Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 71: Own villa

Tang Feng took the little girl home. When the old butler saw the little princess, he liked it very much, praised and praised, which greatly satisfied the vanity of the little girl.

After playing for a whole day, the little girl is usually weak and naturally feels too tired, so she went to bed early.

Seeing the tired face of the little girl, Tang Feng secretly said in his heart: Bathing matters should be put on the agenda as soon as possible. According to Mr. Zhang, Yaoyao did not like to eat before, and she has not kept up with nutrition. She now looks better than children of the same age. She is a little shorter and very thin, so it will not be good for her health.

After setting up the little girl, Lin Mengjia hadn't returned yet, so Tang Feng went to the car and took the portfolio. He still didn't drive, and only relied on his own strength to head straight towards the Dongcheng Haoge.

Tang Feng did not enter from the main entrance of the community, but went directly to Yuxiu Mountain. Although the mountain is not high, standing on the top of the mountain, with Tang Feng's eyesight, he can see the entire Dongcheng Hao Pavilion clearly. An expression of joy on Tang Feng's face could not help.

The previous time came in a hurry, Tang Feng’s entire mind was on Lin Mengjia, plus the mana expended to find Lin Mengjia, and the soul was once again damaged. He had no time or energy to observe the surrounding situation. Now he discovered that this Yuxiu Mountain and Yuxiu Mountain and Yuxiu Lake was built with many ways, it is estimated that it was guided by an expert, and it turned out to be a land that gathers spiritual energy.

However, because the traces of artificial excavation here are too obvious, and the terrain is also built, the aura gathering ability is not as good as the green hills, but it is worse than nothing. It is better than nothing.

The villa given to Tang Feng by Zhang's family was located at the place where the aura collection was most abundant. Tang Feng secretly said in his heart: If the thousand-year-old Ganoderma and Bone Refinery are transplanted here, the surrounding auras can be continuously gathered. Coming over, it can form a small spiritual formation, although the aura is a little bit less, it may continue to be supplied, and it is better than running around the world to find it.

After watching for a while, Tang Feng entered the villa directly from Yuxiu Mountain.

No one has lived in the villa since the incident happened that day and Zhang Jinshuo was taken away. However, the damaged gate, street lights and the balcony fence on the third floor have been repaired. The entire villa, including the garden and swimming pool, is very tidy and visible. Before leaving Zhang's family to give this villa to Tang Feng, it was refurbished and cleaned.

Tang Feng entered the villa without turning on the lights. His eyesight was enough to see everything around him clearly in the dark. He first turned around in the courtyard. The huge courtyard was divided into two parts by the villa, and the front was trimmed. The neat lawn is followed by a garden and swimming pool. Inside the garden, there is a flower house, which is not as huge as the one in the old house of the Zhang family, Chuchu, but it is also quite large. It will be very convenient to plant elixir here in the future.

After looking at the outside, Tang Feng entered the villa again. The interior decoration is very luxurious. It can be seen that Zhang Jinshuo also spent his mind on it. The living room on the first floor is 200 square meters, equipped with a bar and wine cabinet, and the kitchen is open. , The stove and kitchenware are bright and clean. If Zhang’s family has replaced them with new ones, they have never been used. I want to come to this house for Zhang Jinshuo to pick up girls. Even for meals, they are all delivered by the hotel. It’s impossible to be here. Cook.

On the second floor are several luxuriously decorated guest rooms, all with private bathrooms, plus a slightly smaller common room, the lounge is luxuriously decorated, the medieval western classic salon is full of flavor, and there is also an obviously expensive one. piano.

The third floor is the master bedroom. That day, Zhang Jinshuo was beaten down by Tang Feng from here. Tang Feng turned around. In addition to the huge master bedroom, there is also a gym, a study, etc. Tang Feng made a special note. The bathroom went around to see if there was a suitable place for the little girl to take a bath.

The bathroom in the master bedroom is huge, and there is also a small sauna. In the center is a surfing bathtub like a bath. On the floor of the bathtub, there is a brand new label, which is obviously a brand new one just changed and no one has used it.

Tang Feng understood that these must have been ordered by Zhang Qingyu. Not only the bathtub, but also the other beds and sofas that were used by Zhang Jinshuo were replaced with new ones. Regarding Zhang Qingyu’s point Careful, Tang Feng was quite satisfied.

Going upstairs, there are entertainment rooms, billiards, chess and cards, as well as a closed and soundproof theater that can accommodate about 20 people. It is equipped with first-class screening facilities and is only slightly smaller than the movie theater. It’s just a little bit. On the rooftop, there is a small helicopter landing platform.

Looking all the way, Tang Feng was very satisfied. Without delay, he ran in the direction of Daqingshan, and walked to the place where the Ganoderma lucidum of a thousand years was there. Seeing that there was a lot of spiritual energy gathered here, he began to meditate.

After the aura around him was completely absorbed, Tang Feng slowly got up and carefully dug out the Thousand-Year Ganoderma and Bone Refining Herb together. He also deliberately dug out the surrounding soil and brought them together, and returned to the villa of Dongcheng Haoge. in.

If this were to be someone else, this journey back and forth would only take a few hours, but Tang Feng relied on his extraordinary physical power to run wild, and almost no time was wasted.

When he had planted Ganoderma lucidum and bone refining grass for a thousand years, Tang Feng sighed deeply, with a smile on his face, and muttered to himself: "Although the spiritual energy on the earth is thin, things are going smoothly. If not, If something happens, the primordial spirit can slowly repair it, and the next step is Yaoyao's business."

When Tang Feng returned to the Lin family villa, he was still in a good mood, and his steps were brisk. If he was not worried about being discovered, he would almost hum a song. It seemed that he rarely had this when he was at the peak of Ziwei Xingjun. So happy.

Before entering the villa, Tang Feng had already felt that Lin Mengjia had returned, she was sleeping at the moment, and the breath of Shangguan appeared in the garden.

What is she doing in the garden in the middle of the night?

Tang Feng was curious and walked towards the garden. As soon as he stepped into the garden, he saw Shangguan sitting cross-legged on the lawn. Both hands were pinched with the thumb and middle finger. The other fingers were open and the left hand was down. With her right hand up, palms facing each other, placed on her chest, her eyes were slightly closed, her lips moved slightly, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

Standing less than ten meters away from her, Tang Feng folded his hands on his shoulders and looked at him with a smile. He could feel the flowing breath surrounding Shangguan's body. Shangguan was cultivating according to the formula he gave her. Kind of breath.

It seemed that Shangguan had been with Lin Mengjia or helping Tang Feng to stare at the little girl at night. He didn't spare time, and there was nothing tonight, so he took the time to practice in the garden. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 071 Own Villa), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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