Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 936: coincidence

Old Shen was startled.

Even when he arrived before, I heard Chen Jianfei talk about Tang Feng’s extraordinary qualities and his extraordinary medical skills, but I never heard him say that there is soul in a painting, which is still beyond his ability. Acceptable range.

However, fortunately, he usually comes into contact with some very unusual characters in his work and life, and his ability to accept this unusual thing is still very strong.

After a brief astonishment, Shen Lao immediately returned to normal, nodded, and said: "There are no strange things in this world. According to Mr. Tang's prestige, naturally he will not make up such things to entertain us, Mr. Tang. Now that I say so, I believe it."

Seeing him like this, Tang Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked at Chen Jianfei, who was also frowning next to him, and said, "I wanted to find you some time ago. You have not been in Pingyang. Now that you have returned, it would be better to go tomorrow. Sit in my house."

Chen Jianfei did not expect Tang Summit to invite him suddenly, and his expression was a bit wrong.

But when he remembered, Mr. Shen proposed to go to Tang Feng Mansion to sit down, and Tang Feng accepted it.

Tang Feng's meaning, naturally, he will go with Shen Lao by then.

Chen Jianfei nodded hurriedly and said, "If Mr. I don't mind, I will definitely go."

Tang Feng smiled slightly, he turned his head slightly towards the table next to him, and met Lin Mengjia's surprised gaze.

He knew that Lin Mengjia could hear what he said here.

It was precisely because of this that he would say this to Old Shen and them.

He didn't tell them to listen, but to understand Lin Mengjia's doubts.

After all, Lin Mengjia was already puzzled when he was just bidding.

Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng, her eyebrows and eyes were full of shock. Seeing Tang Feng also looking at her, her eyes were even more undisguised.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded to her, his lips moved slightly, and he spoke two words to Lin Mengjia with his mouth.

If he hadn't consumed too much aura before and hadn't fully recovered, he could use direct sound transmission to talk to Lin Mengjia without having to be so troublesome.

Lin Mengjia saw the two words Tang Feng said, her eyes widened.

What Tang Feng said was Gu technique.

Lin Mengjia is certainly no stranger to this.

Even today, she had close contact with the people of Zhonggu, and she also watched Tang Feng take out five strange and disgusting Gu worms Qiansi from Aying's body. Thinking about it now, she has Kind of nausea.

Chu Chu saw that Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng and looked a little wrong, and turned his head to look at him, but saw him sitting there as usual with a calm expression, and curiously said, "Sister Mengjia, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Mengjia hurriedly withdrew her gaze, suppressed the doubts in her heart, and smiled: "I think the three of them seem to be talking very happily, but they are curious. Who is this old Shen? It seems that everyone respects him. "

"Mother, I heard my grandfather say that Shen is always a big man from Yanjing. In normal times, even he has no chance to see him." Zhou Wan's voice sounded, not high, with a serious expression.

Zhou Wan, this little girl, is usually very lively at home, but on these occasions, she is very disciplined. She has been quietly listening to Lin Mengjia and others' speeches without interrupting.

Now I heard Lin Mengjia ask about what she knew, and then answered. After finishing the answer, she closed her mouth again and sat quietly.

Didn't even have a chance to see Zhou Zhengyang?

Lin Mengjia took a breath.

She had already thought that Mr. Shen had a big background, but she didn't expect it to be so big.

Chu Chu also whispered: "I don't know who Elder Shen is, but when Grandpa mentioned him, even his expression became different, and it seemed that even Grandpa Kong looked extremely respectful in front of him."

The two daughters of the Zhou family and the Zhang family have spoken this way, making Lin Mengjia more curious about the identity of Elder Shen.

She said to Chu Chu, "Chu Chu, your grandfather, but you know his identity? Didn't you mention it?"

Chu Chu frowned and thought for a while, and Fang shook his head, and said, "Grandpa didn't mention it, but when I saw him like that, I seemed to know, and I didn't seem to know completely. When he was talking with Grandpa Zheng and Grandpa Sun, It's all vague. I didn't have any interest in it, and I didn't listen to it seriously at the time."

"He is neither a sect nor a big family, so he must be an official person." Shangguan raised his eyebrows lightly, and she always didn't like dealing with official people.

Everyone also thought of this.

It's just that in the government, there are many positions, and the people who come from above are of different levels. What level does this old man belong to?

Ji Ning nodded and said, "This is almost certain, but the official figures, with names and surnames, are all traceable, but I seem to have never heard of this person."

Shangguan's eyes swept past Shen Lao without a trace, and said: "There will be some secret institutions in the government, and the responsible personnel of these departments are not known to ordinary people."

Chu Chu said "Oh" and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

Shangguan didn't wait for her to speak, and immediately continued: "However, no matter what you do, you probably won't be studying aliens."

When she said this, she immediately blocked what Chu Chu wanted to say.

Chu Chu pouted and muttered, "Why not? Maybe it has something to do with this. Otherwise, why is it so mysterious?"

Shangguan stopped paying attention to her, but turned to Lin Mengjia and said, "Yanjing has always been a place that you and I have avoided. Recently, many people have come from there, and I don't know what the reason is."

"About, it's a coincidence."

Speaking of the word "coincidence", Lin Mengjia couldn't help but move his mind slightly.

In the past few days, some of the things that happened and heard were all related to Gu technique, and the painting Ruan Kangde took out now also involved Gu technique.

Are these also coincidences?

Like Tang Feng, Lin Mengjia didn't quite believe that there were so many coincidences in this world.

But then I think about it again. What happened to Xu Qingling’s parents happened more than 20 years ago, and what happened in Linji County more than 30 years ago, and Tang Yin’s horizontal axis of landscapes happened several centuries ago. , It is impossible to be deliberately arranged.

"Coincidence? Coincidence."

Lin Mengjia murmured and repeated these two words, her expression a bit complicated.

Chu Chu said puzzledly: "Sister Mengjia, what's wrong?"

Lin Mengjia shook her head, smiled at her, and said, "It's nothing. I just think that the recent events are indeed too many coincidences. It seems a little unreal."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 936 coincidence) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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