Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 789: The hunt begins

The cuisine of Yu Province is well-known throughout the country. Even if Dong’an City is regarded as the most famous tourist city in the province, at night, all kinds of snack streets or food stalls are set up. It seems that the whole city is shrouded in a beautiful smell. in.

Zi Xuan pulled a chair and sat by the window, folded her hands under her chin, leaned on the window sill and looked at the night view outside. She couldn't help swallowing, turned her head, and looked at Tang Feng.

Before she could speak, Tang Feng said coldly: "Can't go out."

Zi Xuan had a certain expectation in her eyes, but Tang Feng's cold words were like a pot of cold water, and the small flame of anticipation was immediately extinguished.

Ji Ning also appeared a little uneasy, and said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, the previous cases were all in extremely remote locations, either in the suburbs, or on the road leading to the county. We are in this city, afraid Is it because the fox demon won't do anything here, right?"

Tang Feng nodded and explained faintly: "I looked at the location where the case occurred nearby during this period. This place can be regarded as the central area. According to my calculations, Wanshenghu should move within this range. We are waiting here, any changes in any place can be passed in time."

Zi Xuan, who was lying lazily at the window, straightened up, turned to Ji Ning, and said: "From here to the location of the crime, my soul orb can feel the abnormal change of the soul. Make sure that we are in the first place. Time is up, it's just—"

When she said this, Zi Xuan dragged her voice, looked towards Tang Feng, and then said: "It's just that I can't be sure if I can catch it when I get there."

Tang Feng said indifferently: "Once you find that your soul is moving, go and collect it immediately. Leave me alone, I will drive with Ji Ning."

"Oh?" Zi Xuan's eyes revealed a touch of puzzlement.

Tang Feng squinted his eyes slightly, and said, "After you collected the souls of Hu Yueer and others last time, the Wansheng Fox did not escape. It was still hunting down the lonely woman. This shows that it does not Fear of you."

Zi Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "Presumably, I have no threat to it. I don't even know its existence. From its perspective, it is naturally safe."

"Last time, it was because I was too impatient and let it feel my existence prematurely, and then it hid. This time, you go by yourself and tell us the location. We drive past and I will be on the road. I completely hide my breath."

Ji Ning's face showed an expression of tension and excitement.

Zi Xuan glanced at him, with a look of regret on her face.

Ji Ning was puzzled, and hurriedly asked her: "Miss Zi Xuan, what's the matter?"

Zi Xuan sighed, shook her head, and said, "If we were a girl with us, the chances of success must be higher."

Ji Ning coughed in embarrassment, and said, "Could it be that what you said to Officer Zhao is true? Do you really need bait?"

Tang Feng held his forehead with his hands.

Even if you need bait, you won't need a female martial artist.

Although the Wansheng Fox is a low-level demon, it can feel the strength of human beings. Presumably it will not risk attacking a woman who is obviously stronger than an ordinary woman several times.

Zi Xuan had always smiled and looked at Tang Feng again, and suddenly said, "It would be great if the lady from the Sun family was there."

The muscles on Tang Feng's face twitched slightly.

Indeed, Sun Qing is really the best bait for Wansheng Fox. She possesses the breath that Wansheng Fox covets.

Ji Ning frowned and said, "I'm afraid this is wrong. Miss Sun is so weak. If there is an accident, it will be difficult to explain to her father."

Zi Xuan's gaze immediately turned to Ji Ning, smiling.

Ji Ning was a little hairy when she saw him, and said hurriedly: "Could it be that it is not?"

"It's the first time I know that you still know how to pity and cherish jade."

Zi Xuan "pushed" a smile. It seemed that the suggestion just now was just a casual joke, and the smile was very simple.

Ji Ning was embarrassed again. He could only scratch his hair, turned his head to Tang Feng, and changed the subject, saying, "Sir, are you sure this demon fox will do it tonight?"

"As long as it feels safe, it may do it, at the earliest tonight, at the latest, within three days."

Tang Feng is not sure when Wanshenghu will do it. However, judging from the frequency with which it will do it during this period, the interval is not too short.

Some days ago, I was scared by Tang Feng and disappeared for a while. Now in Yu Province, if it has a sense of security, it will start killing.

It's like a very hungry person. When he sees food, he will naturally have a good meal.

When she gradually calmed down outside the window, Zi Xuan stood up, stretched her waist, and slowly said, "The moonlight is good tonight. It's a good day for hunting."

"Hunting?" Ji Ning's expression became a little nervous.

"For the fox demon, this city is its hunting ground, and the girls are its prey. It chases and kills the prey that are unsuccessful," Zi Xuan said in her mouth, with a calm smile on her face, "but , The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind, we are also hunters hunting it."

"Then, Miss Zi Xuan meant--" A gleam of light flashed in Ji Ning's eyes, "Do you think it will do it?"

"How are you sure?" Tang Feng asked lightly.

Zi Xuan smiled mysteriously and said, "A woman's intuition."

As she spoke, she drew her hand in her arms and took out the soul orb.

The soul orb exudes a faint golden light, and the soul inside has disappeared. I think she has already extracted the fire of the Nine Nethers, and it is transcending.

Ji Ning went to the window and closed the curtain.

The soul beads were surrounded by Zi Xuan's side, her hands were as soft as bones, she didn't know what she was drawing in the air, as if she was writing.

She is small and pure, with a sweet face. In normal times, she always feels like an underage girl, but at this moment, her eyes are strangely darker than usual, like the dark night, always smiling at the corners of her mouth. The appearance also disappeared, and replaced by a slightly mysterious smile at the corners of the lips.

Looking at Zi Xuan, Ji Ning felt a sense of awe in her heart for some reason.

Before, although he knew that Zi Xuan was capable and he was quite jealous in his heart, he had never felt such a strong feeling at this moment.

Zi Xuan's fingers stopped, and a golden light appeared on her fingertips, and she submerged in the soul bead. The corners of her lips raised, and her smile became thicker.

Ji Ning only felt that the hair on her body was going to stand up, staring at Zi Xuan more nervously.

Zi Xuan Zhu's lips lightly opened, and she uttered a few words: "The hunt has begun." The latest chapter of Longevity Return to Be a Dad Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address :Https:// return to be a dad txt download address: https :// returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: https:/ / the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below \"Record this (Chapter 789 Hunting Start) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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