Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 852: Corpse poison

Chu Chu did have some understanding of ancient medical techniques. This was not something that her family or the major she studied could come into contact with, it was purely a personal hobby.

Rich daughters have hobbies, it is definitely different from ordinary people. Even if it is a bad hobby, there is always a chance to realize it. What's more, is it beneficial?

When Chu Chu was young, he studied medicine with Mr. Gongsun next to Grandpa Sun for a period of time. This old gentleman can be regarded as a master in the world. He is quite accomplished in ancient medicine. If Chu Chu can continue to study with him, Nowadays, in ancient medicine, it is also a small achievement.

It's a pity that her hobby, coming fast and walking fast, soon became obsessed with planting flowers and plants, which wasted her study of medicine.

Although the time of studying medicine is very short, Chu Chu still remembers the basic things of ancient medicine relatively solidly, and he has a small understanding of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Ordinary doctors have acupuncture at the correct points and pierce them carefully. They must control the strength and depth of acupuncture. Even those with advanced medical skills and experience will have a slightly faster speed, but they will also be acupuncture at a time. The needle sticks down.

But Tang Feng's needles were almost like a goddess.

Chu Chu only saw his hands raised, and the needles had fallen on Xu Qingling's back, and they were all pierced.

There was a look of shock on her face.

Next, something even more surprising happened to her.

On Xu Qingling's back, which was originally smooth and white, there appeared thin lines like a spider web.

These lines did not appear all at once, but gradually emerged. At first, they were gray-white, the color was very light, almost invisible, and soon became darker. After about three seconds, the lines have become Up black.

Right after the lines appeared, Xu Qingling's body trembled slightly, and as the lines got deeper and deeper, her tremor intensified.

However, it was obvious that she was controlling her body and not letting it tremble too much.

Chu Chu watched, holding his hands tighter and tighter, teeth biting his lips, frowning tightly, and staring at the lines on Xu Qingling's back.

Soon, Chu Chu discovered the problem.

The criss-cross patterns on Xu Qingling’s back form some diamond-shaped squares of almost the same size. On the four points of these rhombuses, that is, the intersection of the patterns, there is exactly a female needle, and at the middle point of the rhombus, A male needle is inserted.

Seeing this shocking situation, Chu Chu was dumbfounded and stammered: "Big, uncle, what's the situation?"

Tang Feng did not answer. Instead, he hovered his right hand over Xu Qingling’s back. In his palm, a spiritual energy appeared and fell on Xu Qingling’s cervical spine. This spiritual energy traveled all the way down the spine and at the same time from the spine. , Spread to the surroundings.

Wherever the aura goes, the color of those lines is a bit lighter.

As the spiritual energy entered, Xu Qingling’s originally tight back gradually became looser. The original tremor also stopped. It can be felt that her tension is slowly disappearing, and the previous discomfort. It also disappeared.

Naturally, Chu Chu could not see the movement of this spiritual energy, but could see the change in the color of the lines on Xu Qingling's back, and also see how Xu Qingling was obviously relaxed. She couldn't help but said in surprise: "Changed, changed, color changed. Up!"

Tang Feng took his hand back and said faintly: "This is the corpse poison in her body."

Chu Chu stared at him. After a while, he said in amazement: "It turns out that the corpse poison looks like this. I thought it was a monster. Just like the movie, the zombies breathed out at the living. Living people will be infected with corpse poison and become zombies. In this way, pass one by one, and soon everyone will turn into zombies—hey, I seem to have a wrong memory. It seems that a zombie bites a person. Now, turning everyone into zombies, the zombies blow the corpse qi to people, and people are bleeding to death from the seven orifices, right?"

Tang Feng looked at Chu Chu blankly, thinking in his heart whether he should kick Chu Chu out now, and then call Ma Liu in.

Chu Chu didn't notice the change in Tang Feng's expression. She pinched her chin with her hand, looking at Xu Qingling's back, and said to herself: "It doesn't seem to be right, if it is really blown by a zombie. If you breathe, you will die. How could Lingling have been fine for so many years? But it is not fine. Although her body is not good, her life is not directly endangered. Uncle, you are going to tell me what happened. thing?"

She finally thought that Tang Feng was still standing on the side, she touched Tang Feng's arm with her elbow, turned her head, looked at him, blinked her eyes with curiosity.

The corners of Tang Feng's mouth moved, and it took a lot of effort to resist the urge to throw her out of the door, and his face was green and said: "Who told you that she met a zombie?"

"That said, things like zombies can be met but not sought. The kind of ancient corpses that are hundreds of years old can't be encountered casually, right?"

Chu Chu showed a sudden realization.

Tang Feng had a headache.

Can it be met?

Who has a brain disease and wants to meet zombies?

Chu Chu didn't care about Tang Feng's expression that it was already obvious that she wanted to lose her going out. Instead, he turned to Xu Qingling and asked in a concerned voice: "Lingling, what do you think? I see you just now, it seems Somewhat uncomfortable."

Xu Qingling didn't dare to move, she was still lying on her stomach. This speech was not very comfortable. She took a deep breath, and then said in a dull-sounding voice, "There is nothing uncomfortable, I I felt pretty good, but at the very beginning, there was a very cold feeling behind my back. The freezing made my bones a little bit cold, but it soon recovered. There was a stream of heat flowing down my spine, and now I feel extremely comfortable all over my body. ."

Chu Chu showed a smile on his face, nodded, and said: "I see some strange lines on your back, like an irregular chessboard. At first, the lines on it were all black, but now it's much lighter."

"Then, what is that?" There was a bit of curiosity in Xu Qingling's voice.

Tang Feng said faintly: "The poison in your body, the yin and yang needles enter the body to draw out the corpse poison, but under the suppression of these two sets of needles, the corpse poison cannot attack, and you can only walk according to the pulse formed by the needle. , I wash the poisonous gas in your body with aura, and then press them down, so that during your lifetime, you will not have another attack."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: Back to be a dad to read on mobile phone: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 852 Corpse Poison) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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