Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 335: Congenital Wuxiu

Now, he was not sure whether Tang Feng just took a casual look, or whether he really saw where his family's ancestral grave was.

Therefore, he is also quiet for the time being.

"The house lives in the dragon's head, and the grave is in the dragon's tail. The elder of your family has very good accomplishments in this feng shui technique." After a moment, Tang Feng suddenly said.

When he heard Tang Feng's words, Old Man Ji's eyelids jumped.

By this time, he could finally be sure that the reason Tang Feng looked in that direction did indeed see that his family's ancestral grave was in that direction.

At this moment, a wave of admiration surged in my heart.

Not to mention other things, just to talk about the vision world, the true heart is not comparable to those so-called Feng Shui masters.

"When you get here, can you see anything, sir?" Old man Ji looked at Tang Feng with full expectation and asked.

Tang Feng still looked in that direction, and smiled nonchalantly.

Seeing that Tang Feng didn't answer, but just smiled so much, Old Man Ji felt a little confused.

"Afterwards, let's talk about it after I went to see it." Tang Feng said after a moment.

Old man Ji looked at Tang Feng, he could only nod his head, not asking anything more.

The car passed over the stone bridge over the river, and finally, reached the foot of the mountain, and drove up the mountain along a road leading to the mountain there.

On the top of the mountain, an ancient Zhuangzi stood.

The moss is full, and dense old vines can be seen everywhere, and the low walls can see the old buildings inside.

At the gate, on both sides, there is a stone carving of a fierce beast. If you look closely, it should be the ancient unicorn.

With a unicorn guarding the gate, it can only be said that the courage of this ancestor of the Ji family is very big.

Although unicorns are also auspicious beasts, they are inherently long, with the evil spirit of heaven and earth, used to guard the door of a family, which may make the family prosper and the offspring will continue, but it may also bring about annihilation.

It is that, blessing and misfortune depend on each other.

However, it seems that these two unicorn stone carvings have suppressed the Qi family's luck, allowing the Ji family to prosper, and the descendants will continue.

Just for what will happen, who knows.

The car drove into Zhuangzi, and after entering Zhuangzi, what you saw was a towering tree.

This big tree has lived for at least a thousand years. The body of the tree needs more than a dozen people to embrace it before it can be hugged.

In this world, the places that can nurture these thousand-year-old trees, without exception, are places where auras gather, even if there is no aura now, but there must be auras in the past.

If it weren't for the aura, this big tree might have rotted itself for hundreds of years, or it might have been struck by lightning and broke.

Zhuangzi is very large, covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres. Various ancient buildings with Chinese style are scattered in various places.

At this time, the small square in the center of Zhuangzi was already full of people, including boyfriends and girls, old and young, nearly a hundred good people.

After the car came to a stop, two middle-aged men in common clothes walked up quickly and opened the door from the outside.

Old man Ji walked out of the car first. Tang Feng took a look outside and followed him out of the car.

"Patriarch." The group of people waiting outside saluted after Old Man Ji got out of the car.

Although the ancient family has intensive contact with modern society, many ancient etiquettes from the past have been preserved here.

After Tang Feng got out of the car, his eyes swept over these Ji family members.

It's not a shame to suppress the ancient family in the Northern Territory. Among these people, Wu Xiu has more than 20 people. Among them, the strongest one has reached the seventh layer of the day after tomorrow, which is comparable to the current Ji Ning.

In addition, there are a few acquired six-fold and five-fold martial arts.

His gaze only stayed on these people for a while, and then moved quickly, looking at the depths of Jijiazhuangzi.

There, he vaguely felt a strong breath.

This breath is stronger than all the martial arts he has seen on earth, and this breath is completely different from the breath of old man Ji and these martial arts in the acquired realm.

That qi, sharp and sharp, seems to have come alive.

Wu Xiu of Innate Realm.

Feeling this powerful breath, the corner of Tang Feng's mouth slightly moved inadvertently.

But I didn't expect that in this Ji family, there was still such a great master hidden.

But, in this powerful breath, he felt that decadent smell again.

That is a dying person.

When Wuxiu enters the congenital realm, he can extend his life for decades. The powerful congenital martial arts can even prolong his life for sixty to seventy years, and he can live to one hundred and sixty and seventy years.

Of course, even though Wu Xiu in the Innate Realm lived longer than ordinary people, he would still die of old age.

Some innate martial arts practitioners, unwilling to die so old, will do everything possible to extend their lifespan, even using extreme methods to keep themselves alive.

Just like this Ji family's innate realm powerhouse, his life span is obviously exhausted, but he is still alive, thinking about it, he has used a certain secret method on himself.

A person like this is actually a living dead.

His gaze was just stared for a moment, and then quickly recovered, no one noticed any abnormality.

"This is Mr. Tang Feng. He is the expert I invited to help our Ji family and resolve this crisis. You will see him in the future and show me respect. If you let me know who has neglected Mr. Tang, I must not be merciless." Old man Ji looked around for a week and said aloud.

Those Ji family members, after hearing the introduction of their patrons, their eyes fell on Tang Feng one after another.

When they saw that Tang Feng was so young, they couldn't help but feel a little skeptical in their hearts.

What kind of ability does this person younger than Jining have to resolve the crisis of his family's ancestral grave?

"Mr. Tang." Although they were suspicious in their hearts, they still bowed their fists and called out Mr. Tang.

Tang Feng stood there, his eyes swept across the faces of these people, and after noticing the contempt and suspicion in these people's eyes, he smiled lightly.

He didn't care about the Ji family's attitude towards him this time. All he cared about was the ghost that appeared on the Ji family's ancestor's grave.

If it weren't for that ghost, perhaps, he really wouldn't come to the North, let alone Ji's family.

"Mr. Tang, please come inside." Old man Ji stretched out his hand and motioned.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, then, with the little girl and Zhou Wan, followed by the old man Ji, he entered the building in front.

"Uncle Ji, when shall we go riding a horse?" After entering the house, the little girl looked at Ji Ning and asked baba.

"After lunch, I will take you and Wan'er to the racecourse." Ji Ning said.

"Okay, when shall we have lunch?" The little girl nodded, but then asked the second question. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 335 Xiantian Wuxiu) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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