Looking at Lin Mengjia's smile, Tang Feng had expected that this invitation must be related to him.

Lin Mengjia nodded, reached for her handbag, took out a red hot stamped envelope from it, and handed it to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng took it in his hand. The envelope was made very sophisticated and has a Chinese style. The characters on it are all brushes, and the handwriting is powerful and self-contained. It can be seen that it was written by someone with a good calligraphy skills.

A few clear characters: Send to Mr. Tang Feng to personally enlighten you.

Tang Feng smiled and said, "Since it was for me, why didn't you send it to me personally, but it fell into your hands?"

Lin Mengjia put her cheek in her hand and smiled: "Do you know who sent this to our company?"

"Could it be Ruan Kangde?" Tang Feng's tone, with a bit of joke, opened the envelope of the invitation while talking.

Lin Mengjia said, "It's not him, but it's almost the same. It's the chairman of his foundation."

"Oh?" Tang Feng raised his eyebrows.

Shicai said it was Ruan Kangde, he was just joking.

Now that the people of Ruan Kangde have not yet arrived in Binh Duong, it is naturally impossible to make a special trip to the Mengtang Group to send Lin Mengjia an invitation.

However, the identity of the chairman of the foundation is also significant.

Lin Mengjia went on to explain: "It was this morning, when I just arrived at the company, a business friend came to me with the chairman and asked me to give you this invitation."

Tang Feng has taken out the invitation card, which is still written in brush, in neat and pretty teeny lower letters, and invites him to the charity dinner tomorrow.

Lin Mengjia glanced at it and said in her mouth: "Really, the chairman personally sent it. The treatment is different. What we receive is all printed. You still handwritten it."

When she received the invitation card before, she saw that it was written by Tang Feng, so she put it away and did not move, but what she expected was the same as the invitation card she had received. After all, the envelope was The above is no different.

Now that she saw Tang Feng open, she saw the difference inside.

Tang Feng just glanced, then put it back in the envelope and put it aside.

Lin Mengjia went on to say: "However, I also find it strange. Although you live in Pingyang, it is not difficult to know where you are. Why did they send the invitation to me?"

Tang Feng raised the corner of his lips slightly and said, "They know the relationship between you and me."

Lin Mengjia gave Tang Feng a white look and said, "Who else doesn't know now?"

"I didn't mean that," Tang Feng slowly shook his head and said, "They want to tell me that they know you are my woman and Yaoyao is our daughter."

"You mean," Lin Mengjia's body stiffened slightly, and the expression on her face became serious, "They are threatening you?"

Seeing Lin Mengjia's sudden nervousness, Tang Feng smiled and said: "This can be regarded as a threat. At least, in my eyes, it does not constitute any threat."

Lin Mengjia's expression still couldn't relax, she unconsciously looked at the invitation card, only to feel the red color, which was unusually dazzling.

After a long while, she had a worried look on her face, and said, "Will you go to participate?"

"Since they have delivered it in person and are so sincere, how can I save face?" Tang Feng had a smile on his face, and he didn't care at all.

Lin Mengjia was still nervous and vigilant, and said with a stern voice: "I think you are normal, but you don't easily give others face. What is it for? Just say it directly."

Tang Feng looked at the shrewd little woman in front of him, and said with a smile: "Can't you think of it?"

"Do you want to see what Ruan Kangde's purpose is?" The corners of Lin Mengjia's mouth moved lightly, and the worry on her face had become more intense.

Tang Feng nodded.

Lin Mengjia wanted to eat more dishes, but at this moment, she lost her appetite and frowned slightly, "Tang Feng, after all, the other party is from the Profound Clan. If we can avoid conflict, we still--"

She did not continue to speak, but looked at Tang Feng with an inquiring gaze.

Tang Feng smiled and picked her up a piece of chicken, and said, "You try this white-cut chicken, it tastes pretty good."

Lin Mengjia watched Tang Feng put the chicken in her plate, but she still had no appetite, but she still looked at him and said: "They are in the dark, we are in the light, and we are afraid that we will be caught off guard. ."

Seeing her worried look, Tang Feng couldn't help smiling: "Don't think about it, I have my own sense of how to do it."

Lin Mengjia said with a serious face: "Tang Feng, our family, now we are together, this happiness is hard-won, and I don't want to lose it."

Tang Feng stretched out his hand, squeezed Lin Mengjia’s cheek, and said, “Don’t be so worried. I know how to get this happiness now. I know better than you, and I cherish it more than you, no matter what happens. I will not take our family as a bet on anything."

Lin Mengjia's eyebrows relaxed a little, but she still said uneasy: "In that case, you already have a perfect solution?"

Tang Feng nodded.

He did not tell Lin Mengjia that her worries at the moment were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Although his soul has not recovered now, on this earth, he does not think that someone will become his opponent.

If he really wants it, he can turn all his opponents into dust and mud immediately before, or make a country disappear on this earth in a flash.

Profound Gate, perhaps in the eyes of others, is a mysterious and powerful organization, but in his eyes, those who dare to commit crimes will all end in the same way.

It is precisely because he cherishes this hard-won happiness and does not want to destroy everything that is nearly perfect now, that he put down his previous identity, put down his domineering style, and is willing to live an ordinary life in such a small place. .

When he repaired the primordial spirit, and then helped Lin Mengjia and the little girl step into the gate of practice, and achieved a certain level, enough for him to ascend, they would leave this place and go to the vast stars to redevelop that belonged to him. world.

Today, Tang Feng cares most about this home, of course.

It is impossible for him to put his family in danger.

Even if he is really opposed to Xuanmen, he can ensure that his family must be safe.

Looking at Tang Feng's gentle and firm gaze, Lin Mengjia finally showed a smile on her face, and said softly: "Tang Feng, I believe you."

Tang Feng nodded and said, "You don't think about these things at all. You just have to dress up and go to the dinner party." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: https://www.readwn.com/book/103189.htmlReturn of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: https://www.readwn.com/read/103189/The txt download address of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: https://www.readwn.com/down/103189.htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/103189/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 879 Threat) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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