Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 70: Ice beauty

When Tang Feng returned to Lin Mengjia's office, she was already standing at the door, and couldn't wait to ask Tang Feng, "What did he say to you? Did he threaten you, or did something small?"

When Zhang Shengdong gave Tang Feng's portfolio, he was deliberately in the blind spot of the surveillance. Lin Mengjia could only see what Zhang Shengdong said to Tang Feng, but there was no sound in the surveillance, and she had no idea what communication between the two of them was.

Tang Feng smiled nonchalantly: "Nothing. That Zhang Shengdong asked me what I did. I said it was the personal bodyguard you hired. That's it. I don't think he knows him at all. Just to ease the embarrassment, just ask casually. ."

Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng with a very skeptical look, but Tang Feng smiled so calmly that she couldn't see any flaws at all. After a while, Lin Mengjia said: "You take Yaoyao home first, I still have a little bit Things need to be dealt with."

"Mom, won't you go back with us?" The little girl showed a disappointed expression on her face. "You haven't played with me for a long time. I haven't attended my dance, art, and baking classes for a long time. It."

Lin Mengjia apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Yaoyao. Recently, my mother has been too busy and has no time to accompany you to class. After this period of time, I will take a vacation and stay with you, okay?"

The little girl lowered her head. Although she answered her mouth, she could tell that she was quite reluctant in her heart.

Lin Mengjia saw it and felt she couldn't bear it. She sat next to her and said softly: "Mother today has very important things, so I can't get out of her body. Let's take a day off tomorrow. Will you accompany you to the baking class? "

When the little girl's eyes lit up, she immediately raised her face with a happy smile and said loudly: "Okay, okay, I haven't gone to baking class for a long time, I miss Aunt Fangfang!"

Looking at the happy face of the little girl, Lin Mengjia couldn't help being filled with guilt. These days, she put too much energy into the research and development of Mengtang Group's new products, especially after the confidential documents were stolen. Ye's work is really too cold for the little girl. When these things are over, she must accompany her well!

Fortunately, these days, Tang Feng was with the little girl. Without him, I'm afraid the little girl would be even more sad now.

Thinking of Tang Feng, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but glanced at him, but she smiled at Shang Tang Feng and squinted her gaze. She hurriedly lowered her head again.

Tang Feng still had a non-smiling expression. Seeing Lin Mengjia lowered his head, the smile on his face became thicker.

During this period of time, he could clearly feel that Lin Mengjia’s resistance to him was no longer the way he had just come back. Although she still kept her face and hatred towards him, Tang Feng could see it. After coming out, Lin Mengjia cared about him very much in her heart, but she didn't want to admit it.

The ice between the two needs to be broken by Lin Mengjia herself, but now, where is her heart knot?

Shangguan walked in from outside the door and said, "Miss Lin, there is news from the R&D team that the experiment was very successful and we can enter the next stage, which is the final stage, immediately. They ask you if you want to go to the laboratory to observe on site. ."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Lin Mengjia responded and said to the little girl: "Yaoyao, you go home first, tomorrow my mother will fulfill her promise and accompany you to class!"

"Okay!" The little girl nodded heavily, and then stretched out her little finger: "Lago."

"Okay, Lagou." Lin Mengjia laughed and stretched out her finger.

"Hanging on the hook, it won't change for a hundred years, whoever is a puppy." The mother and daughter began to read happily together.

Then, the little girl hopped to Tang Feng's side, waved to Lin Mengjia, and said, "Mum, goodbye!"

"Okay, Yaoyao must be obedient." Lin Mengjia also waved goodbye to the little girl, and inadvertently, the smile in Tang Feng's eyes made her smile slightly.

Seeing Tang Feng leaving with the little girl, the smile on Lin Mengjia's face still lasts for a long time. These days, she has been worried about it, and at this moment, she really feels relieved from the bottom of her heart.

If today’s R&D experiment is successful, then mass production of this new cosmetics recipe given to her by Tang Feng will be possible, and everything after that will proceed as planned. The huge difficulties encountered by the Mengtang Group will be solved in this way.

Shangguan said to Lin Mengjia: "Zhang Shengdong left with Zhang Jinshuo, and went straight to the south of the city. It is estimated that he was going back to the old house of Zhang's house, and there was no other move."

Lin Mengjia nodded slightly and said in deep thought, "I read the contract once, and there is nothing unusual. It is a normal loan item. Moreover, it is really a free loan, and there is no age limit. It is really strange."

"Since the Zhang family has done this, there is no loss for us, and we don't have to know what their purpose is, just wait and see the changes."

When Shangguan spoke, her eyes flickered and she didn't look at Lin Mengjia, because she knew in her heart that she must have something to do with Tang Feng at this time, but she couldn't talk to Lin Mengjia, and she was somewhat guilty.

However, Lin Mengjia didn’t notice her little action. She walked to the desk and continued to look through the contract. She responded, “The money from Zhang’s family has just solved my urgent need, otherwise the new products will be mass-produced, and I’m still there. Thinking about where to get such a large sum of money."

"This matter can be considered to have come to an end. It is estimated that no one has expected such a result."

"It doesn't matter what other people think, as long as the Zhang family is willing to end it like this, everything will be fine." Lin Mengjia smiled and continued: "After the product is successfully developed, you accompany me to the magic city. A brokerage company, talk about the spokesperson."

Shangguan's heart tightened, thinking of Tang Feng letting her keep Lin Mengjia and not allowing her to leave Pingyang. Although her heart was tumbling, her expression remained unchanged, as if she had asked unintentionally, "You have something in your heart now. Candidate?"

"No, the previous one was recommended by a brokerage company. In fact, I didn't really want to sign a new person at the time. Originally, we were a new product. Looking for a new person to endorse, I always felt unable to hold back our position, but the brokerage company strongly recommended it. Pointing out her various advantages, I saw that her image was pure and she was also very popular recently, so I signed her, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen later.

Lin Mengjia sighed helplessly, and then said: "I was also anxious at the time, so I made a hasty decision. This time, we must be more cautious. Moreover, this time the Zhang family's capital injection, we are not short of funds. I hope to sign an international contract. A star with a certain status."Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: https://www.readwn. com/book/103189.htmlLongevity Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: /read/103189/Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: /103189.htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 070 Bing Beauty) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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