Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 935: The Painting of Soul Sealing

"Beauty bones?" Shen Lao and Chen Jianfei repeated in unison.

Two people stared at each other with big eyes.

It's not that they didn't hear Tang Feng's words clearly, but they couldn't imagine what these three words meant.

They know the beauty, and the bone knows it. Could this beauty bone be the bone of a beauty?

Reminiscent of the brown mummy mentioned by Tang Feng just now, the eyes of the two of them stared wider.

Such things are completely unheard of for them, and as long as they think about it, they feel that it is impossible.

Seeing how the two of them looked like this, Tang Feng poured a cup of tea calmly. While holding it up and drinking slowly, he said in a slow voice: "Beauty bones, as the name suggests, are powdered from the bones of beautiful women, and the pigments made are exactly the same as mummy brown."

Listening to Tang Feng's gentle explanation, the two audiences in front of them were quite calm.

"Mr. Tang, are you kidding me? I have never heard of this method of making paint." Chen Jianfei said with a worried expression, a little uncertain.

The bones were ground into powder and made into paint, and they were still the bones of beautiful women. This made Chen Jianfei not believe it, what if it were the bones of men? What if it’s from the bones of an ugly woman? They are all bones, is there any difference?

Old Shen's eyes were also filled with suspicion. He hesitated towards Tang Feng, pondered the sentence, and said: "This thing Mr. Tang said is really incredible. The paint of this Chinese painting is not as good as that of Western oil paintings. I will not pursue the fullness and beauty of the color, but the calm and heavy. As far as I know, the pigments used are mostly extracted from some minerals."

It can be seen that Shen Lao understands these things better than Chen Jianfei.

This is not surprising, Chen Jianfei is a martial artist, and usually all his mind is above practice, and he has no time and mind to care about such elegant things.

Tang Feng nodded with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing Tang Feng’s approval, Shen Lao continued: "Mr. Tang, I am not suspecting that the bones of this person can be used as pigments, but the ingredients in the bones are far from the ore. I personally feel that the paint made by this is not suitable for Chinese painting."

When Chen Jianfei listened to Mr. Shen's words, he immediately felt reasonable, nodded involuntarily, and looked at Tang Feng again.

Tang Feng looked at Shen Lao with a smile, and said faintly: "Whether it is my Chinese paintings or Western oil paintings, in the final analysis, they are all made with colors. The colors are all attached to rice paper or canvas. The same, as for this gorgeous or calm color, doesn't it all depend on the painter's mastery? Why does Shen Lao believe that oil paintings can use mummies as pigments, but traditional Chinese paintings are not?"

Old Shen stopped talking.

What he just said was nothing but his own thoughts and had no basis. To be refuted by Tang Feng like this, there was nothing to say.

Chen Jianfei still didn't believe it in his eyes. He subconsciously looked at the wooden box, and saw that Mr. Shen was silent, and then tentatively said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, I don't know something, but I hope Mr. can solve the puzzle."

Tang Feng nodded.

Chen Jianfei looked curiously, and said, "This mummy is brown. What color will human bones be?"

Tang Feng smiled and said, "Black."

"Black?" Chen Jianfei opened his mouth slightly, and the suspicion on his face became a little deeper. "Use human bones to make black? Isn't it necessary? Huaxia country has a long history, and this Chinese painting has a long history. It was where Tang Yin was located. In the ages, the ink used has been quite mature, why is it necessary to draw black with human bones?"

If Tang Feng was talking about other colors, Chen Jianfei was still half-believing, but if it was black, he felt very unbelievable.

Black is ink. Such colors are not uncommon. Why is it necessary to adopt such terrible methods?

Without waiting for Tang Feng’s answer, Chen Jianfei went on to say: "I am a nation of etiquette. From ancient times to the present, this etiquette is the most important thing. If it is not for special things, how can it be casual? Destroy other people’s corpses? If the ink needed for this Chinese painting requires human bones to be ground into powder, it can be considered appalling, and it will definitely be recorded in history. Just like this mummy brown, there are traces to follow, but Why have I never heard of beauty bones before?"

Listening to Chen Jianfei's talk and asking questions continuously, Tang Feng had a faint smile on his face. At first, he was still smiling very well, but when he heard the last sentence, Tang Feng almost didn't want to answer this kind of question. , It's just that he still glanced at Chen Jianfei with that smile.

Although he didn't know the identity of the old Shen, he was Chen Jianfei's immediate boss, and he couldn't be wrong after all. Tang Feng saved Chen Jianfei's face in front of him, so he didn't directly say that there are many things you haven't heard of.

When Chen Jianfei said his last sentence, he also realized this. Faced with Tang Feng's smile, he immediately closed his mouth, a slight embarrassment in his eyes.

Old Shen didn't care about Chen Jianfei's expression. He pondered for a long while, looked at Tang Feng, and slowly said, "If Mr. Tang said that, is this beautiful human bone also a more common color? And he often uses it. In Chinese painting?"

By listening to this meaning in his words, he had already believed what Tang Feng had said.

Tang Feng smiled faintly. He didn't appear to be proud of Shen Lao's belief, but still said flatly: "If it is extremely common, there is no reason why the two of them don't know."

"This—" Old Shen didn't know how to say it for a while, but the puzzled expression on his face became more serious.

Chen Jianfei endured it, but still didn't hold it back, and said, "Mr. Tang, what is going on?"

"Although the beauty bones are black, they are not a means to make ink, but a secret technique." Tang Feng's voice was not high, very slow.

His expression is in sharp contrast with the enthusiastic scene of fundraising on the spot.

After the three people, everyone seemed very excited and kept reporting higher numbers, which was even more exciting than the auction just now.

But Mr. Shen turned a deaf ear to those sounds, just looked at Tang Feng fixedly, and said, "I hope Mr. Tang can make it clear."

Tang Feng put down the cup in his hand, looked at Mr. Shen, and said with a smile: "If I said, the soul is sealed in this painting, can you believe it?"The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: Return, Become a Dad txt download address: returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 935 Sealing Soul Painting), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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