Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 779: King Mind

After leaving Gu Jiachen and Gu Shihan away, Lin Mengjia took the little girl's hand and asked with a smile, "Are you having fun with Hanhan?"

I thought that seeing a good friend, the little girl would be very happy, but she frowned and shook her head with a sad look, and said: "It seems that with Hanhan, I am not as happy as before. She didn't understand what I said, and everything she said was so naive."

Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng with a faint smile on her face, and Tang Feng couldn't help but smile when she came over.

Kong Qinghua sat on the sofa, looked at the little girl, and said, "I think you should be the same as her."

Before, Kong Qinghua did not realize too much about the IQ of the little girl and the age, but after comparing it with Gu Shihan, he noticed this obvious difference.

The little girl tilted her head slightly, looked at Kong Qinghua, and said calmly: "No two leaves are the same, and no two people are the same."

These words are not like speaking from a preschool child, and the look on Kong Qinghua's face is even more surprised.

She was about to say something, Lin Mengjia already smiled and said: "Qinghua, you have been on the plane for so long, if you are tired, it is better to take a shower and rest for a while, wait for me to find you, and we will talk. ."

Kong Qinghua then took his gaze back from the little girl and nodded, but obviously, her face was still puzzled.

Seeing Kong Qinghua leaving, Lin Mengjia took the little girl's hand, sat on the sofa, and asked her softly: "Yaoyao, why are you a little unhappy to see Aunt Kong this time?"

Although Lin Mengjia never mentioned the matter in front of Kong Qinghua, she had already seen that the little girl didn't like Kong Qinghua, and she was even slightly hostile.

This is before, but it has never been a situation.

Usually there are very few people at home. Kong Qinghua is here and can take the little girl to play. Although the two people spend a short time together, the little girl is still very kind to her.

This time we met, but it was completely different.

Almost from the time she saw Kong Qinghua, the little girl was a little cold, even a little hostile.

The little girl pursed her mouth, glanced at Tang Feng, and then said in a low voice: "I don't like Aunt Kong, she speaks ill of dad."

Lin Mengjia was stunned for a moment, then she remembered what happened the last time Kong Qinghua came.

The two are best friends, and Lin Mengjia also knows that Kong Qinghua is also considering her. When the matter passed, she no longer cared about it, but unexpectedly, she silently remembered some little girls with a panoramic view in her heart.

Tang Feng did not expect the little girl to remember this for a long time. He sat next to the little girl and said to her: "Yaoyao, Aunt Kong is a friend of her mother. When she thinks there is danger around her mother, At that time, naturally, out of concern, remind her."

"How can Dad be dangerous? You are the person who loves mom the most, and you have always protected us." The little girl looked at each other with Tang Feng, her eyes full of determination.

Lin Mengjia only felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

She didn't expect that from the little girl's mouth, Tang Feng's love for her would be so easily expressed. Even if she knew that the little girl's IQ was higher than that of ordinary people, she never expected that she would know "love".

Tang Feng was not unusual. He still had a smile on his face. He said, "However, Aunt Kong didn’t know this. She only saw that a strange man appeared next to you, and she was full of Be vigilant, you need to remind your mother that she did this out of kindness."

The little girl frowned and nodded, but her face was not completely relieved, and she said: "Even so, I can't tolerate others saying bad things about Dad!"

Tang Feng smiled and stretched out his hand, stroked her head, and said: "Those who make big things need to be mindful and don't need to worry about small things, so that they can have a long-term vision."

The little girl nodded again, but her gaze was still a bit tangled.

"I know, you know the truth, it's just that things happened to you, and you can't do it completely," Tang Feng smiled. "You can't be forced to do these things. You will encounter more things in the future. Naturally, you know, go and play. These days, I want to go out with Zi Xuan, so I will give you a few days off."

Then the little girl smiled, got off the sofa, bowed to Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia, and said, "Dad, Mom, I went to the garden to find Da Bai Xiao Hui them."

Looking at the little girl's back, Lin Mengjia's emotions in her eyes are very complicated, and she said with mixed happiness and sorrow: "Now Yaoyao thinks a lot. I am really worried that her age cannot afford her thoughts."

Tang Feng smiled faintly, and said: "I think you think too much. Yaoyao is destined to be an extraordinary life. How can you compare it with ordinary children? Her young age is nothing more than an appearance. Her heart is It is growing rapidly."

"Growing to be a king?" Lin Mengjia turned her gaze to Tang Feng, with a little expectation in her eyes, and a faint smile appeared on her lips, "Just like her father?"

Tang Feng stretched out his hand and stroked Lin Mengjia's long hair behind her ears, then gently stroked, and said: "Our daughter is destined to be extraordinary, but I am willing to let her choose her future path. She wants to be a king, she wants to be a king, she wants to be an ordinary person, she is to be an ordinary person, all I can do is to teach her everything I know."

Lin Mengjia showed an angry and funny look, and said: "You will teach her your ambition to become a king, and you will tell her to choose her own path. It's a duplicity! If you want her to be an ordinary person, you don't have anything to do. Don't tell her?"

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "I didn't think about who she would become, but showed her all the future and roads. She knew about this so that she could make a choice. Otherwise, she would have a great view of the world of the king. If you don't know anything, how can you imagine the future?"

"Strong words are unreasonable." Lin Mengjia wanted to refute, but she couldn't explain why, she could only give Tang Feng a little bit of anger.

"Let's not talk about these things for now," Tang Feng smiled, "Why haven't you heard about the things that Kong Qinghua is going to come over before?"

Lin Mengjia had a playful face on her face, but when she heard Kong Qinghua's name, she concealed her smile, looked a little hesitantly towards the stairs, as if worried about being heard, whispered: "We Go back to the room and talk about it."Longevity Return: Becoming a Daddy, the latest chapter address: book/103189.htmlLongevity Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Read Address: /103189/Longevity Return, Become a Dad txt download address: .htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 779 King Mind) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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