Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 878: Invitation to Tang Feng

When the waiter closed the door and left again, Lin Mengjia smiled and said to Tang Feng: "Let's talk, come to me, what is it, I don't believe it, you just want to come to me for dinner."

The relationship between her and Tang Feng is far from being a lover's relationship, but a deeper relationship.

Although the two usually have a little romance and will go on a separate date, Lin Mengjia knows that Tang Feng will not drive over here at this time, just to make an appointment with her for a meal.

Especially, come to these places.

Tang Feng took a spoon and served Lin Mengjia a bowl of crab soup, and said with a smile: "I really am an old man and an old wife. Even if I ask you for a meal, I will suspect that there is a purpose, so I can't miss you. Came to you?"

Lin Mengjia took the bowl in her hand, and said with a smile while eating, "Okay, then you just told me not to doubt and don't tell me what it is."

Being enlisted by Lin Mengjia, Tang Feng was a little bit dumbfounded. He felt like he had lifted a rock and hit his own foot, but he couldn't speak anymore.

Lin Mengjia drank all the crab soup in the bowl, smiled and looked at Tang Feng's hesitant look, couldn't help but laugh, and gave him a piece of fish, and said: "What is the matter? Hurry up. Come on, I'm listening."

Tang Feng smiled and said: "It's really a small matter, but it doesn't matter. I just want to ask, can you talk to Kong Qinghua about the dinner tomorrow? Is she going to participate?"

Lin Mengjia stopped joking with Tang Feng, nodded, and said, "Naturally, she will become the most capable person in the Mengtang in the future. How can we not let her attend these occasions? Speaking of the dinner party. , I still have things to discuss with you."

When he spoke, he stretched out his hand and wanted to take his own bag.

"Your business, wait a moment," Tang Feng waved his hand and said, "Have you ever thought that this charity dinner is not in Binh Duong, nor is it in Jin Province, but is equivalent to the whole country and the whole world. Even if it is held in Binh Duong, people who come to participate can come from all over the world."

Lin Mengjia's hand stopped when Tang Feng was speaking, with a smile on her face. After listening to him, there was not the slightest panic in her expression, but a faint smile. Obviously she had considered it a long time ago. Up this problem.

"You mean, you are worried about people from the Kong family? Actually, before, I thought about Qinghua’s staying with me. I can only hide it for a while, not for a lifetime. She is the daughter of the Kong family, even if He was born to his ex-wife and can’t just go missing. No one will take care of it, right? By then, the Kong family can find out if only a little investigation is done. Qinghua is working in the Mengtang Group.

Tang Feng smiled and said, "You think well. I thought before that this matter can't be kept secret, and the Kong family will know it sooner or later."

"If we want to come, we are not afraid of being known by them. I just need to make sure that Qinghua does not leave Pingyang. Even if they see her, what can they do? Do you dare to **** someone in front of me?"

Seeing Lin Mengjia with a somewhat proud look on her face, she was quite confident when she spoke, Tang Feng couldn't help but nodded gently.

His little woman, in front of him, is infinitely gentle, showing the most delicate side, but when facing outsiders, she is still so cold and courageous. Anyone who wants to provoke her will not be easy. Let it go.

She was like this, which completely moved his heart.

After Lin Mengjia said, she turned to Tang Feng again: "It's the old man of the Confucian family. Going to attend the dinner in person?"

"Did you think about it?" Tang Feng smiled slightly.

Lin Mengjia nodded and said: "He is here now, and he is not in a hurry to leave. Obviously it is for this dinner. It is not difficult to guess that even if Ruan Kangde is not a big deal in China, it has a great influence internationally. Many people who want to develop overseas markets will have a good relationship with him. The Confucian family's business is spread all over the world, even if the focus is on the domestic market, it will not fail to give Ruan Kangde this face.

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia with a smile, nodded slightly, and said, "It's true, too. What Kong Liangji said is not different from what you think. However, Kong Shuchou will also participate. You didn't guess at this point. Come on?"

"Qinghua's father?" Lin Mengjia's face flashed a touch of astonishment, she did not expect this.

Tang Feng nodded and said: "When Kong Liangji came over today, he mentioned that he was planning to let Kong Shuchou attend the dinner for him, and this time he is in good health and can attend by himself, so he needs to bring it with him. Kong Shuchou together."

Lin Mengjia curled her lips and said disdainfully: "This kind of wolf-ambitious fellow, Old Man Kong values ​​him very much."

"For their family affairs, we don't praise it, what if he is really filial to Kong Liangji?"

Tang Feng smiled indifferently. Of course, he himself didn't believe in the possibility he said.

A person’s nature is the most difficult to change.

Through the things that Kong Shuchou did, Tang Feng was able to judge that he was cunning and cruel by nature. He could treat the person next to his pillow and his biological daughter so cruelly and ruthlessly. He treated other people even more so. For him, it was just Because Kong Liangji firmly held the power of the family in his hands, he would show respect to him.

When he got what he wanted from Kong Liangji's hands, at that time, he would probably show his true colors.

Lin Mengjia naturally could see that Tang Feng's words were insincere. He just didn't want to continue the topic, so he smiled and said, "It's okay for him to come. I told Qinghua in advance that she should be mentally prepared. ."

Tang Feng nodded, "Um", and then said: "Just now you said you want to discuss with me. What is it?"

Lin Mengjia was picking up vegetables. After hearing Tang Feng's words, she put down her chopsticks and looked at him, with a smile on her face, and said, "Guess, what did I get?"

Tang Feng laughed dumbly and said, "Do you really think that I am a god, knowing everything? Or can I pinch it? How did I guess, what did you receive?"

Lin Mengjia still smiled and said, "Invitation."

Tang Feng's smile was a bit helpless.

Attending a banquet and receiving an invitation, what's so strange about it? Lin Mengjia mentioned earlier that if you want to attend this dinner, you must have received this invitation a long time ago, so why did you mention it specifically?

Seeing Tang Feng's expression, Lin Mengjia continued: "This invitation is not for me."

Seeing her like this, Tang Feng suddenly realized, smiling at her, "Is it for me?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: address of the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: txt download address of Longevity Homecoming as a Dad: return to be a dad to read on mobile phone: convenience Next time you read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 878 Invitation to Tang Feng), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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