Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 780: Marriage lie

"Qinghua had some conflicts with her family. Her family went to the sea market to find her. She was too entangled with them, so she hid here."

Back in the bedroom, Lin Mengjia said straightforwardly.

Tang Feng was not surprised at all, and said, "Didn't she and her family have always had conflicts? It's not a day or two. Why is there such a big trouble this time?"

Tang Feng knew about the situation in Kong Qinghua's home when he was in college.

Kong Qinghua has always believed that her mother was forced to divorce and die by her father and today’s stepmother. She has been resentful for a long time, and of course she is incompatible with her family. When she was very young, she separated her stepmother from the same father. The mother's sister is regarded as an enemy.

Lin Mengjia sat on the side of the bed, with a trace of sorrow on her face, and said, "A few days ago, Qinghua called me and asked me about things here while chatting. I just told her when I was just talking some gossip. At that time, she wanted to come over. Today, when she arrived in Pingyang, she called me and asked me to pick her up. Only then did I know that she had fallen out with her family."

As a friend of Kong Qinghua, Lin Mengjia feels a bit of sympathy for her. Both of them are separated from the family. The difference is that Lin Mengjia is completely cut off, and Kong Qinghua’s living expenses will be restricted by the family. Lin Mengjia is more fortunate than her. However, her mother stood by her side and protected her secretly, but Kong Qinghua would never see his mother.

Tang Feng sat next to Lin Mengjia, knew what she was thinking, took her hand, and said, "Don't think about it, there is me beside you."

Lin Mengjia showed a faint smile, nodded, leaned her head in Tang Feng's arms, and muttered: "In fact, Qinghua has never felt safe in her heart. The reason why she suspected you at the beginning It is also for this reason. I really thank you for what you said to Yaoyao just now."

Tang Feng smiled and said, "I know that she is your friend, so naturally she also cares about you. An unidentified man, who has no name, suddenly appeared in front of you, a wealthy and handsome female president. It will inevitably be reminiscent. Although I didn’t like it, I didn’t blame her."

Lin Mengjia gave an "um" and said: "Her anxiety is because of her family. Although I mentioned it to you before, I didn't say in detail. In fact, the bankruptcy of her mother's family is related to her father's It is related. It can be said that her mother's death was caused by her father alone. Therefore, she also has a skeptical attitude towards marriage and love."

Tang Feng really doesn’t know the details of this. Although he is not interested in the affairs of Kong Qinghua’s family, seeing Lin Mengjia like this, he obviously wants to tell him the matter. Did you do that?"

Lin Mengjia smiled bitterly, and said: "Perhaps this sounds incredible, but it is the truth. The Kong family is one of the largest families in China. It is naturally not unusual for the family to marry with his family. Qinghua's mother's family At that time, it was on par with the Kong family. After her father married her mother, he used various methods to gradually eat away at her family business and suppress them secretly in all aspects. His methods were very clever until her family went bankrupt. I realized that the person behind the scenes turned out to be him."

"He probably didn't do this just to dissolve a marriage? After this incident, his biggest gain is the expansion of family power, right?" Tang Feng frowned slightly, already figuring out the whole story.

The Kong family just used this marriage as a stepping stone. The real purpose was for the other's family power. Once it succeeds, the marriage is useless and can be given up.

Kong Qinghua's mother became the victim of this secret battle.

Lin Mengjia sighed and said, "Even though the Kong family was said to be powerful before, it was far less powerful than it is now. After that, it has become one of the five most important families in China, and Qinghua’s mother, after being swept out of the house, Back in the family, she was humiliated by all kinds of humiliations in the family. She was originally a victim of this marriage. She didn't choose to marry into the Kong family at first, but at this time, everyone vented their resentment on her."

Tang Feng could imagine what kind of torture Kong Qinghua's mother would face under that situation, probably because she had passed away in just a few years.

"The most ridiculous thing is that Qinghua's father has always had a lover, and he has never had a true love for her mother, but he has treated her extremely well. Both the predecessors and the descendants are ardent and full of love. It made everyone think that he loved her with deep and righteousness, as did her, and believed that she was extremely lucky and happy to meet true love in a family marriage full of benefits."

Lin Mengjia's voice was full of anger.

Tang Feng was silent.

What Confucius did like this was nothing more than to conceal the public's attention, especially to make the Confucian family relax their vigilance. Who would doubt a husband who loves his wife so much and always think about calculating her family?

"That's why, when she was swept out, she was hit, and because of this, she was even more angry from the people." Lin Mengjia raised her head slightly, looked at Tang Feng, and said with sorrow: "So I have always felt pity for Qinghua. Her doubts about love and marriage are deeply rooted and affect everything she sees. I can understand how she does it."

Tang Feng stroked her long hair and said with a smile: "Although she is not a happy family, she is lucky to have friends like you. Don't worry, she can live here for as long as she wants to live here. ."

Lin Mengjia smiled on her lips and said, "Thank you, Tang Feng."

"You and me, do you still need to say thank you? This is our home, and you are the hostess here." Tang Feng squeezed Lin Mengjia's cheek, with a petting smile on her face, "These days, you Comfort her and let her not think too much. It has already happened, and no matter how resentful it is, there is no way to make up for it."

In Tang Feng's mind, Kong Qinghua had nothing to do with him, but he couldn't bear to see Lin Mengjia hurt because of this, and his voice was very soft and relieved.

Lin Mengjia nodded, feeling a little helpless, and said: "In fact, Qinghua has been let go over the years. Although she is a little lonely abroad, she is far away from the Confucian family and she is happy, but yesterday. , Her stepmother and sister went to the sea to find her. Qinghua was naturally bored and came to me."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: address of the full text of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: txt download address of Longevity Returning Dad: Longevity return to be a dad to read on mobile phone: convenience For the second reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 780 The Lies of Marriage), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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