Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 336: Secret Peep

I made this morning’s flight, and lunch was earlier than usual.

The Ji's food is not only rich, but also delicious in color, fragrance, and flavor. It can be seen that the chefs used here must be the top class.

The little girl ate four bowls of rice, and Zhou Wan also ate three bowls.

The Ji family next to them looked dumbfounded at these two girls who were like rice buckets.

Perhaps it was the effect of the medicated bath and the medicinal pill. These two girls are getting more and more appetite, and they are not picky at all. As long as they can eat, they almost always come.

The point is that they eat so much, and they don't see much meat.

Not right, at least, Zhou Wan began to grow fleshy. Her shriveled body is now gradually plumping up, especially in the area in front of her, beginning to bulge.

Lin Mengjia also discovered this, so she bought several underwears of different sizes for Zhou Wan in advance.

Tang Feng had seen that Lin Mengjia prepared eight underwears of different sizes for Zhou Wan only this time when he went out, which was really bothersome.

Madam did this, it can already be said to be impeccable.

After lunch, the little girl and Zhou Wan pestered Ji Ning to go horseback riding on the racecourse.

Ji Ning couldn't bear their entanglement, so he had to take them away from the village, and went down the mountain to the large horse farm on the back.

With Jining here, Tang Feng didn't worry about the safety of the two girls, so he let them go.

Anyway, on these two girls, he left a life-saving talisman, even if he encountered a powerful martial artist or monk, as long as the other party's cultivation base was not as high as him, he would not be able to hurt them in a short time.

"Sir, you live in Zhuangzi now, take a day off, and tomorrow, I will take you to my family's ancestral grave." Old man Ji looked at Tang Feng and said.

Tang Feng nodded with a smile on his face.

He wasn't in a hurry to surrender that ghost. The main reason was that he was not completely sure that he could surrender it.

Without complete assurance, he would not easily make a move.

If the ghost is disturbed, the goods ran away, and it would not be so easy to find it again.

Therefore, if you make a move, you must successfully surrender it all at once, otherwise, you should not make a move, lest you get mad.

The seclusion of hundreds of years is a great threat to ordinary monks.

It's a pity that his current cultivation base has not reached the seventh level of qi refining. If he can have the seventh level of qi refining, he can also use several powerful secret techniques.

If the cultivation base is insufficient, he can only find a way and rely on external forces to help.

For example, certain formations.

Under the current circumstances, he could not let his cultivation base go further in a short time. Since he could not improve his cultivation base, then he could only find a way to weaken the power of that fascination.

As long as it can weaken the power of Yumei 20%, then he is sure to rely on the current cultivation base to surrender it.

In Jijiazhuangzi.

A courtyard near the back mountain, the environment is exceptionally quiet.

Among the mountains behind, looking around, there are dense pine forests. At the corners of the yard, there are dots of flowers and plants. The low walls are covered with moss, and there are several delicate flower pots hanging on them.

It's a pity that there is no spring in this nearby place. If there is another stream, it would be more artistic.

Sitting in front of the stone table, Tang Feng looked at the mountain forest with tea in his hand.

The mountain breeze passed, and the treetops shook.

Faintly, among the mountains and forests, there are faint fluctuations of spiritual energy.

Feeling the fluctuation of this spiritual energy, he knew that there must be something hidden in the forest.

It's normal for a treasure place like this kind of Zhong Lin's beautiful, silky dragon aura, and the appearance of spiritual things.

However, in this place, Ji's family has stayed for hundreds of years, and there are spiritual things, but they haven't found it. This is somewhat abnormal.

But, he didn't think too much about it either.

Ji's family didn't find this spiritual creature, which means that this spiritual creature has no relationship with them, and when they encountered it, they would naturally not miss it.

It was too early, and Ji's family members would come over if they were not together. Therefore, he was not in a hurry to enter the mountains and forests behind to find the spiritual creature, but waited for the night to come.

When he was idle, he was simply in the yard, tasting tea alone.

However, he soon noticed that it was prying from a certain direction.

The snooping was very concealed. If it hadn't been for his true thoughts to recover some, perhaps, the unevenness would be impossible to detect.

What surprised him a little was that the snooping came from the back mountains and forests.

In order not to frighten the other person, he did not look up, but exuded his true thoughts, peeping in that direction.

Through true thoughts, he saw that there was a vague little shadow in the mountain forest, looming, only appeared once, and then disappeared into the depths of the mountain forest.

not human.

That's right, the shadow that appeared in the forest is definitely not a human being.

As for what it is, Tang Feng is currently unable to determine.

Because the speed of the shadow was very fast, it only appeared for a moment, then disappeared.

The sudden appearance of the shadow aroused Tang Feng's curiosity, and he couldn't help but become more and more curious about the mountain forest behind Ji's house.

What secrets are hidden in this mountain forest.

It was almost dusk when Ji Ning returned with the little girl and Zhou Wan.

The two girls both looked excited and seemed to have fun in the afternoon.

"Have fun." Tang Feng asked with a smile looking at the two girls running into the yard.

"Well, Dad, you didn't even go to see me riding a horse, I was riding well, Uncle Ji and they all praised me." The little girl ran over, picked up the teapot, took a sip of tea, and then said with a smile.

Looking at his daughter, Tang Feng smiled slightly.

Don’t look at the young girl’s age, but after taking a few medicated baths and taking that little Yibendan, this physique is not much better than an adult. You can ride a horse or something, as long as you let her master the essentials. , There is no difficulty.

"Yaoyao's talent is very high. Everything is learned at once." Ji Ning walked in and said approvingly.

While speaking, he glanced at Zhou Wan again, and in his heart, it was no longer approving, but shocked.

Because he found that this girl is smarter than Yaoyao, it seems that there is nothing she can't learn.

More importantly, that Lie Ma, when she was in front of her, she was like a child, just like, in her, there was a fatal temptation that made those horses irresistible to get close.

Thinking of Tang Feng accepting this girl as a disciple, he became more and more curious about what secrets were hidden in this girl. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 336 Secret Peek) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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