him directly.

"Since you know me, you should have known me in advance, right?" Tang Feng looked at the middle-aged man and said flatly.

The middle-aged man paused, not knowing how to answer for a while.

"Zhong'er, what are you trying to do, don't give the things to Doctor Tang yet." The old man sitting in the wheelchair shouted in that low voice.

The middle-aged man was yelled by his father so that he just reacted, turned around and took a wooden box from another young man, and then walked in front of Tang Feng again.

Tang Feng's gaze fell on the wooden box. Although the wooden box hadn't been opened yet, he clearly felt the strong aura.

What is contained in this wooden box must be some kind of spiritual thing.

"This thing was discovered by Lao Xu accidentally when he was exploring Kunlun Mountain. Although Lao Yu didn't know what it was, he could see that it had an extraordinary origin." The old man in the wheelchair said.

Kunlun Mountains.

When Tang Feng heard this name, he was shocked.

Although he still doesn't know what exactly is in this wooden box, it is certain that the contents of this wooden box are definitely directly related to the ancient monks of the earth, and should be the things left behind by those people.

Like this kind of spiritual thing that came from the ancient monks and still preserves the spiritual energy, it contains extremely high value in itself, and it is more precious than a few spiritual medicines.

The middle-aged man, observing his words, handed over the wooden box.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand to take it, but did not open it on the spot.

"go in."

Since the other party has taken out something that makes his heartbeat to pay for the consultation, he will naturally not turn the other party out of the door.

Seeing Tang Feng's agreement, the middle-aged man only breathed a sigh of relief. Instead, the old man in the wheelchair looked calm, as if he had expected it long ago.

In the villa, the people who followed all stayed outside, only the middle-aged man pushed his father into the villa with Tang Feng.

In the living room.

Tang Feng pressed his fingers on the old man's left cheek, and the spiritual energy sank into his body. After a week of circulation, Tang Feng's eyelids could not help but twitch slightly.

The eyelid beating inadvertently did not attract anyone's attention.

Although his expression remained the same, he caused an uproar in his heart.

In the old man's body, he clearly felt the existence of a dragon qi, this dragon qi, floating in the meridian of the old man, so that it made his meridian stagnate.

For the Huaxia people, the dragon is a belief and a totem, and the Huaxia people describe themselves as the descendants of the dragon.

However, no one has actually seen a dragon. Until now, almost everyone believes that the dragon is a fictional, not a real one.

But in fact, dragons are real.

The dragons in this world are all born naturally. The dragon qi in those dragon veins gathers. After countless years, this dragon vein may come alive and become a living creature.

In addition, there are some dynasties that have a long history. The dragons of their kings converge to form a dragon of luck. If this dynasty can continue forever, this dragon of luck can also be transformed into a real dragon.

The dragon qi in this old man's body is not the kind of loose dragon qi, but the real dragon qi that can only be found in the real dragon.

In other words, on this planet, real dragons have appeared, and this old man has also been to the place where this real dragon is. As for whether this real dragon is still alive, it is unknown.

But no matter whether this true dragon is alive or dead, to the monks, everything on it is a priceless treasure.

If you can obtain the blood of this true dragon and that dragon ball, and directly refine the pill, the refined spirit pill can help the cultivator to quickly improve his cultivation.

"When did your illness start?" Tang Feng asked, looking at the old man in the wheelchair, withdrawing his hand.

"Ten years ago, I went to Kunlun Mountain for the last time. After returning, I couldn't afford to be ill." The old man did not think too much, and replied very positively.

Tang Feng nodded slightly.

If a real dragon appeared in Kunlun Mountain, he wouldn't be surprised at all.

It seems that it is necessary for me to find a time to take a trip to Kunlun Mountain. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 263 Spiritual Object) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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