Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 898: Living thing

All the people present had different expressions.

The two little assistants closed their eyes and dared not look.

Although the needle was not pierced into her body, young girls were born afraid of needles, so they didn't have the courage to just watch the needle stick into Ah Ying's arm.

The other two makeup artists were both men, and their expressions were a little calmer. In their opinion, they were nothing more than acupuncture and did not make too many associations.

But soon, they will realize their mistakes.

Although Lin Mengjia looked at her, her face was a little pale, Kong Qinghua even covered her mouth with her hand, looking astonished.

Lin Mengjia had seen Tang Feng's treatment, but Kong Qinghua had seen it for the first time, and it was just such a big scene, and I don't know if it was a lucky thing.

Among all the people, the most calm is Shangguan.

Holding the sugar jar in her hand, she stood behind Tang Feng, staring intently.

You can watch Tang Feng's acupuncture with your own eyes. For others, it may be just watching the excitement, but for Shangguan, it is a golden opportunity, so she naturally doesn't want to miss any details.

The moment Tang Feng's needle pierced into Ah Ying's skin, she let out a low exclamation, but it was only a small cry.

As Tang Feng said, she didn't feel much pain, she was just nervous.

However, the other people who watched Tang Feng's actions unanimously uttered a low cry that was even more shocking than her.

This sound made Aying even more nervous, and hurriedly said: "What's the matter?"

She didn't feel anything at all, but when she heard the voices of everyone, she felt a tightness in her heart.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid." The makeup artist repeatedly comforted.

However, her voice trembled, not only did not provide any comfort at all, on the contrary, it made Aying's expression more tense, and her body couldn't help trembling. She cried and said, "Is something wrong?" "

When he said something, he wanted to turn his head to look, but he didn't dare, so he could only shake slightly while looking forward to getting answers from others.

However, the others had no intention of answering this question anymore, instead they all stared at her wrist.

"It went well, don't move." Tang Feng said solemnly.

Others’ answers, Ah Ying might not be completely convinced, but hearing Tang Feng’s voice undoubtedly gave her a reassurance, plus she didn’t feel anything on her wrists, and she gradually relaxed, her body trembling. , Gradually eased down, but the tension in her heart was still not completely calmed down, there was a string that was always tense.

At this moment, everyone's eyes seemed to be stuck, staring closely at Tang Feng's movements. Even the girls who had not dared to see before stared at them from their fingers.

It's not that they feel more secure to watch this way, but the shock at the moment makes them forget to even put their hands down.

The moment the silver needle in Tang Feng's hand touched Aying's wrist, everyone clearly saw that the line that looked like a red line painted on it suddenly moved.

This picture is very strange.

Before everyone saw it, the red mark was really like a line drawn on Ah Ying's wrist. It was flat, and it felt the same to the touch of the skin.

But the moment the silver needle was pierced, it came alive.

And, full of vitality, writhing extremely violently.

But no matter how it moves, it is still tightly attached to the skin of Ah Ying's wrist, still winding like a red line, like a stabbed snake, twisting its body, seeming to want to face the skin. Go deeper.

This kind of situation, amidst the treacherousness, is a bit disgusting.

After the make-up artist and the hair stylist exclaimed, they didn't even dare to show up, so they just stared at them.

Kong Qinghua's mouth was wide open and she was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe what she saw.

Even from some novels, she had read stories about Gu worms, but she never thought that she would see such a scene with her own eyes.

Lin Mengjia clasped her hands tightly together, holding her breath, her expression nervous, for fear of any accident.

She worries faintly in her heart, fearing that this seemingly thin and fragile "red line" will be broken in such a fierce struggle.

Although Shangguan was also shocked, she was still the one who controlled her emotions best among these people. She did not show too much. She just frowned slightly and looked at her with nice eyes. However, she was holding the sugar bowl with her hand and pointed. The knot is already a little pale.

Tang Feng's expression was as calm as ever.

Although this Gu worm is not difficult to deal with, it is a living thing after all. If it is not handled properly, it will penetrate into the human body, and it may immediately decompose and turn into countless powders to flow into the blood. In this way, unless it is the whole body The blood has been changed, otherwise there is no way to get rid of it.

When Tang Feng was lowering the needle, the hand holding Ah Ying’s arm had already infused a spirit energy into her body. This spirit energy formed a barrier around the Gu worm on her wrist, protecting the Gu worm Get stuck in it so as not to escape.

Then, the silver needle infused with spiritual power pierced the Gu worm's head.

This Gu worm, which was called a thousand threads, looked like a red thread, connected end to end, without any strangeness in the slightest, and only Tang Feng could tell where its head was.

When the needle pierced the head of the Gu worm, it immediately struggled, and the first time it was to escape into Ah Ying’s blood vessel, but the barrier blocked its escape, and the silver needle was firmly secured. Pin it, unable to break free.

This Gu worm was twisted on Aying's wrist. With the twist, her body seemed to lengthen a lot.

Aying is a relatively thin girl, her wrist is only a dozen centimeters long, but at this moment, the length of the gu worm has already circled her wrist twice, relying on this length. , At least it has exceeded thirty centimeters.

The same thing as these two circles of red thread wrapped around her wrist, twisting and wandering, looking terrible.

Not only was it terrible, but it also made the previous nausea feel even more intense.

There was already a little girl who covered her mouth and pressed her tightly, for fear that she would scream or vomit, which would make Aying hear it and make her even more frightened.

However, fortunately, Ah Ying is no different.

As the client, she is actually the quietest at the moment.

Her eyes were blocked by the makeup artist, and she was closed tightly. She didn't seem to feel anything at all, just as a little nervous. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 898 Living Things) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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