Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 790: The Art of Water Dividing

Zi Xuan's voice has not yet fallen, and a black mist rises all over her body, as if the whole person has melted.

The mist dissipated in an instant, and after the mist dissipated, Zi Xuan, who was standing there, disappeared.

Ji Ning stared blankly, his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling, his eyes showed shock.

Although the situation in front of him was similar to many trained masters throwing smoke bombs to escape, Ji Ning could feel that Zi Xuan's methods were completely different from them.

It was the first time he saw that Zi Xuan used such spells.

This moment made him even more truly feel the huge gap between him and Zi Xuan.


Ji Ning's lips moaned, without making a sound.

Tang Feng just smiled faintly, and said, "Nocturnal Ghosts."

"Wh, what?" Ji Ning didn't react for a while.

Obviously, he didn't know much about the monks' spells.

He just knew that Qi refiners were stronger than Wu Xiu.

"Let's go." Tang Feng didn't explain much, got up and walked outside the door.

Ji Ning still couldn't hide the horror on his face, and took another look at the place where Zi Xuan had disappeared before going out with Tang Feng.

Ji Ning drove the car out of the parking lot and looked towards Tang Feng.

"Southeast." Tang Feng said lightly.

Zixuan's use of the ghost night walk will leave a black circular mark on the ground, but she needs to use a spell to see this. Zixuan naturally knows this. This time, in order to avoid Tang Feng's use of spells, she directly Leave the mark where you pass.

However, only Tang Feng could see this mark. He commanded Ji Ning based on those traces.

The streets at midnight were no longer noisy, and there were few vehicles on the road. Ji Ning's speed was very fast. In a blink of an eye, he was out of the city, deviated from the main road, and drove toward a seemingly remote road. .

While driving the car, Ji Ning frowned slightly while observing the surroundings.

"Why do those young girls come to this place at this time? You are thinking about this, right?" Tang Feng suddenly said.

Ji Ning nodded, "Yes".

What he had about the fox demon was only what Zi Xuan said today, and he also learned about the case from her. From the very beginning, he had this question in his mind.

Tang Feng did not answer the question he asked, but slowly said: "I have never been in contact with Wanshenghu. I have learned about it in ancient books. The impression I left before was a low-level monster. But after dealing with it last time, I think it is much more cunning than I thought."

Ji Ning responded again and said, "Could it be that it has any special means to escape in front of you and Miss Zi Xuan?"

Tang Feng said again: "After I missed my hand last time, I also thought about this. I guess Wanshenghu was proficient in the very subtle recluse technique at that time."

"Is it so subtle that you can't notice it?"

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "If I had thought of it reclusive, I might have noticed it at that time."

Ji Ning took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

His expression is extremely calm, but in fact he is a little excited in his heart. Although he is a martial artist, he is well-informed, but he has to get in touch with the legendary monster so close and be able to participate. Not everyone has the opportunity to hunt this time.

Although he had seen a more powerful Jiao in Kunlun, after all, Tang Feng killed it alone at the time, and he didn't feel much involved.

As the car drove, both sides of the road became more and more desolate. It was a dense field with crops, and it was as tall as one person, blocking the sight tightly.

In Ji Ning's heart, he couldn't help but be even more surprised. He couldn't see at all, what Tang Feng used to recognize this path.

After driving for about half an hour, Tang Feng asked Ji Ning to stop the car, then opened the door and got out of the car.

Ji Ning followed closely, lowered his voice, and said, "Mr. Tang, what's the situation?"

"Inside." Tang Feng said faintly, pointing his hand towards the cropland on the left hand side, and then strode in.

Ji Ning didn't notice any difference between this place and other places, but when Tang Feng left, he followed. He knew that Tang Feng would definitely have no problem.

The crops and leaves around him were dense, and there was no way to see the road ahead, but Tang Feng didn't hesitate at all and walked in one direction.

After walking about a hundred meters inward, the eyes suddenly opened up, and in front of the two of them, a lake appeared.

By the lake, there is a small figure.

It's Zi Xuan.

She was squatting by the lake, looking at something.

Upon seeing this, Ji Ning was about to speak, but immediately realized something was wrong, closed his mouth, looked around vigilantly, accelerated his pace, and followed Tang Feng to Zi Xuan's back.

When he got closer, Ji Ning noticed that there was a person lying in front of Zi Xuan.

The man was wet, his clothes were close to his body, and strands of hair stuck to his cheeks. Although he was extremely embarrassed, he could tell that he was a young girl.

Ji Ning was startled for a moment, but he immediately noticed that the girl was still breathing. Although she was weak, she was still alive.

Zi Xuan turned her head, her expression relaxed, with a smile at the corner of her mouth, nodded towards Tang Feng, and then her eyes fell on the lake in front of her.

Seeing her appearance, everything seems to be going well.

The bright moonlight sprinkled in the lake, glowing with silver sparkling waves, and a thin mist rose against the surface of the water, blown by the wind, like a dream.

Ji Ning also looked into the lake, but only felt a sense of silence, instead of finding anything, he couldn't help but look suspicious, and looked towards Tang Feng.

Tang Feng's steps were steady, and he walked towards the lake.

Zi Xuan was already by the lake, only two or three meters away from the water. Tang Feng was just a few steps away, and when he reached the water's edge, Ji Ning was worried, for fear that he would step into the water and wet his shoes.

But at the moment Tang Feng's feet were about to step into the water, a powerful force suddenly burst out all over his body, and it hit the lake in front of him.

A few steps away, Ji Ning suddenly felt the power emanating from Tang Feng's body, and could not help taking two steps back. For an instant, a flash of consternation and panic flashed in his eyes.

Tang Feng pointed his hand toward the surface of the water, and the water in front of him was flushed from the middle, splitting into two halves.

The separated water stands up like a book page opened from the middle. If two transparent high walls are in the middle, the bottom of the lake about two meters wide exposed is full of silt.

At this moment, Ji Ning was dumbfounded. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this reading (Chapter 790) Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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