Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 635: Taboos that cannot be violated

On the side of the grandson family, the atmosphere was harmonious.

Even though Chang Sun Yi was quite dissatisfied with Chang Sun Ying bringing outsiders in, he was still descendants of his own family. They didn't know the situation at home for a long time, so they couldn't avoid asking Chang Sun Ying.

Especially those who entered the mountain 20 years ago, when they entered the mountain, they were all about forty years old, and there were still wives and children in the family, and they naturally missed the mountain for many years.

This time they were asking Chang Sun Ying about the situation of her relatives at home, and when they heard Tang Feng's cold sentence, they all stopped immediately and looked at Chang Sun Yi together.

Chang Sun Yi was listening to Chang Sun Ying and the others, and his face was slightly softened. Although he didn't talk about housework with them, his eyes were warm, and he suddenly heard what Tang Feng said, and his face immediately changed again. It's getting serious.

Chang Sun Ying did not dare to say more, but in her heart, she was also curious, wanting to know what is the secret in Kunlun Mountain, why the clansmen who came here are clearly still alive, but do not want to leave and return home, in Tangfeng After waiting for people to enter the mountain together, what happened to her people?

At this moment, Da Bai also felt that the atmosphere had changed. It was originally playing around with its tail wagging its tail around the little girl. At this moment, it also stopped, and looked at Chang Sun Yi, showing a look of gaze.

When those people saw this, they were all a little nervous.

Chang Sun Yi ignored Da Bai's threat, but looked at Tang Feng with complex eyes.

The secret of the eldest grandson’s family, according to the truth, is naturally inconvenient for him to speak to outsiders, but the young man in front of him, even though he looks so mediocre and indistinguishable, but the aura emanating from him makes him. Very scared.

He originally thought that according to his own innate realm, there were few rivals in this Huaxia Kingdom, and everything in the entire Kunlun Mountains could be controlled by him, but after seeing Tang Feng, he Realize that I was wrong.

He couldn't even see Tang Feng's realm!

This was the first time he saw this situation, and he knew that Tang Feng was not easy to deal with. He wanted to take advantage of Tang Feng’s unpreparedness and everyone attacked him together, but they were defeated. He was already an extremely good person, but he was vulnerable to a blow. I am afraid that if this matter is not explained clearly, this matter cannot be concluded.

Chang Sun Yi pondered for a while, turned his head, and said to Chang Sun Ying's cousin: "Hong'er, you can talk to them."

"Yes, Grandpa." He respectfully bowed to Chang Sun Yi, and then set his gaze on Tang Feng's body.

Chang Sun Ying's expression seemed a little nervous.

After all, their family has been here for more than a thousand years in order to protect this Kunlun realm. Countless people have entered the mountain. That's why the secret of this mountain, but no one returned in the end.

For this whole family, Kunlun's significance is extremely significant. Now, seeing all the secrets to be revealed in front of her own eyes, Chang Sun Ying is naturally looking forward to it, and a little bit in awe.

Chang Sun Hong took a step forward, stood in front of Tang Feng, and looked at the entire ancient building complex, as if thinking about where to start. After a long while, Fang said slowly: "This prison The city was built by the ancestors of my family, but the eldest grandson was not the only one. At that time, three families lived here, and the eldest grandson was one of them."

Chang Sun Ying looked at Chang Sun Hong, her lips pursed, as if she had something to say, but she still resisted and did not speak, but the doubt after her gaze became more and more serious.

Long Sun Yi mentioned before that this place was forbidden by the Long Sun family, but according to family records, their ancestors clearly entered the mountain during the Han Dynasty. How could they have built this place more than three thousand years ago? ? Moreover, there are two other families, which is really unheard of.

Although Tang Feng was a little puzzled in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, he just nodded slightly.

Zi Xuan couldn't help but said, "Is there any evidence?"

Chang Sun Yi coughed, pointed to the nine-story tower in the distance, and said: "In the tower, there are many stone carvings and pictures on it. If the girl doesn't believe it, you can go and see it in person later."

Because Zi Xuan's master had rescued him, Chang Sun Yi had always been very polite to Zi Xuan, even if her speech attitude was really bad, he didn't have any unpleasant expressions.

Chang Sun Hong was slightly startled, obviously he did not expect that Chang Sun Yi would let outsiders enter the tower.

Zi Xuan looked at the tower, tilted her head to think for a moment, she seemed to be very excited, and she wanted to pass immediately, and then she looked at Tang Feng, her eyes flickering, with a hint of urging, making it clear that she wanted Tang Feng. Go over and take a look with her.

Tang Feng ignored it, and didn't seem to be curious at all.

He was not curious, but Meng Qiongyun immediately showed an extremely excited look on his face, rubbing his hands, and eagerly looking towards the tower, and said to himself: "There are still image records? This, this is really great! This is human civilization thousands of years ago. There is no real evidence to prove these things in the domestic archaeology circle. Most of them are just a few words left over by later generations. When I finish the information here, I will write a paper. , Published, will cause the entire history of China to be rewritten!"

Chang Sun Yi looked at him, but was not so polite to Zi Xuan, and said coldly: "No one is allowed to publish this to the public! This is a taboo in my family!"

His tone meant that he could not hold his beak, and his voice was so cold that Meng Qiongyun's smile immediately condensed on his face, and he was at a loss for a while.

He is just an archaeology professor and a scholar. When he encountered the subject he was researching, he was so excited that he didn't consider the current situation at all. He blurted out his words, and now he realized that he had said something wrong.

Meng Zhong's face paled by the sudden change of Chang Sun Yi, and he hurriedly pulled him behind Meng Qiongyun, telling him not to speak any more.

Meng Qiongyun also shut up, not daring to say a word.

Zi Xuan laughed and said, "If it's really something in your home, it's naturally what you want, but you'd better clarify this matter before and after, so that you can convince us."

Meng Qiongyun looked bitter and wanted to say that these places can already be regarded as historic sites. Even if they were built in the history of the Changsun family, they cannot belong to his family at this time. But looking at Changsunyi's cold look, he In the end, he didn't dare to speak. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 635 You can’t violate the taboo). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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