Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 853: The efficacy of yin and yang needles

The treatment given to Xu Qingling lasted for about an hour, and Tang Feng infused Xu Qingling's body with spiritual energy three times.

If his mana is restored, there is no need to use such troublesome methods, but at the moment, this is the only way.

When it was the last time, the lines on Xu Qingling's back had become so shallow that it was almost invisible.

When it was over, Tang Feng pulled out the needle from Xu Qingling's body.

As the needle was pulled out, those lines disappeared.

Chu Chu saw that the white layer on the male needle had disappeared, and the needle had returned to white again, but there was still a green light flashing on the male needle.

She couldn't help but curiously said: "Uncle, why does the male needle have recovered, but the male needle is still like this?"

Seeing her attitude at the moment, Tang Feng was extremely serious. She did not have the noisy appearance of an appropriate talent. He said with patience: "The two sets of needles will change color because they have absorbed the effects and poisons of the medicines. The medicine on the needle has the effect of detoxification and clearing the heart. It has no effect on the corpse poison when used alone. It can be extremely beneficial to her body when combined with these methods. The medicine has entered her body through acupuncture and moxibustion. The body has returned to its previous silver color."

Chu Chu suddenly realized that, nodded, and said: "The poison on the yin needles is only used for restraining when the needles are applied. You can't enter Lingling's body, so when you pull it out, it still looks like this, I Are you right, uncle?"

Tang Feng nodded and turned around, facing Xu Qingling with his back.

Chu Chu looked at Xu Qingling's back. After the needle was pulled out, it was as clean as ever. She could not see the traces of acupuncture. She widened her eyes, trying to find those lines, but she didn't see anything.

She helped Xu Qingling to get up, helped her pull up the dress, and asked with concern: "Lingling, what do you think?"

"In the body, there is an extremely refreshing feeling. I always felt heavy before, and I felt suffocated in my breathing, but at this moment, I feel refreshed, and there is no such thing as that feeling." Xu Qingling's voice was filled with joy, and she jumped. The movements of getting out of bed seemed a lot lighter.

Tang Feng still turned his back to these two people, put the Yin-Yang needle back, and said, "You will come here again tomorrow, and I will give you another treatment, so that all the corpse poison will be suppressed."

Xu Qingling nodded, but immediately realized that Tang Feng couldn't see it, and immediately said: "Yes, sir, I don't know when tomorrow will be convenient for you?"

"In the morning, I only have Kong Liangji as a patient. You can come over."

Tang Feng collected the needle and walked straight to the door.

Chu Chu glanced at the wooden box containing the Yin and Yang needles, and said curiously: "Uncle, how can the poison on the Yin and Yang needles be resolved?"

Tang Feng said without looking back, "I can't solve it."

As he spoke, he had already left the door, and Chu Chu and Xu Qingling followed closely behind him.

Chu Chu was still asking: "That yin needle can never be recovered? Isn't such an expensive thing no longer usable?"

"No matter what needle is used to absorb the medicine, it can only be used once. The older the older, the stronger the absorption capacity. But after contact with the human body, this effect is greatly reduced. After the yin and yang needles are used once, they become The ordinary silver needle is not just the irrecoverable female needle, even the male needle."

Tang Feng said these words, already sitting on the sofa.

Zhang Qingyu had been sitting here waiting, looking a little restless, and he was relieved when he saw Chu Chu and Xu Qingling come out.

He didn't worry about other things, the only thing he was afraid of was that Chu Chu would annoy Tang Feng.

If he knew it, Tang Feng had had countless thoughts in the short span of an hour, and wanted to throw Chu Chu out of the house, presumably he would not have been so relaxed.

The tea on the coffee table is hot.

Liu Ma just changed.

Tang Feng poured a glass and took a sip slowly.

For him now, washing the whole body of corpse poison with spiritual energy is a little bit difficult, and he needs to rest.

Standing next to Tang Feng, Xu Qingling respectfully bowed to him and said, "Mr. Tang, you don’t say thank you for your great kindness. You are a life-saving grace to me. I know it. Just say a word of thanks. Self is not enough. If you need me or our Xu family for anything, we must do our best and will not say anything."

Tang Feng said faintly: "You don't have to be so polite, I will help you because Yaoyao said, let me save you, I didn't give you anything in return."

Xu Qingling almost forgot about this matter. At this moment, when she recalled it, she remembered that it was indeed the little girl who had said something next to him, asking Tang Feng to save her, and Tang Feng agreed.

Her face is still full of gratitude, saying: "No matter what the reason is for my husband, he will save my life after all. I will definitely remember this kindness. If my husband does not report, I can't Not reported."

Tang Feng's complexion was still calm, and said, "You go back and rest first. I'll talk about these things when you get better."

Zhang Qingyu also nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, Chu Chu, you quickly take Lingling home and let her rest. After this serious illness has recovered, her body is still a little weak, so she should have a good life and recuperate, and then tell the kitchen. Make her something tonic."

Chu Chu pulled Xu Qingling, sat down on the sofa, and said, "Grandpa, why did I take Lingling back with me? Don't you leave?"

Zhang Qingyu patiently said, "I have something to discuss with Mr. Tang."

"Then you are discussing it. I'll wait for you. When you finish discussing, I still have some questions. I want to ask the uncle for advice." Chu Chu said, while pouring two cups of tea, one cup was handed to Xu Qingling, one cup by herself , Placed it on his lips and blew gently, without any intention to leave.

"You--" Zhang Qingyu began to luck.

"Let's go to the study and say." Tang Feng said lightly.

Shicai treated Xu Qingling, he had already consumed a lot of spiritual energy, and wanted to wait for Zhang Qingyu to leave before meditating to recover.

If it were normal, he would be happy to see Chu Chu being reprimanded, but now, he didn't want to waste too much time on Chu Chu.

After speaking, Tang Feng got up and walked towards the direction of the stairs.

Zhang Qingyu hurriedly followed, and when he left, he didn't forget to give Chu Chu a glance.

The two of them walked upstairs and heard Chu Chu whispering in a low voice, but it was obvious that they wanted to hear the voice: "Is there something, I have to say it secretly, you people who are older are really boring. Very!"Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: .htmlLongevity return to be a dad full text reading address: Longevity Return, Become a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 853 The Effect of Yin and Yang Needle) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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