Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 634: Respect tea

Although these people from the eldest-grandson family have spent so many years in the Kunlun Mountains, they are very difficult, but they were all pampered children of a large family back then. They are all top-grade for food and clothing, and the tea they drink is naturally good. of.

Tang Feng was originally a tea lover, and the tea he brought from thousands of miles is definitely not a mundane product.

The fragrance of this tea came out, and the people of the Changsun family smelled the wonderful fragrance of this tea. Not to mention that the Changsun Yi who had been in the mountain for more than 60 years was the other people who had not had such good tea for more than 20 years , The saliva is almost flowing out.

However, their relationship with Tang Feng and others is still unclear at this time, so they can't take the initiative to ask for this tea.

Rong Guocheng poured tea for Tang Feng, and when he approached him, Tang Feng took a sip, nodded and said, "Good water." He said to the others: "Please help yourself."

Everyone was thirsty all the way, so they went forward to drink tea, and Chang Sun Ying glanced at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng smiled indifferently, and said, "This water is given by the host. How can it be that we, as guests, moisten our throats without asking the host?"

Hearing what Tang Feng said, Chang Sun Ying stepped forward, poured a cup of tea, and walked in the direction of Chang Sun Yi. Chang Sun Yi just looked at him coldly, with no expression, but the few people behind him, their eyes fell on A smile appeared on Chang Sun Ying's body.

When Chang Sun Ying approached Chang Sun Yi, she knelt down on her knees, raised the tea cup over her head, and said respectfully: "Grandpa, please use tea."

Her actions showed great respect.

Among the eldest grandson family, the current patriarch is her grandfather, and the eldest grandson is a generation taller than her grandfather, so the eldest grandson can naturally not neglect.

Chang Sun Yi did not move, but narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Chang Sun Ying very coldly.

At Shicai, they and Tang Feng and the others were still fighting tit-for-tat. They wanted to fight a life-and-death posture. Although it has eased down now, he still feels a little awkward.

Chang Sun Yi did not move, and the others did not dare to move. They all stood quietly behind him. Chang Sun Ying just raised her hands high and repeated: "Grandpa, please use tea."

The scent of tea lingered outside of his mouth and nose, Chang Sun Yi sniffed, and he felt his throat roll, and a feeling of thirst and intolerable thirst in his mouth, but if he ate the tea that Tang Feng brought now, it would be equivalent to talking to him. And, after a while, how do you get them out?

After hesitating for a while, Chang Sun Yi looked at the people in Tang Feng, sipping tea with their tea cups, and each face was filled with contented expressions. After all, he couldn't hold back anymore. He only felt that he had let the other person sit down and talk, so why bother to think. Too many, simply took the teacup over and drank it all in one fell swoop.

This tea was originally tasted slowly. Chang Sun Yi had been in the mountains for many years, but he didn't care much. He drank the tea and said, "Good tea!"

A faint smile appeared on Chang Sun Ying's face, and she poured another cup of Chang Sun Yi and put it next to him, and then offered tea to the other five people one by one.

These people took the tea in their hands, and did not pay attention to the demeanor of the children of the big family. They were like cattle drinking, and they drank cleanly when they raised the cup.

Upon seeing this, Rong Guocheng gave the entire pot of tea to Chang Sun Ying, and asked them to have a good drink, and he started to boil a pot of water again.

After drinking the tea, the atmosphere between Changsun Ying's clansmen and her obviously eased, and there was more talk between each other.

These clansmen of the Changsun family, except for the colder attitude of Chang Sun Yi towards Chang Sun Ying, the others are better, especially her cousin and the person she treated.

These people are from the eldest uncle Sun Ying’s generation, who entered the mountain at the same time as her cousin. She had seen her when she was young. Naturally, she felt a little cordial in her heart, except that the eldest Sun Ying had some impressions of her cousin. I don't recognize other people.

After drinking Chang Sun Ying’s tea, Chang Sun Yi accepted her. Chang Sun Ying felt a little relieved. She stood on one side with her hands down, her face was less nervous, and she responded to other people’s questions and spoke with her voice. It is smooth.

Shangguan hadn't spoken all the time, but with an extremely indifferent expression, watching all this happened, there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, as if she was saying that she had known things like this a long time ago.

Before, Zi Xuan had guessed that there were people from the grandson family in this mountain who guarded certain secrets and wanted to target outsiders. Zhang Sunying did not say anything about this, and Shangguan clearly pointed out that the day after the attack was the day after tomorrow. Wu Xiu of Kunou is a member of the grandson family, and the grandson Ying denied that they knew each other.

At that time, the Shangguan and the elder Sun Ying were quite unhappy about this matter, and until now, they have refused to talk to each other.

At that time, the two bickered, and there was no evidence for each other, and there was no conclusion on this matter, but what happened now completely confirmed Zi Xuan and Shangguan's guess and confirmed that Shangguan was right.

At this moment, this situation, as far as Chang Sun Ying is concerned, is really a large-scale real incense face-slapped scene.

Seeing Shangguan like this, Ji Ning wanted to say something to her, but felt that it was not a good time to speak at this moment, and looked at her repeatedly, as if he wanted to say something but stopped.

While drinking tea, Zi Xuan looked at Tang Feng with a smile but a smile. Tang Feng's expression was very indifferent, and she seemed very calm. Seeing that he didn't look at the people from the opposing grandson family, he just looked at the little girl. Talk to Zhou Wan and tell them to drink slowly and not to burn.

Although it looks very calm, everyone can faintly feel the undercurrent surging in the air.

Lin Mengjia noticed this atmosphere, looked at Tang Feng, who was smiling and talking with the two little girls, and at Zi Xuan who showed a good appearance in the play, and looked at the frosty Shangguan and the slightly embarrassed Ji Ning. He always felt that this is now. Things are not easy to solve.

Rong Guocheng also noticed this, winking secretly at his own people, so that they must not relax their vigilance, and if something happens, he must react in time.

Among all the people, Meng Qiongyun was the only one who didn't care about the atmosphere around him at all. Holding the porcelain cup in his hand, he was still full of praise. He asked Meng Zhong to help him take pictures, and only hated that he didn't bring much. Click the instrument to come over, and you can analyze and research on the spot.

When Long Sun Ying recognized each other in the family and bowed, Tang Feng slowly put down the cup in his hand and glanced at them.

For a moment, he had a smiling face, but he became expressionless, his voice indifferent: "Now, it's time to talk about the reason for this." Return of Longevity, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 634 Respect Tea) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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