Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 633: Magical space

Chang Sun Yi took everyone and stopped in front of a side stone house.

In front of this house, there is a large vacant lot. There are tables and benches carved in stone in front of the house, which can accommodate a few people. It looks like an ancient country to enjoy the coolness.

However, this place appeared in a cave, it seemed a little weird, but everyone didn't care about all this, and they all followed.

Chang Sun Yi made a please gesture to everyone. He sat down on the main seat first, and nodded to the man behind him. The man immediately entered the stone house. After a while, he gave out a sign. Stack the cups.

These cups were stacked high and held in his hands, but they were steady and not shaken.

Chang Sun Yi said, "The conditions in this mountain are extremely difficult. It is no better than where you came from. Only some of the mountain snow melted and moisturized the throat."

The man distributed the cup to everyone, and it turned out that it was just a puddle of clear water. To the touch, the cup was cold and bitter, and the temperature of the water was extremely low.

Tang Feng originally thought that everything in this place was made of stone. This cup would probably be carved out of stone. Only when he held it in his hand, he discovered that it was made of porcelain. It was quite old, but it was extremely well preserved and burned on it. The colors are still bright, and the carved patterns are also very clear.

Meng Qiongyun took the cup in his hand, his eyes couldn’t move away anymore, he took out the magnifying glass again, carefully looked at the pattern on it, and kept complimenting, “This bird is so lifelike, almost To spread your wings and fly, this kind of craftsmanship is really rare! This kind of porcelain is almost invaluable, and in the archaeological world, it is a rare treasure!"

Hearing him say this, the others also held the cup and looked at it carefully, but they didn't understand this. After watching it for a long time, they didn't see anything special.

Li Jianming couldn't help whispering in Meng Qiongyun's ear: "Mr. Meng, what age is this cup? How much is it worth?"

"This has been at least three thousand years old. The objects handed down at that time are not so complete." Meng Qiongyun had a look of wonder on his face, and looked cautious, for fear that he said that Ha, the voice was loud, and it would be shattered. The cup is average, "Is the price? I dare not jump to a conclusion, but at least it is worth tens of millions."

"Ten million?" Li Jianming became extremely careful with the cup in his hand, and said, "There are so many valuable things in this place. You can't get the gems on the top of your head. It's not bad to take a cup out."

Rong Guocheng coughed softly and glared at him.

Li Jianming smiled and said, "Just kidding, Brother Rong, don't care."

Tang Feng just glanced faintly, and said, "This water is too cold to be suitable for women and children. Guocheng, it's better to pour a cup of hot tea."

He has seen a lot of treasures, a porcelain cup, of course he would not put it in his eyes.

Several members of the grandson's family were all confused when they heard Tang Feng's words.

They have been in this mountain for a long time and are completely out of touch with modern society. They don’t know how far the outside world has developed. It’s just that in recent years, they have often seen mountaineering and expeditioners, and they have always carried all kinds of novelties on them. Some of these things, including those small cooking utensils or other heating tools, can boil hot water to drink, these are not surprising to them.

However, Tang Feng and the others were all dressed lightly, and they didn't have any tools on their bodies. How could they make hot tea?

They all looked at Tang Feng together, just as they watched him take out the gas stove, kettle and other objects from his pockets, as well as the same box of tea leaves.

They were immediately confused, with countless questions in their minds: Where did these things come from? His pocket is so small, how can he hold so many things?

Is this a trick? Is this something rare in the outside world?

Such things are really beyond their expectations.

The eyes of these members of the Changsun family were staring wide, and their mouths were too shocked to close for a while, staring blankly as Rong Guocheng brought two people forward and set up the stove on the spot.

"Your water is very good, can you borrow some?" Tang Feng smiled at Chang Sun Yi again and said.

The snow water in Kunlun hasn't been polluted in any way. After it melts, it is used to make tea. It is not inferior to the spirit water, and it has a special flavor.

Chang Sun Yi hasn't recovered from the shock, and murmured: "I heard from the ancestors that there is a kind of object called the Qiankun Bag, which seems to be small and exquisite in shape and is hidden by the side. Knowing, there is an infinite realm in it, which can contain all things in the world and can be used at any time. Could it be that you have such a fairy?"

The space of the mustard seeds of this jade disc fragment is actually not very large, and it is not said to be able to contain all things. It is the space of Tang Feng’s primordial spirit, with such an infinite realm, among which there are countless rare treasures Bao, it’s just a pity that his soul has not fully recovered now, and the space is unusable. Not only can’t put things in, and the contents can’t be taken out, he can only make do with this jade disc fragment first. used.

Tang Feng didn’t answer, he just played with the cup in his hand, and said, “This snow water, falling from the sky, is the purest water, clear and deep to the bones. Drinking it for a long time is good for your body. It’s just you. At this age, I still need some hot water."

Only then did Chang Sun Yi come back to his senses, and asked a man behind him to take some snow water. After a while, the man brought a bucket and poured the water into the pot.

Rong Guocheng and others immediately began to boil water.

The members of the Changsun family turned their attention to Changsun Ying. After all, among all the people present, she was a member of their clan, and she was considered to be the most closely related. They hoped to get the answer from her.

Long Sun Ying only smiled bitterly.

She also wanted to know how Tang Feng did all this.

She had previously suspected that Tang Feng might be proficient in a certain transfer technique, and could transfer things that were placed elsewhere when they were needed. Now, listening to Chang Sun Yi’s words is not unreasonable, but She had only seen things like Qiankun Pouch in ancient books, and was not sure whether it really existed.

However, Chang Sun Ying would not be surprised at how magical things Tang Feng can have. After all, this person has too many unexplainable magical things.

After a short while, the water had boiled, and the tea was brewed, and the fragrance of tea was immediately immersed in it.

Chang Sun Yi and others couldn't help swallowing softly. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 633 Magic Space) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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