Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 897: Acupuncture

Aying grabbed Lin Mengjia's hand and asked repeatedly: "Really? President Lin, you didn't lie to me? Am I really saved? Will I not be eaten by that bug?"

The makeup artist also had a smile on his face, saying: "This Mr. Tang, but the famous Pingyang genius doctor, what kind of disease he has in his hands, is a wonderful rejuvenation. The original Hu Yueer was not more serious than you. Too much? At that time, the hospital said that she must die, even if she was rescued, she was still a vegetative person, but when Mr. Tang took action, she is not alive and kicking now?"

Aying naturally knew Tang Feng's abilities, and she also believed that Tang Feng could save her, so she kept asking Lin Mengjia like this, but she was too excited.

Lin Mengjia comforted Ah Ying, turned her head, smiled and said to Tang Feng: "What do you need this time? Do you have to prepare some herbs or special tools? Just say, if there is no way for Aying If I get it, I will help her find it."

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "It's just taking out a few gu worms. Why is it so troublesome? A silver needle is enough."

After hearing Tang Feng's understatement, Lin Mengjia was both good and funny.

Just now, she was also worried about Ah Ying.

Although she is not very familiar with Aying, this little girl has followed a makeup artist and served her several times. She has a good personality, cheerful and lively, likes to tell jokes, Lin Mengjia has a good impression of her.

When Lin Mengjia heard that Aying was so young, she would be threatened with this kind of life, and she was still so terrible, she felt very uncomfortable, and now that Tang Feng did not put this worm in her eyes at all, she really wanted to Step forward, hit him hard a few times.

"Then, do you want to choose a good day to do it?" Lin Mengjia asked Tang Feng again.

Tang Feng laughed and said, "I have never heard that I have to choose a date for treatment."

"That's because you are ignorant," Lin Mengjia felt much better because Tang Feng was able to take out the gu worms from Aying's body, and she was also interested in joking, "I see many masters who have to choose for treatment. According to the hour, it is said that what time is compared to what five elements, and which organs these five elements are compared to. When the time is selected, the treatment is done by hand."

Listening to her serious nonsense, Tang Feng showed helplessness on her face, shook her head, and said, "It seems that my method is not as good as those masters. There is no need to wait for a long time. Qiansi will be wound around and taken out."

A Ying's face was still with tears, she was already smiling, she hurriedly said: "Mr. Tang, what do I need to do?"

"Just lie down, you don't need to do anything else." Tang Feng nodded to her and said, "Downstairs, I have a treatment room. You can go with me. If you don't want to go, lie here. It’s okay on my sofa."

A Ying showed a hesitant look on her face, looked towards the sofa on one side, and said timidly: "Mr. Tang, I am a little scared, I want to be treated here, with everyone by my side, so I can feel calmer in my heart."

Tang Feng didn't mind, nodded, and said to Shangguan who was standing aside: "Go and get a container, preferably glass, sealed."

Shangguan responded and went out to fetch it immediately.

Tang Feng said to Aying, "Lie down and expose your wrists, ankles, and neck."

Aying lay down according to his words with a nervous look on her face. The makeup artist and another assistant stepped forward to help her raise her cuffs and trouser legs.

The red mark on her fair skin is particularly eye-catching.

Everyone's eyes fell on Tang Feng's body.

Those who followed the makeup artist thought that the doctors like Tang Feng's treatment must be kept secret, and it is impossible to treat the disease in full view.

But to their surprise, Tang Feng didn't care about the presence of other people at all, so he took out a silver needle in his hand.

Upon seeing this, Kong Qinghua showed a look of surprise, and said: "Are you still carrying a needle?"

Naturally, Tang Feng did not carry the needle with him, but took it out of the space of Sumeru mustard.

However, he couldn't explain this to Kong Qinghua, he just said indifferently: "This is a tool for practicing medicine, so naturally you need to carry it with you."

"But—" Kong Qinghua showed hesitation and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

She always felt that Tang Feng was not the kind of ancient healer in the traditional sense. However, although she had doubts in her heart, it was obviously not a good time to ask questions.

Aying was lying on the sofa with an expression of tension and fear on her face.

The makeup artist squatted beside her, took one of her hands, and comforted her softly all the time.

The makeup artist is a few years older than these little assistants, and has always taken them with them, treating them as their own sisters, and they are quite concerned about work and life.

After two or three minutes, she came back in a hurry, holding a glass sugar bowl in her hand, and said, "Mum Liu said that there is only this glass at home, and it can be sealed."

The corners of Tang Feng's mouth twitched, but he nodded, and said, "Yes."

In his mind, he was thinking that some of these containers should be built so as not to be handy when needed.

Gu worms are easy to escape if they are placed in other containers. The ones that can be closed are glass, ceramics, and jade. Although Tang Feng has a jade-carved container, they use it The person who came to load the pill, he naturally wouldn't waste it on this Gu worm.

Tang Feng did not shy away from the others present, he poured aura into the silver needle.

This is just an ordinary silver needle used in acupuncture. After the spiritual energy entered, it flashed with a faint light.

This kind of light is naturally invisible in the eyes of these ordinary people.

These people present are only Lin Mengjia and Shangguan, who can feel some spiritual fluctuations a little.

Tang Feng arrived in front of the sofa, bent down slightly, took one of Aying's hand, and said, "Don't be afraid, you will only feel a slight pain, just like a normal injection."

Aying's face is still pale, but her face is unusually firm and nodded.

She naturally didn't dare to see how Tang Feng did it, closed her eyes, and turned her head away.

Seeing her like this, the makeup artist also became nervous and stretched out a hand to block her eyes.

Tang Feng only smiled when he saw this.

Then, the silver needle in his hand was pierced toward the red on Aying's wrist. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 897 Line Needle Retrieving Gu), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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